Is anyone goind to Resonate? I'm here until 18.
to everybody interested in a collaborative platform for design: , still in beta (free as in beer)
@ottopux very nice
regarding this, in case anyone hasn't seen yet:
quite the opposite ;)
@Urbankind: everything we do is a copy of something else or something else re-imagined. I personally do not find his artwork offensive
@blausand: yes, try latest alpha
@joreg: opcode suggestion don't work with old 45b either anymore. since i'm currently relying on it, is the fix already in an 45a?
@gaz: is that offensive? how many has done same with monalisa? or its only valid to use painting older than 50 years?
Digital artists gets a bashing for ripping off a painting:
@blausand: bug. thanks, fixed. poor rabbit
doesn't work in germany skyliner :)
where's the girlpower/images folder gone?
Why are my code suggestions in shader editor gone? 45beta27.1
Problem about keying texture! Help me! (see the forum)
its all ´bout the right headphones
@milo: webnerd-trashtalk sux!
Brain wave music!
Amazing video, + realtime ftw:
would like to see a z-depth video from it...
@microdee, kinect output is so noisy. if the 160x120 is supercrispy then it may give more accurate results.
thx tonfilm :)
@microdee: good point
@skyliner: 160*120 depthmap... a vista icon is bigger:P
nvidia has a tool: and ati too:
is there something compareable for DirectX?
@skyliner: Apple lovers may cry and blame it on steve loss ;)
@karistouf & d0this: :)
Thanks Bjoern
I remember a WOL module, but I can not find it now. Where is it?
@urbankind: he says that he was frozen in hhis seat in front of the video: stunned. ;-)
@Urbankind :) tried to say: Awesome work. But i think i was much to flaaaashed! ;)
@d0this: I don't understand, google translator just confused me more :)
indeed lasal,indeed....
bye Moebius bye
@Urbankind .... still paralyzed multo respecto!!!
Can anyone also confirm, that vectorsized "+" node is slow as hell?
Extreme Russia ;)
@tekcor: don't panic.. ;) dont-panic-the-noobs-guide-to-vvvv
@tekcor ????
where is this shortcut sheet again?
@DiMX: mesmerising
really worth your time!
somebody can provide patch for kinect character animation?
feel free:
100% sandface
@Hadasi:It wasn't ditto, SOLIPSIST is truly incredible! :)
@Urbankind, Ditto:
Beautiful video
wie gest krisla ?
wunderbar wunderbar schön schön
@digitalslave: Alles wunderbahr here also ;-)
@urbankind maybe you have to change some skype settings. Check top of my userpage
@h99: Din't got any notification yet, may i have your skype id?
@Urbankind Done!
@h99: please add me to your skype
@LCA: try
hello community!I need some nice V4 vj links to convice a customer that V4 is THE software to use for a club with 360°/80m projection!
@Karis : Alles Gut ^^
@zepi reminds of an 70's lighting fx, little cogs spinning in an optikinetics projector I've got one too :)
GREAT ! (happy to read you Anto, ca va ?)
@ karistouf All the BlackMagic series seems to be ok !
is DeckLink HD Extreme ok with VVVV ?
@zepi: fascinating... ;)
@zepi: Drilliant idea ;)
nvm ,got it sorted
Why is there a temporary folder apearinf when trying to save and is named .komodotools ?
XP or Win 7 ??? and which version V4p shall i use fro bullet proof performance ???
thxs urbankind: vlc-plugin-(beta)-a-new-audiovideo-player-to-texture-plugin
@karistouf:Link is not working
@circuitb, elliot, joreg, ft, hierro : vlc-plugin-(beta)-a-new-audiovideo-player-to-texture-plugin#comment-79224
@u7angel actually i was looking for the little gray area in the inspector - which on click shows the evaluate pin, found it :) DXOverride looks neat
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