@milo: INtresting, so this is also hardware integrated to make the cuts?
@eno: IRIS surely looks nice! :)
@dimix: vvvv?
@joreg: i found a bug though forum-alpha/screenshot-doesnt-work-in-alpha27.2-dx9ex
@skyliner Part 2 of the Insane in the Mainframe http://youtu.be/WkpjMvXH1Rc
@microdee: more worked around than solved, but glad to hear it works for you
and with that stuff texture input is solved for dynamic plugins!
yay for alpha 27.2 dx9ex! works perfectly!
@IRIS first alpha was planned in March, but had to postpone it due to other projects. We will post here when its ready, hopefully April
61 christies-wow, content.....ahem:https://vimeo.com/34022569
@urbankind no idea. I just stumbled across it through vimeo
@Vux: ...
@everyoneishappy:When is the alpha release?
http://iris.nsynk.de/ IRIS looks interesting- touch driven patch loader/mixer/mapper
@fibo whoa, that kinect animation is awesome
@vux VORONOI!!!
@vux: BIG!!!!!!
http://vimeo.com/39049793 http://vimeo.com/39050331 http://vimeo.com/39052933 New bullet goodies
anyone in hongkong fancy for a beer? call me +86 16 95 17 35
realtime People Mapping PROTOCOL by Misak Hapboy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecQIUn9-V3Q
@ain thx, looks like Wave2 example is finally working for me.
it would be nice to have a kbrd shortcut to create a node.
ah joreg you are right, it was the root patch. thanks :)
@dEp: have you messed with the root-patch? have you placed \addonpack directory correctly (next to \lib directory)?
How can I set resolution and fps of my Ps3eye camera? Its software saves only gain, exposure and white balance settings.
strange, not in my nodelist :|
@alg try wave in beta 25, it needs old style queue(ex9.texture)
@dep: Wave (3d)
wave simulation "a plugin that extends this algorithm to 3 dimensions can be found in the addonpack" what is the name?
nice, Audio netsend & netreceive http://www.remu.fr/sound-delta/netsend~/?page_id=7(PD&MAX/MSP), did it could implement in vvvv?
anyone in hongkong this weekend and like to meet up? contact me on skype: elektromeier or email: elektromeier@swissonline.ch
Cannot start VVVV: vvvv-brings-up-an-error-after-starting-intel-message-catalog#comment-80024
@sapo: danks for reporting, alphas are working again
also with the freshest 7d6f909a77, says bad CRC in vvvv.exe , downloaded from ie and firefox
can't extract vvvv.exe from the latest alpha vvvv 45alpha27.2 - 2620df09fc, anyone else?
wave simulation second and third shader approaches
Looks like wave examples not working
@manuel, yes same team, but older technique. electroluminescent is less light than leds ;-) but the mask is really great...
Heading (Animation) node doing so. thanks!
how can i calculate an angle of mouse cursor move on the screen? if there was a node doing so?
someone at B-Seite? I'll arrive tonight
But the idea to send patterns to the lily pad is really great, instead of realtime data. Thks for this link
Impressiv.... Already having a module: http://www.le-chat-noir-numerique.fr/whitecat/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=grid_eng and http://www.le-chat-noir-numerique.fr/whitecat/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=configuration_arduino_eng
@karistouf: challenge for chat-noir: https://vimeo.com/30637945
indeed DiMiX ;-)
@mediadog&karistouf: wondering re:Lee HT too
Does anybody uses other gels than lee rosco gamcolor eurocolor and appolo?
So if there is any other manufacturer interresting worldwide,it would be nice for me to add it in my app. Some told me us apollo
Hi mediadog. Personnaly im lee. As i m coding a lighting plot in whitecat i m searching wich gels are used ( other lee rosco gam)
cockroach-leg visuals: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=tr4gWi9Jf6k#t=291s
@karistouf: Tried Lee high-temp?
ts ts, kalle, gamecolor is nice but too much quickly burning ;-) thxs ;-) i heard abot eurocolor in germany ?
@karistouf: mostly rosco and LEE. Who has the time to look through all that gamcolor-swatchbook?
@manolito: you can ask me in the forums! :)
i am looking for a v4 user with radartouch™ experience. please get in touch ke4@gmx.de
@catweasel: magnifique ;-)
animated guys: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ydeY0tTtF4
http://vimeo.com/38741613 v4 meets analogue fun...
@kalle: coding a lighting plot in whitecat. What gels manufacturer are you using ( except lee rosco and gamcolor) ?
Hi Velcrome, seems you are online! May I ask you something about PathGeometry? BTW, there is some way of quickmessage here?
in 27.2, stallone node does not add output pins
anyone knows of a site dedicated to SVG graphics that it has a grey/black/white layout and it has tons of svg's of the same style?
Bellissimo! @Karistouf
@m4d - yes, finally can't find him. Moving to Moscow after 4 hrs
Is SetIO spreadable?
@alg: if he is clay i assume he can take any shape so he maybe a bit hard to spot.. (scnr)
hey Clay, still can't find you)
all is stable)
@alg how are they doing in belgrad? need some expiriensed russian guys there?))
water ink effect http://vimeo.com/38625119
now I'm at klub. When are you?
hey clay, I at kinect workshop, let's meet.
Anyone in Belgrade for the Resonate-Festival? Give a shout!
tokenizer will let you filter a stream using delimiters which will then be ready for sorting using regexpr or separate(string) + etc
thank you manuel! :)
Tokezier v/s RegExpr.... which is best for sorting fast incoming strings ?
nice screens cybear
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