Heya! is there a node to trat geometry as double sided? Or i should fix it in 3d app?
if you haven't yet: we're still accepting entries to our 2019 survvvvey https://goo.gl/forms/g3t6gwSwUfZwMOyd2 #vvvv
@polyrhythm these look great. do you know you can share a screenshot by simply pressing ctrl+3 on a renderer?!
@AKa-visuals yep your comment helped me prioritize them :)
@polyrhythm ohhhh you heard my wishes.. supercool
IBL support WIP for raytracer: https://i.imgur.com/qnngDIU.jpg
Little vvvv robotics and light control in the Tschechisches Zentrum Berlin in few hours, just patching en route https://bit.ly/2V0FAb3 ;)
@polyrhythm Stunning!.. cant wait for ibl integration. Keep on!
@polyrhythm looks lovely!
i put a little love into my vvvv raytracer after some time not touching it. textured emissive lights! https://i.imgur.com/OVzp6d5.png
Yes, they did the kollabo with klf. Still a tornado in the club.
@sinus: hahaha maaan that's some amazing stuff :D
@sinus: the extreme noise terror which played at klf s exit gig at brits?
@evvvvil: from ispwitch! noble men! https://extremenoiseterror.bandcamp.com/
Fuck Norfolk that's where every boring person in the world is from. Suffolk is also a shithole and their football team is worst. xx
@evvvvil: Norfolk or Suffolk?
@sinus: thankx didi broski much appreciated, hard to get this type of comments past the dry nerds, glad some of us still have soul.
@evvvvil:great code! The comments touch my soul, brodski.
any vvvv Icelanders around here?
Volumetric merry-go-round, coded live on Twitch, is up on shadertoy with abrassive comments. punchindaface! https://www.shadertoy.com/view/tsjGR3
best binary serializer I came across yet for C# https://github.com/rikimaru0345/Ceras
january as it happened in #vvvv land: vvvvhat-happened-in-january-2019
it appears to me some of you still haven't filled out their survvvvey: https://t.co/gHvameecfn #vvvv
@skyliner: "at interactive framerates" * if you have a $1M computing cluster cabinet with thousands of CPU threads.
Hey everyone! Looking for GIFs and Videos using JS to exhibit in amsterdam :) More here! --> http://bit.ly/JSnationCallForArtists
audio-mandelbox is not yet publicly available (contributions).general scaling of audio in.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdCJSyHFTMA&t=52s
@boplbopl Cool!! Keep it up!
@vasilis thx! photo scan, points positions and colors encoded as dds textures. Then extract pixel data and display as sprites
@boplbopl amazing work! whats the pipeline for this?
hello trees! https://vimeo.com/311857556
@blausand: open a new topic and link to that closed one?
I think "Updating mesh based patches from dx9 to dx11" (https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/12817 ) shouldn't be closed. Can $admin reopen it, plz?
reminder: if you haven't already, please fill out the 2019 survvvvey: https://goo.gl/forms/g3t6gwSwUfZwMOyd2 #vvvv
gea.naivegpu :)
did some bit refresh for SuperPhysical: superphysical vvvv #pbr #shader #visualprogramming #creativecoding
the 2018 numbers are in: vvvv-in-numbers-2018 #vvvv
There was a problem with DX11’s VPM pack, now I switched everything depending on DX11 to the contrib zip file. It should work now.
Please remove Hauppauge from the list of supported videoIn cards. They still don't seem to work with vvvv.
What if screens could be shaped into any form? screenization-experiment-materiality
@bo27 one cross each!
@joreg should I answer again? :))
~200 answers to the survvvvey so far. Can we double this? Please remind your friends/collegues to fill out: https://t.co/gHvameecfn #vvvv
The "im not a robot" login dialog just gave me a minor existential crisis.
@schlonzo dark theme is not released yet, you have to wait a bit for the vvvv gamma release...
how do I switch VL into black mode?
Yo I'm live on TWITCH doing some live coding. 25 minutes time limit, "shader showdown" demoscene battle style. https://www.twitch.tv/evvvvil_
@joreg made a forum topic, dont want to clutter the shoutbox https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/shared-memory-from-python/17092
@k3XX yes. did you check the helppatch of Reader/Writer (Raw SharedMemory)?
Is there any info on sendind data from other apps to vvvv trough shared memory? Is the shared memory node using memory mapped files?
GitHub now offers unlimited private repositories for free users: https://blog.github.com/2019-01-07-new-year-new-github/
Yo I'm live on TWITCH doing some live coding. 25 minutes time limit, "shader showdown" demoscene battle style. https://www.twitch.tv/evvvvil_
@Bartuc @metrowave glad you're asking. definitely planned!
+1 for more vvvvTV
When will the new vvvvtv ep4 coming out ?? :D @joreg
I'm still working on the audio input.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJpcCrAVGCA&t=9s
happy new year! my mandelbox. if finished will appear on contributions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z83X0znpGvI
more than 100 responses to the 2019 survvvvey already. please keep them coming! the-2019-survvvvey #vvvv
added, btw show control: #vvvv #vl #statemachine #automata #visualprogramming https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/vl-workflowfoundation/17055
@eno how about: vvvv - Stage? Show? Control!
(that was t-speech, but I really think it's missing)
devs, in your blogpost and surevey you are missing a vvvv category related to stage/performance/showcontrol - and mediaserver. very sad
Interested in the future of #vvvv and #vl? Here we lay out the next steps: the-road-to-gamma #visualprogramming
Xmas tree made with vvvv: https://www.facebook.com/dminikkoller/videos/1951243528286630/
Made with vvvv : https://youtu.be/pYlChw2zaJ4
Yo I'm live on TWITCH doing some live coding. 25 minutes time limit, "shader showdown" style. https://www.twitch.tv/evvvvil_
Win10 Defender flags and dels the 38.1x86 addon zip. Probs a false positive, just a pita. x64 is fine. https://imgur.com/KbQWqop
@readme: LOL!!! Houdini is also the Next Big Thing for all CSS guys.
heyhey! #vvvv #openvr now supports #htcvive #trackers without headset: using-htc-vive-trackers-without-headset visualprogramming #creativecoding #vr #vive
Yo I'm live on TWITCH doing some live coding. 25 minutes time limit, "shader showdown" style. https://www.twitch.tv/evvvvil_
@catweasel I checked and Global S&R does not work across vvvv instances (as expected). Sorry about the confusion
@readme https://vimeo.com/293870919
that's just plain cool. http://remove.bg
just in case you missed it: beta38.1 is out since last week: vvvv50beta38.1 #vvvv #vl #visualprogramming
@catweasel it was late when I wrote that, it's probably not the case, will test and report
@ravazquez in separate instances of vvvv? Awesome if so!
@karistouf you can use my Global S&R contribution for this purpose
see also this forums thread: https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/vvvv-instances-communication/11401
yes, no S/R. OSC is one way to communicate btw. instnces.
@joreg: between 2 differents instances of VVVV on same computer,no S and R (values) possible ? only OSC way ?
glad to share the second update on the #vl #xenko #3d library: #vvvv #visualprogramming #creativecoding vl-xenko-3d-engine-update-2
rather toot then tweet? follow the hype and us on mastodon: https://mastodon.xyz/@vvvv #vvvv
any recommendation for renting visuals-grade pcs in berlin ?
Structure Sensor Core now for Windows: https://store.structure.io/buy/structure-core cool features, could be useful in vvvv
@levi I used xml, expresso and scripts for importing/exporting (c4d <-> VVVV)
@yar . yea thanks. was a bit outdated that one. but c4d has the ascii importer now that did the trick.
@levi c4d2vvvv look at this, some inspirational concepts inside
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