has anyone else had a problem running Kinect in vvvv27 when Kinect SDK Beta 2 is also installed?
@dannielmach valeu, e igualmente :) btw, it's "gui" from guilherme
@GuyTwo precisando de qualquer coisa estamos a disposição...???
.net 4.0 rules
@dannielmach sou do RS
everyday vvvv dev group gives me a surprise abuot vvvv functionalities, thank you devs
paranoid developers :)
why is so much blurred around vvvv HQ? http://notlion.github.com/streetview-stereographic/#o=0.000,0.000,0.000,1.000&z=1.858&mz=18&mt=hybrid&p=52.49994,13.42411
thanks phlegma!
blender physics http://youtu.be/i1YIafaqF7A
sebl in the helppatch of the pipet you find the legacy pipet with width & height
@sebl - could implement a module that takes a spread of pipets and averages, or dev existing node use averaging if width > 0
@lasal:great for geometric projection
«Ignoring this view is very harmful as these not-good-enough computers will surely get better» http://www.asymco.com/2012/01/17/the-rise-and-fall-of-personal-computing
hrhr... hello fps
sebl: linearspread center 0.5 width 1.0 to cross(2d) to pipet. Spreadcount is your width and height.
crazy... and no way to bring them back?
@sebl: didn't have them in 26 already
pipet has no more with and height pins in b27??
@lasal, hermoso
Mechanical Principles http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5pen3QMgzQ&feature=player_embedded
Never mind ,solved !
Upadted to Beta 27 Addon 2 , now I'm misssing all the AvoidNIL Nodes ??? whrere do I find them ???
Ha ha, yes. How did you know I keep v4 in Program Files ;)
Toma SOPA de PIPA http://vimeo.com/31100268
the saving issue might be if your files are inside Program Files folder on Windows 7 (apps dont have write permissions there)
why cant i save the root?
Thought you were a fokkin' h4kk0r!
should be good again now, hole closed... thanks for pointing it out!
h99, checking it out hold on..
incredible... pointeditor (3d persistent)
mmmmh! projector (ex9) projector (ex9)
Again .xxx links projector-(ex9)|here? and pointeditor-(3d-persistent)|there?? Security issues?
westbam, everytime I make certain updates to the website, the index needs to be re-indexed. it will be done in a week or so.
"The sites content is only 30% indexed at the moment" when do we get the other 70%?? :)
@sunep very nice
@lasal thanks and super cool that Monolog will be in good visual hands in Berlin. I wish I could be there too
@dEp thx, i will check it.
@Sunep: cool, &nice music too, actually i´ll play visuals on Butt & Better event for Monolog & others the next weekend in Berlin.
Fresh work: http://vimeo.com/35136972
@alg: use Ord and SpellValue
The progressing world was killed by patent, Be Open...
@alg convert nodes + inspector settings for string boxes
Looks strange, but this symbols authomatically converting by xpath node. Lucky for me.
Convert not working for things like u044B and etc.
Is anyone know how to encode UTF-8 codes in VVVV? Playing with Twitter API only with native nodes.
OpenNI Plugin. I got the new drivers, it is working. Again I say, it is a wonderful program, thank you all. An old pianist!!
There are again red nodes in the new version (1.3) of Openkinect. Nodes turn red! Its like before in 1.2. It is a wonderful program.
experiments audio and realtime visual. My first visualization work done. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY7rEKjyxDo
GuiTwo vc é de onde aqui no Brasil?
funky descriptions for PointEditor and Projector
@antokhio happy old new year!!!
happy old new year
Yea, I really like this: http://glsl.heroku.com/e#1157.0
I'm having a right old vvvv friday 13th shocker. Think I better leave it for today
sorry to sound so whiny though.
so bored of trying to get meshes to load and then find them in the viewport once they're in there
@liquid that's cool
thanks Elliot :)
Had a great time at xd_nitro's studio this week. Good place, lovely people
@tonfilm he´s like bob ross on speed
Friends at USPO admit they only look at previous patents, not previous publication - let the lawyers sort it out.
It´s possible, actually i´ve patented the Canary islands Mojo ;) http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_dmr4MVWHygI/TFK2y7GVVMI/AAAAAAAAAWU/N9COptM3pus/s1600/MOJO+CANARIO.JPG
How is this possible? http://www.google.com/patents/US7407297?printsec=abstract#v=onepage&q&f=false
A very low FPS count, but it is super yaw dropping amazing.
realtime renderer: http://youtu.be/pGJCBGhyO7o
also sorry for swearing on the oneliner and no offense to the american public which has nothing to do with these evil plans;)
@christosk: that's outrageous.. how the f*ck can USPTO award a patent like that? F*ck neo-american legislature!!1 (SOPA, ACTA, ...)
website will go down for half an hour or so for some maintenance at around 12 german time.
Projection mapping technique has been patented: https://twitter.com/#!/klipcollective/status/156500605270110209/photo/1
doing the first of a series of workshops @ uni konstanz on friday. youre welcome to join for a speak or fun
Nevermind 3vida=closedformat=bad. But http://www.deep-shadows.com/hax/3DRipperDX.htm = good- seems to work with vvvv
anyone tried this? 3d scene capture- looks like it would be useful if it works
culdn't agree more with bilderbuchi. just started to exploit the evaluate pin.. fps are going through the roof!!1 :D
love b27! one of my patches went from 38 to 60fps just by upgrading. :-)
@all maybe someone also planning visit Resonate festival http://resonate.io/2012/ ?
@bo27: I will be there, as will Foxonfire
@tonfilm In ToggleButton (GUI) we got a Tarnsform In!
hi guys! is anyone going to be on ise2012? whould be great to meet!
glsl examples http://glsl.heroku.com/
My first VVVV maxMsp Ableton visualisation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY7rEKjyxDo
VVVV = Kindness :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VLmJ43fHpM&sns=fb
@yo_soy_de_chile: me
Who made : Toolkit (Control OSC) v.0.1. ????
Any codec/video/hd/smooth/multilayers playback vvvv specialists for paid expertise ? rollenwall at gmail dot com
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