@ellliot: means ocv 2.0 could be implemented completely in vvvv?
2.6 makes our world better
We're not going to make it ars this year ;(
@alg/all - if you make a new node for EmguCV and dont want to setup git, then drop the code into the forum (i'll add)
@alg - done. not used to TortoiseGIT :)
@sugokuGENKI you removed camera and player classes from gitHub repo ). Can you please push new versions?
yeah sure! i put comments about current naming into readme / updating readme on forum thread
@sugokuGENKI oh, understanding. Yes, we need texture loader. Maybe we can start discussion about naming on forum?
(which brings us onto the next point - node naming)
@alg - those vids are for a current project so bit worried to put them in public domain. how about making a ImageLoader node?
@Ms.Kimchi, if you knew how long we'd waited... Going to Ars? Might make next sunday...
@sugokuGENKI thx ). Trying to spread facetracking, but cant load spread of videos Can you please upload your example videos?
@alg - awesome! pushing my changes to github now. grab the new version! (watch out for ImageRGB)
@alg - http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/FFMPEG seems to be ffmpeg/libavcodec. but speced ONLY for AVI afaik
@sugokuGENKI what kind of video codec you using? Looks like i'm always getting "Player open failed".
Ooops.... what a geek's world...
common Elliot,dont be shy !
multiple marriage...
you're dudes right? ...
sugoku, are you ok fro double mariage ?
good news sugoku !
@sugokugenki,this is so cool!
Mr SugokuGENKI, I want to marry you :x
@sugoku Ah, what a wonderful morning ... ocv in vvvv, something I always dreamed about but was to lazy to work on for myself ;)
Replacing DirectShow with EmguCV / OpenCVSharp
@aivenhoe: ah yess ! merci beaucoup !
have u tried decompose node?
means having a vec3d X Y Z informations vector on the rotate
how to extract from GetMatrix a Rotate Node ?
@io:you mean windows-7-tweaks
Where is Kalle s guide to optimization of W7 with SSD ? (or was I just day dreaming?)
check the Licensing link
how much is the vvvv comercial licence?
never buy a fuckin radeon card... never do that...
but a tshirt in magnetic paper ?
pfiou... joreg, i m sure you still have humour... and your case is not loosed;-)
i can only second davids t-shirt...
@m9dfukc: curious about the new jitter improvements
@max6Video: joreg - ten years later
they are catching up ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrzwTyECsmI #max6
New version online, wiki documentation now in english http://www.le-chat-noir-numerique.fr/index_eng.html
very nice book http://www.yasrt.org/advancedrenderingtechniques/index.html
optitrack arena
someone used optitrak with vvvv?
woei, can you message me in Skype pls? skypename - algariol
@manuel: not for me unfortunately. it's still quite touchy with multimonitor setups..
hey the "major fixes on texture feedback" fixes the queue texture problem?? don't have extra monitor to try it
The quality is not good but, try to imaging the missing parts ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOjXfKUIyEk
unc ? ? ?http://www.displayhack.org/2011/generating-shaders-on-the-fly/
hence 'pretty much' :)
well, you can rely surely on 5Ghz band 2.4Ghz is surprising sometime. Problem also of bandwith is to fall down with distance
@sugo no, the artnet part was through a cable... it was plain UDP over 3G
anyone knows if a physics object can be cnstantly updated? like a dynamic mesh that continues to morph and objects bounce to it?
@sunep - didn't you pretty much show me ArtNet over 3G? :)
thanks @karistouf, I will keep that in mind
but those are special devices: wlg link http://www.acksys.fr/us/produits/wl.htm#COMPACT
. you may also pass by wifi on 5gz band to avoid perturbations from certain telephone mobiles
no problem if your wifi access is encrypted and nobody uses telephones around
any problems using artnet over wifi?
Seoul university! (not Seoul national). Awesome students. @zepi - cheers!
Patch Slam...
Hello pc on tour ;-)
hello world from seoul national university workshop
@sugoku: it's available on german amazon.
@zepi - nice! where'd you get it from?
Hi guys. What is the latest and better plugin available today to use kinect with vvvv ? Tks :-)
anyone in berlin, 14-19.9?
beta26.BIG! thx devvvvs
getting this error when loading beta26 'Could not extract detailed module info from XML of ._RGBA (EX9.Texture FX Join)', any ideas?
@gregsn: guess can sim a queue with a little circular buf logic...
@gregsn: no workey. buffer inserts into a spread, but does not do the shift that queue does. Thanx, tho!
25 fps, replaying with main loop
or more... add bug in 23 with 1 minutes recording loop
seems so. it has to be tested with 10 or 20 seconds of images capture ;-)
merci gregsn !!!
@io: just ordered the zotac dual HDMI adapter. will report next week.
@io - yes! :) that res is 2x1920x1080. ran out of chars to be more verbose
damned.... WHEN could we have a queue(DX9) not biggy. Impossible to sample video in VVVV in a stable way without it !
quite liking the beta 26 release so far! though unfortunately it seems that queue(EX9) hell seems not over yet.. beta-26-getslice-texture-no-workey
io: which is what sugoku answered, albeit with a suboptimal formulation.
fckn hash bangs https://twitter.com/transmediale/status/104514580163727360
ayehhh west !
Just a reminder for all my creative friends: http://vimeo.com/22053820
@sugoku: my questio was if it acts as a DH2Go, not if I connect one at its outputs..
@io : somewhere (i think near the bottom) it says it gives you an output res of 3840*1080, i.e. DualHead2Go. Not sure if MST
@unc: thanks for your hard and generous work. This is really like a firewerk...
@io: pfiu !!! better way to pass your nights than scrabble playing !
@io nice! quite some engineering skills in this artwork ;)
compilation of tracks used with this.
vvvv should release a music album.
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