Ok I figured it. It works with winxp comtability mode.
vst synth in win 7 is working ?
@sebl yes, i also mean this too )
@manuel: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/56180-Strumpy-Shader-Editor-4.0a-Massive-Improvements it's for unity and it's free. i dunno however if you can export .fx files from it
ah, the trick was to enable the (hidden) stereomix – thx anyway
@sebl it's can be disabled in ControlPanel - Sound - AudioDevices - Recording
what was the trick to get audioin working on win7? forum search doesn't help me...
What's the best way to export a high resolution file for print purposes (apart from the writer node)? Thanx in advance. :-)
anyone tried this ? http://www.lumonix.net/shaderfx.html
hahahaha ima try that
@dawoof: also people seem to have different techniques of solving this sort of problems.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=3-ZFCsZB7T8
@dawoof: sounds really strange, but i'd go with a heatgun instead of oven. still nothing for the lighthearted..
Full time project assistant required at Kimchi and Chips this winter in Korea http://t.co/pe6jiER2
Still in need of help there: nvidia-360m-troubles ANybody for a quick tip?
despite the jokes, it did work again by itself with no intervention whatsoever, it worked today for an hour and went back.
il stick it to the oven and hope theres a soldering issue there.
since it already died 6 months ago, chances are it turned into a zombie gpu.. :o
"GFX cemetary"
came back to live after months... sounds scary..
@dawoof: aww, sorry to hear that. maybe some xbox360 style reflow soldering could help, but that is only for the really brave..(not me)
@m4d" it died 6 months ago and came back to life after months of not turning on the computer, now after 3 months of shadering itdies
mhh maybe a quick visit tommorow... but have to catch the flight tomorrow evening...
@elektromeier: any plan to come down to Den Haag during your dutch visit?
@dawoof: sounds like your gpu is dying.. :(
dep check your private messages...
Architectural VideoMapping with VVVV: http://vimeo.com/30368749
its a bunch of coloured vertical lines with a grey background that gradually turns into white.
everytime i use the DOF or SSAO the computer does that, now it wont work anymore. http://www.nvidia.com/object/geforce_8700m.html not the first time, wont work.
@elektromeier: me, skyped you
thats for arduino users ;-)
anyone in amsterdam out for a drink?im here today adn tomorrow...
@dawoof + jonferran: what are the specs of your video cards?
What is a "heavy shader" If I make a shader do too much (for loops), it will crash the driver on my machine.
can anyone help me out with that is a gtm8700
everytime i play with a heavy sahder on my laptop it makes the pixels slide sideways and glitch, the display wont work again
We specified that mac attendees must install bootcamp (they had).Some don't want to work with windows / 'get' a windows license
@sugokuGENKI sounds strange. We had similar problems, bootcamp looks like solution, but people don't trust it.
about 1/3 of my vvvv workshop attendees were mac users + some didn't sign up because they are mac users. => inconclusive
if anybody cares for a nice vvvv chat in frankfurt next saturday while enjoying the sight of genuine playboy bunnies, hit me up.. ;)
anyone else in a'dam at this time?
i mainly made use of the pos xyz feature since i mapped the sound fx according to the position of tracked people.
@ karistouf: do you mean the diffusion from the i3dl2 effects palette?
anybody using kinematic objects in bullet physics implementation ? bullet-physics
Maybe I need an anti-matter projector..
Today I ve been asked to project a black color cause the screen is too white...
@karistouf , yes the dx is installed ,the collada help file is working , but not the xfiles
@jannis: does it supports multidiffusion on seperates audio chan ?
i would like to say thank you to everyone who's involved in the irrklang implementation. it's really a cool vvvv plugin.
The Aesthetics of Constraint / Best Practices by Paul Prudence http://bit.ly/n1k2Dz
yes i have V turning on itself. sure you have installed the dx stuff ?
can someone with45beta26 check the xfile help file ,and tell me if can see something please , thks.i dont have anything onscreen
can you tell me the name of the tags menu use on the vvvv site?
Actually July :)
My last work (May 2011) http://www.vimeo.com/25397202
does anybody else has problems with bang nodes on the 45b26?i just installed it on my desktop and my patch are not working :(
@Dorosp NOT (Boolean) does excacly that.
Dorosp: connect your Spread to the Index Pin of GetSlice, feed it with a 2D Vector 1,0.
simple way to invert zeros and ones in a spread? (i.e all zeros become ones, all ones zeros?)
to flip the sign subtract it from 0
to a signed int...
how do I change an unsigned int to an int (by patching)?
thank you! the images didn't show up because of the & in the name. -resolved
jannis try uploading images without an & in the filename.
steve jobs 1955-2011
dear devvvvs, somehow embedded gallery images don't show up.
export jpeg
Not only vvvv http://vimeo.com/30018894
@Colorsound; We always have fun ;)
this fridge looks amazing!
@lasal and io ,i see you guys have fun ;D ,me apunto a la proxima .
great screen! and high quality people
Great weekend with lasal, vvvv, gin tonic, 286 plastic cans and 12 kilos of sikaflex
Keroxen 2011 AMAZING Festival the last weekend in Tenerife with ZA!. Mapping IO, Visuals LASAL http://www.flickr.com/photos/encarneviva/6202843561/sizes/l/in/photostream/
all new blog post! "In My Fridge" - where RFID Tags meet a refrigerator... in-my-fridge
be great to move over to a more mature project / bring the ideas across. added notes to https://github.com/elliotwoods/VVVV.Tools.MakeDocumentation/blob/master/README.txt
@alg - check out the content of the comments (hidden extras) in https://github.com/elliotwoods/VVVV.Tutorials.Fundamentals-Mapping/blob/master/0.%20Basic%20principles.v4p It is definitely hacky
Need to check your examples )
@sugokuGENKI maybe i misunderstanded your conception, but our was to use selfdescriptive patches as presentations of itself.
@alg - great! i'd like to see the project normalised a bit after this usage. be fantastic to hook up our work together
We used v4 as presentation tool for lectures and workshop result's.
@sugokuGENKI I'm experimented on similar concept together with my student's. Nice, that we all think in one direction )
Hacking together a Doxygen-like tool for VVVV patches: http://bit.ly/pvXgLf
Hacking together a Doxygen-like tool for VVVV patches: https://github.com/elliotwoods/VVVV.Tools.MakeDocumentation/blob/master/testimage.png
segment alone should be fine with correct resoluton
jonferran: that's what I'm using now, except instead of segment I'm using 2 shrinked Quads. Im seeking more elegant solution...
try this: Quad+segment, linearspread 2 on the tx x segment and scale quad with spread width
why there are no embedded images shown in the gallery?
anybody got idea how to create stretchable hexagonal shape, while maintaining angles of hexagon?
@circuitb: Control OSC works, and can define templates, but has more latency. TouchOSC layouts can be hacked, but it's a pain.
@LineKernel - try SpellValue set to ASCII/Unicode (convert Value to a char)
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