@ Joreg - Thanks. I'm not totally sure how to implement that but I need to learn. Could be a good first task
@mediadog , i think i have been told about this node , but does it mean your camera is looking at a quad ?
moin, moin have anybody experience wit the lemur V1 controller and vvvv
@LineKernel: Me 2 then I found perspectivelookatrect (transform viewprojection) - set rect and cam as real world screen and head - done!
@medialog , i ve been trying for ages to do this , how do you modify the perspective ? shader? matrix transform ?
VR using Kinect head-tracking: http://vimeo.com/33088117 (statue pilfered from DOF filter - thanks!)
+rendering on a separate thread has advantages in terms of general mainloop speed (e.g. get 60fps, where you ordinarily get 20)
@mrboni - not on a 60Hz monitor :). useful for 120Hz structured light (with 3D ready projector)
@joreg - windowlist is really heavy! is there another approach?
@elliot - can you notice the difference from 60fps? ;)
thanks, fixed and updated
@h99, thanks for pointing those out. i removed the ffp link and found a new for the programmable pipeline...
Not so clear, I know. On latter shout they're wiki links to msdn now broken. Since I'm translating, I'm on link updating too
Just hit 5000fps on a scene in VVVV using an OpenGL renderer running in separate thread on a cheapo graphics card
@mrboni: try windowlists (windows)
cunning idea, though I don't want to affect the frame rate, or query using window list
@mrboni - set your mainloop background fps to 1 then timings node = 1 test
possible to tell if/when vvvv is the 'active' application. ie in foreground
start a forum thread and attach an example patch
guess i shoud explain; trying to build an application with several different ui's. searching a method to switch between them
@quaddro - and if that group is the only thing connected to a renderer you can transform the renderer's view
@quaddro you could place everything connected to the group node in a subpatch and have one transform input to that subpatch
yeah thanks, thought of that, actually hoped there would be a "cleaner" way to do it. thanks nonetheless
connect the same transform to all layers?
short question: how can i transform a whole group, that it has a layer-like behaviour?
and to me of course all the bugfixes related to texture feedback are awesome!
@io yes the change-log is really nice and it will most likely become even better
One interesting thing: it seems it's possible to have 1 render per thread (OpenGL) as long as no shared assets (DX11 is better)
@karistouf - it's there, as is auto 'set res' based on desktop resolution :)
@io now I am puzzled... which onion should I not be happy about changing
didnt see the grey flash and grey renderer on open in this list, but sounds really good
great news on the Changelog btw ! I am not sure if Sunep also is happy about onion changing
ok sorry (thanks J.), that was an active question, like does anybody want one?
@io: you got mail
IrcCloud anybody ?
Le cyclomoteur est très agréable :)
this would change so much...like you could actually disable patches :)
@u7angel - just checked, it's still there!
@xd_nitro...it must be a dream
Changelog: patches now disabled by setting the Evaluate pin :)
@diez , next time ur performing in Avignon please send me a msg , thks
Just got OpenGL running inside VVVV. first sad thing is..screenshots dont work :) (p.s. i'm not the first!)
report of an stage design realised 8 months ago vvvv + resolume http://vimeo.com/32962039
Awesome, thank you.
Just asking, Adobe Kuler color data to spreads? Is there a patch like that?
jeeeeeez, soorry, link again: http://www.montblanconesecond.com/
wim wendershttp://www.montblanconesecond.com/l one second movie award. up until dec 13th. be warned: plenty of kitsch in the teaser.
@elliotwoods: boggle some boggle :) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004KITD60?ie=UTF8&tag=mythings0d-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=1789&creativeASIN=B004KITD60 + camera + shaker = hardware RNG
Why can't the texture output of OpenNI-Depth-Node be converted to DirectShow Stream using AsVideo? Am I missing something?
try k-lite
vvvv slows down to 2fps when connectinc filestream to videotexture node.. any ideas how to solve this?
Korean(ish) peoples: Studio party at kimchi and chips' this Saturday. Peeps, chatter, gin+tonic and noise complaints
Problem solved... Figured out how to use those relative paths in a boygroup.
anyone knows how to make the path of a effect within a patch absolute?
Updates to OpenCV plugins + compatible OpenNI wrappers opencv-plugin-(alpha)
@dEp - Emgu.CV.OCR wraps tesseract engine. what you want to do with it?
dance performance + projections with vvvv! / kinect / processing. http://goo.gl/g9amF
@dEp - Tessnet2 looks like a fine candidate for EmguCV integration (also there's some OCR already in EmguCV, not as nodes yet)
@mediadog - that product is /not/ an 'IP camera', but it could perhaps become one with some (rather difficult) FPGA coding.
@mediadog: great!, now we have to know if it´s easy to use with vvvv
@lasal: WIll do some research, most chips are IR sensitive, the IR filter is usually in the lens.
Yep, I see (the edit button too)! Thanks again
hei h99, i renamed the page it.tutorial hello world it should be editable like any other wiki-page in case you want to continue translate
Hi, this page it.tutorial 001? is partially translated so dunno how to edit it. Is it possible to fix this? Thanks
why does quad(dx9) do not want to tell me its spreadcount in beta26?
@lasal amazing find about the camera ! way cheaper than the elphel !
Sorry, "mediadog" ;)
@medialog: i was thinking the same...
@lasal: That's $425 f\with a 720p sensor, the board is 1080p capable. Now with a 1080p IR sensor, that would be cool...
1080p 60fps IP/HDMI camera for 400$ http://www.latticesemi.com/products/developmenthardware/developmentkits/hdr60videocameradevkit/index.cfm
@elliotwoods ok, thanks for the trip report - so i guess i'll lean on http://www.pixel-technology.com/freeware/tessnet2/ (thought oFX(tesseract)'d be more useful)
@Skyliner: it´s all invented! or not.
Someone recently mentioned this http://nyko.com/products/product-detail/?name=Zoom I just got one and will let you know if it works!
@dEp - I tried before and failed. I think with ofBaseRenderer it's more possible, perhaps even using DX9 in oF in VVVV
@lasal+io: check this: http://future-shape.com/en/solutions/34/senspiano-floor-piano
@io: cool, when it´s finished we can do that ;D http://youtu.be/rKrZiddRphw
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