@david @joreg Thanks!! great to have feedback. Made another one today with vertexnoise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AG-qQqWjjI
@takuma wonderful, please keep them coming!
@takuma super! Thank you!
Made a tutorial how to import 3D animated characters into vvvv Might continue creating tuto with small tips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9crEC-ItG9I&list=PLK3HDkvkLePS9UKCVw1o_eb09Ocws6Wcr
@vasilis @Patxi7 thanks for your interest! we'll be adding more dates. keeping nr of participants low for the first test..
Please, re-open the webinar!
@david it's sold out man!!
Hello to the livingrooms worldwide. Who wants to get to know vvvv gamma? check in for our hands on webinar.. introduction-webinars-to-vvvv-(gamma)
vvvv gamma 2020.1 preview is out: vvvv-gamma-2020.1-preview If all goes well, this is the final preview before the release in a few weeks!
spreaded audioreactive folding-fractal(with a bit spying at shadertoy.com -"once I was a mandelbox" :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4ZvFHKHD4M
I suspect a lot of have GPUs that are more or less dormant these days, how about letting them fold proteins: https://twitter.com/NVIDIAGeForce/status/1238496311776653312?s=19
Whoever decided NODE would happen in autumn rather than spring is a magic fortune teller. Thank you!
@lasal, clean awesome work, looks nice and responsive on mobile.
On short notice: I'm afraid we have to cancel this thursdays patching circle. Save the date for next meetup: March 24!
NODE20 is calling for workshops, lectures and presentations.. node20-call-for-workshops-lectures-and-presentations
Astonish Immersive Experience @ Festung Dresden festung-dresden
there is a new gamma preview: vvvv-gamma-2019.2-preview have fun patching!
i <3 vvvv
Last days to apply: https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/creativvvve-coder-in-residence-2020/18283 #vvvv #visualprogramming #creativecoding #xenko #dotnet #berlin #internship #residency
We have a free desk in our shared studio in Berlin-Neukölln: https://www.facebook.com/benjamin.hohnheiser/posts/10157081300327993
@ceeyaa Thank you! i miss the time to make lamps too
@lasal "fleißig, fleißig" NIZE DECADE I'm still a big fan of "Hexagrama" next year 10year anniversary and I'm missing some lamps
nzo.nzo you could try this https://github.com/vvvv/VL.Devices.WinTab
it is hard to smell what exactly you're doing. please start a forum thread and be more specific about the nodes/drivers you tried...
How use Device Wintab 1.4 on a pro 3 surface. I tried with beta 39, 33.7 & 32.1 with the MS Stylus and a Wacom. No output value.
@nzo.nzo what seems to be the problem?
Still no solution for wintab support?
Reminder for Parisians: vvvv meetup this Sunday: vvvv-meetup-in-paris Worskhops Tuesday and Thursday: vvvv-gamma-workshops-in-paris Looking Fwd!
A bit of self promotion, My new site is online https://www.aristidesgarcia.de/
"Mandelbox sweeper" result of Tuesday live shader coding session on Twitch. Raymarching distance field bullshit https://www.shadertoy.com/view/3lyXDm
and thanks for the pointer re offline installer: links are now fixed.
@herbst re install path please see this discussion: https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/installer-doesnt-ask-for-path/18234
Also, offline installer links greet me with a TeamCity login request. ("guest login" works, but that was just a lucky guess)
Why does the current installer neither let me choose nor tell me where vvvv gets installed to?
The EDSDK (DX11) doesn't seem to work with the newe r Canon EOS 2000D. The same patch works with the older EOS 1200D Any Ideas?
Any one knows of solutions for large touch surfaces (fingers)? 5 meters or so ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkzfYQCLrCE thanks for the insights, impressive stuff @mediadog yes, it is a very nice CAVE
@CeeYaa Why I'm learning Unreal, now if I could just afford wrap-around LED walls! Can do in vvvv too, it's just a CAVE
@tonfilm any hint on how to generate Mel-Frequency images out of audio for mel-GAN in v4
@mediadog we're aware of this, see: https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/visual-c-2008-this-download-is-no-longer-available/17895 and i now also fixed the resp. links on the download page.
FYI VC redist 2008 links bad in 38.1 installer and on web page
Reminder: Intro workshop to the all-new vvvv this Tuesday before the #vvvv meetup in #berlin. Signup here: https://nodeforum.org/announcements/2020-series-of-2h-introduction-workshops-to-vvvv-gamma/
https://youtu.be/gUnxzVOs3rk GreenScreenSucks
Creative coder wanted: https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/creativvvve-coder-in-residence-2020/18283 vvvv visualprogramming #creativecoding #xenko #dotnet #berlin #internship #residency
Collection of replicable research: http://www.replicabilitystamp.org/
Crestron opensourced, C#: https://github.com/pepperdash/essentials
@ravazquez always trying to diversivvvvy...
I did not know you were making plates as well: http://www.clairewan.com/
"Pounding Aldebaran" raymarching shader live coded on Twitch. https://www.shadertoy.com/view/tt3SWB
Call for artist: VR Residency France/Taiwan https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/call-for-artist-vr-residency-france-taiwan/18254
Tomorrow Thrs, Feb 12: #vvvv Patching Circle: We're there to help! https://gettogether.community/events/3965/vvvv-berlin-patching-circle-5/ No excuses, it's free and there are drinks!
"The reaper's gallows" shader live coded on twitch. Abrasive comments back by popular demand. https://www.shadertoy.com/view/ttcSD4
new music vvvvideo exploring the idea of 'architecture as frozen music': https://vimeo.com/389074756
Hey everyone! Calling for artworks and live performances: https://forms.gle/cjthMT2t9nyF49nL8
Reminder: #vvvv meetup in #berlin tomorrow, Tuesday 28: 16-berlin-vvvv-meetup
Google internship, mentions vvvv so you better go apply young vvvvlers https://careers.google.com/jobs/results/87669278330757830-hardware-interaction-design-intern-summer-2020/
Know someone who should learn #vvvv? Send them to one of our intro workshops in #Berlin https://nodeforum.org/announcements/2020-series-of-2h-introduction-workshops-to-vvvv-gamma/ #creativecoding
@sunep:had an idea how to restore midi-data by one lick and bring the sliders in original position.patch in forum."restore midi.."
HAP user survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9TWN88Y
@udo2013 make a forum post about and I can share my subpatch
@udo2013 I have myself dealt with that problem by using LTP (Value) in pickup mode
finally! ;) vvvvvv is now open source
https://youtu.be/eENkfXOgrQw Nvidia VRSS
@soundreactor: yes
is 50beta.. supposed to be working in windows 7 ?
New update on the #vl #xenko node library! vl-xenko-3d-engine-update-3 vvvv #3d #visualprogramming #creativecoding #gamedev #dotnet
@sunep ..as far as further processing is concerned:mistake in thinking! the midi-controler nevertheless start at 0. :) thanks
@sunep thanks for answering.in the meantime had the idea writing all 8midicontroller with writer to recreate visuals exactly.but..
https://youtu.be/9U0XVdvQwAI Could be amazing with Xenko raymarching
happy new year: node-2020
@woei: so awesome!
awesome @woei
naut Zürich is hiring! https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/a-new-livvvve-in-switzerland/18112
merry xmas! sources for the world: https://github.com/woeishi/VVVV.Struct https://github.com/woeishi/VVVV.SceneGraph
Happy Xmas! https://vimeo.com/381196960
galaxy brain https://math.mit.edu/ennui/
@joreg, thanks for fix. I don't have the time atm to finish the implementation, but I think now most parts needed are there.
@mburk, thanks for the reminder. i've just pushed a commit fixing this issue. can you take it from there?
Progress was pretty good, but doesn't work anymore since Beta 38.1 and the equivalent VL version. See issue on github.
@mburk what's the status with "our" gltf loader? https://github.com/michael-burk/VL.glTF/network
Anyone willing to give me a quote for a GLtf Loader for vvvv? Might fund it if i can.
@microdee sorry to bug you, but are you planning on updates for the MP ecosystem to be compatible with B39 ?
@udo2013 write the values to a file and read on restart
a simple question: how to save the last value of midicontroller output when shut down vvvv without cutting a connection?
@soundreactor that sounds odd. do offline links still not work for you? we're not aware of any interruptions there...
it's because the network-infrastructure in germany is based on huawei hardware.
@joreg first file core zip 5mb/s second file addonpack 50kb/s also the offline installer links on the beta page don't work atm
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