@tomfilm hmm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tm2IuVfNEGk
@gerrit: add me on Skype - gazrolez
The mouse faces extinction as computer interaction evolves: http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/the-mouse-faces-extinction-as-computer-interaction-evolves/2012/10/07/759aafa6-0e48-11e2-bb5e-492c0d...
@mrelement: please post the example patch in the forum
I transformed a grid with perlin and i got multiple ribbons. Is there a simple way to colorize every single one?
I will be in Berlin for the BYOB event in Platoon Kunsthalle, Friday October 26th, and make some live visual. http://www.kunsthalle.com/berlin/events/bring-your-own-beamer
@gaz @aivenoe I get openCL errors. installed openCL http://software.intel.com/en-us/vcsource/tools/opencl-sdk but it doesn't work. Did u install anything else?
@gerrit: should be all the info you need here: vvvv.tutorials.mapping.3d
hi gerrit. I used it several times. whats your need?
Hey, stupid question: Is there a possibility to read stringsfrom a process/program?
Is anyone running ReconstructMe http://reconstructme.net/ ? Need help...
got vvvv running slow in vitualbox, but crashes occour.
@graphicuserinterface yes it is a mess ;-) classic + compiz, or gnome-shell. They should allow a paralell installation.
anyone in ubuntu-ok yet?
kinect sdk 1.6 new feature http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj663803.aspx#SDK_1pt6_M2
http://push-conference.com/2012/ somebody going?
kinect sdk 1.6 is out with raw ir image and accellerometer data!
spider https://vimeo.com/37176398
final chance to test-ride the unicorn: vvvv-unicorn-upgrade will be integrated in alpha-builds next tuesday if noone cries #vvvv
anybody in rio the next days?
quote milo
2^6 sounds amazing
thank you mister guest
I hope the leaker did not get hurt! https://vimeo.com/51102359
hey guest, try brekel kinect: http://www.brekel.com/?page_id=155 its made by a cool guy. consider opening a forum thread to get this done inside vvvv
latest parasitic design update includes M1 examples: parasitic-design-m1
@rrrr: I heard vuo doesn't support retina yet, you should post on their forum ))))))
vuo is coming, and Uno as well : http://www.outracks.no/technology/uno/
oui, those poor souls are gone now...
also my friend cases ..
DavidBenowitz_ looks a bit fishy imho
ele: vuo sounds interesting! multiplatform, linux support, nice! interesting licensing approach, curious how that will work.
how can i record the Vector data from a kinect skelleton vector? and then play back O: ?
Visual Music 28 ! https://vimeo.com/51051891
hopefully will help people choose
vuo hallelujah! hope that spurs some competition. could become something like a quartz composer successor. iOS export->popularity++
@joreg: voilà danke danke
@ddf: in case you want to embed your (great) video in the blogpost..here is how: wikisyntax#embed vimeo videos
https://vimeo.com/45154003 Letters flying !
fft send tp blender via osc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HDTOqTYEGU&feature=g-upl
vvvv+osc+blender game engine= massive fun
in nvidia driver, add resolution
Anyone know how to force 50hz fullscreen? using 50hz beamer/nvidia gtx285/windows xp
tx to MRE https://vimeo.com/47277852
@elliot -weird it works for me- http://tinyurl.com/8rx47dq
@gundorf - video link down.
thermal mapping entirely done with vvvv (thank you elliot) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=khmX5PkPKbo#t=0s
http://kimasendorf.tumblr.com/post/32936480093/processing-source-code "pixel sorting" source code for processing.
@androsyn: does it work with the standard sql-nodes or the plugin ones out of the box?
thanks @everyone
@casino frac
no sleep...brain frozen. what's the node that splits a number into the whole+remainder? ta
@m9dfuck yay awesome...tracking for shops & light (soon)
@sebl why , any trouble? it works nice, many hidden options
did anyone connect to a m$Sql database, yet?
edit: aww, read that wrong. what m9dfukc said.
@ivandenko google for opencv face tracking and you'll find thousands of hits.
@bjoern awesome story thanks!
does anyone have face tracking c++ library?
>joreg: interesting, that heroic music is hilarious though …
>joreg: interesting, that heroic music is hilarious though …
well..now: http://vimeo.com/50501685
pdubost, Yeah I've see it. It's from my mate Brad Hammond. Proper unity programmer. I will record mine soon as well.
https://vimeo.com/50688732 Kinect smoke and jelly :) Cant wait to see yours @lecloneur ;)
@Joreg: the scale of the project is fascinating!
Absolut Blank - vvvv visuals: https://vimeo.com/50571246
yay NODE yessss!!!
Hi, is it possible to turn off the auto {curly} bracket creation when I hit return in the shader editor? Cheers.
where is a good place to buy a PCIe USB controller in Berlin pls?
is there a 'DisableScreensaver' node yet?I'm imagining something that returns system state when the node disappears
@danniel: follow the unicorn-link and read...
what is vvvv Unicorn
anyone still interested in that #vvvv thing please help out doing a little testing and feedbacking: vvvv-unicorn-upgrade
Mapping on mayan pyramid on dec, great idea!
In London this Weekend? http://www.alpha-ville.co.uk/alpha-ville-live-at-hackney-empire/
@metro haha, it was actually reminding me of that video, had not realised they were both him.
@everyoneishappy: Thanks... Bret Victor is a genius, his video explain it: http://vimeo.com/36579366
thanks joreg! Now it looks much better. I hope that it is also also much understandable :)
@fodormik: while in edit-mode of the thread you need to press the "insert" button next to the images.
Hi, I have started a new topic, and would like to upload png files. I have attached it, but I can't see them. Pls suggest
@metrowave: thats massive!
@neems: Cheers!
newbie here, working on my first AV project using the svvvvitcher as framework http://i47.tinypic.com/2a4y0p4.jpg greetings from brasil :D
just uploaded two dj set collections. ~14 h idm/dubstep and techno mixes: http://www.symbioticcube.com/?p=344 http://www.symbioticcube.com/?p=291
@sebl: ^.^ thx!
today's lesson: do not sneeze onto a dish full of breadcrumbs in front of a laptop.
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