@karistouf @ sugokuGENKI , yes i got it now , you can subtract 48 to a char 2 get the int .but example the int 123 = 1 2 3
i mean no way to upload touchosc template to the device
but touchosc on android is quite limited!!! no editor...etc...
Hmmm, TouchOSC on Android does what I want, bidirectional when used with LTP (Value)
Anyone gotten the "Kontrolleur" android app to work with vvvv?
@linekernel: you send in fact a value from 0 to 255 wich correspond to a specific char. you can use string as words, or as bytes
several chars can also be combined to make 1 int. sorry to give no example. would love to have more time! :)
@LineKernel : a char is just a little int, you can imagine it however you like. if you send a string you send several chars
ok i just spent 6 hours trying to convert the received serial char of arduino to a int ,YEAH!
@sugokuGENKI : charInput is a int right ? arduino03? there is no char initialisation here : we send string we get int ?
@LineKernel : send string, and "while (Serial.available() > 0) { charInput = Serial.read();" at the other end
sugokuGENKI is a kind of white tiger
@karistouf : no, others in korea. they made Mont, Oasis and recently Soak, Dye in Light
is it possible to send smthg longer than a char from vvvv to arduino ?
hum...would that be someone from elliot's gang .? ;-)
she is a pro obviously
@joreg she mutes the speakers before starting crack.exe :)
@devvvvs: revoked all your write permissions on our sourceforge repo. restructuring pending. details to follow or meet us on irc.
girlpower: http://vimeo.com/29253406
geekery: Rendering Synthetic Objects into Legacy Photographs http://vimeo.com/28962540
The "latest" on graphic cards http://techreport.com/discussions.x/21724
Does Attractor (Value Self) take 3d vectors?
anyone know of a module etc thats useful for dealing with sprites or text on a low res display like this beauty? tinyurl.com/6ads446
woei i am interested in implementing this in my bioinformatics thesis. what if we chat a little bit about it?
cool, ill dive into pathrendering today.
is it possible to export STL files?
Anyone out there know if there is a way to write out collada files from vvvv?
@tekcor: have some patience, it's in the making
@tekcor: NVidia's released the path rendering SDK: http://developer.nvidia.com/nv-path-rendering
someone thougth about creating "gpu particle bezier lines" to render millions of lines?
kind of hijacked kalles thread. still not sticky, but now on our agenda: missing-helppatches
hum key error access violation. had to use crack exe to fix
searching for topic about it, i cant oad in a virgin patch contour :-°
contour not working in 26 ?
the next but one: Windows8 Metro Style Apps (Html5+JS) and VVVV.js see Build11 http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/BUILD/BUILD2011
(GPU particles + Vux behavior) > (sliced bread + butter)
@arameo: is possible to use fraps, then convert from FPS1 to OGG...
hi there! I'm new and trying to save a video as OGG, is it possible?? thanks! great tool!
@christosk : not really, few people use it here, contact me. skype : cloneproduction
@lecloneur do you know if there are any vvvv meetings/gatherings/workshops here in BJ? Thanx in advance :-)
@zepi: Check out ConstantWrapped (formerly known as Constant_2.0)
irrklang Device:(nil) ? driver issue? working fine on other pc...
I found this very useful... but it's gone in 26.
didn't Constant(EX9) have a Color transform pin earlier?
@sunep: thanks for finding that for me, works great :)
what what what oO
@christosk yes, I'm in Beijing.
@sunep: tutorial of effects and shaders
is the pixelshades for newbies page gone? I can only find it in russian.
Is there an AudioIn (Bass) node? Not seeing it. Installed ASIO4ALL, Win7x64
Ni hao! Any vvvv workshop/lecture/user(s) in Beijing?
@flcanga i would appreciate to come.Just doing some Projects with trackers. so would be perfect
I want to do a training in Berlin at 6th or 8th of October. Especially for the camera tracking. Anyona avalaible
@LineKernel thx ;D
@Lucilien the VLC plugin should do that
does anyone know how to play/show a youtube movie(flash) obtained with HTTP (network get) ?
oh yea! for a moment i tought nodejs was something about vvvvjs :) let's catch in the afternoon peralphs?
@sapo: will be in Brescia saturday at nodejs workshop . Ci becchiamo?
sorry , i m a noob , i actually have to learn c# myself , but i ll do it online (french website) http://www.siteduzero.com/tutoriel-3-523498-apprendre-a-developper-en-c.html
hi , could you recommend me best updated C# learning book? thx
found it , in girlpower/spray.v4p
hi , what is the c# editor node named? (and is there a help file?) thks
@hyeena. never use it, but gaz solution should works
@hyeena: should work through the mouse node. Could also check out http://dm.tzi.de/research/hci/touch2tuio/
@bo27 oh, its basic win7 compliant HID device (edigma).
@hyeena it's very depends on your touchsreen manufacturer
is there patch to check touchscreen in win7? thanks!
@tekcor, pathgeometry
whats the fastest way to fill area under a line(ex9)?
@KX very nice work :)
vvvv argentina, para cuando algun otro workshop en Bsas o Rosario ? ;)
@joreg: WinLockDLL.dll is classified as evil by some virus scanners
@microdee: check using-softth-with-vvvv
http://www.realtimesoft.com/ultramon/ could be a software solution. i heard some guys playing games with it but i'm not sure how it works in vvvv.
@skyliner - nVidia dual GPUs can span in win7 using 2D surround. but no single GPU setups
@skyliner - win7 no span natively. Eyefinity only certain ATI and Matrox on for M-Series cards. Come on NVidia!
@xd_nitro: there are ways to have span-mode in win7: http://bit.ly/psuwYv or http://bit.ly/cugRRL
but could that resource sharing not be used to negate the need for span mode?
win7 doesn't support span mode though
@microdee - fully agree except win7 doesn't support span mode
xd_intro: yep, but imho it's not a big problem. win7 is way more robust than xp. and xp turned 10 this year:P
@microdee - looks like only runs vista/win7. not XP :(
http://goo.gl/7tua3 it should be implemented in vvvv. with this whole layers could be shared over multiple instances of vvvv
Never mind! Had wrong node.
In quaternion to transform, w from decompose can be discarded, yes?
Is somebody could adapt BeautifulSoup (BeautifulSoup Is A Python HTML / XML parser) module in vvvv?
wddm resource sharing is a fucked up shit. it's like ms doesnt want people to use it. no real documentation, no sample codes.
@digitalwannabe shared memory uses only cpu. i've tried it with 4 512^2 textures, it was 15 fps. gpu only stuff (this) is needed
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