merci bien!
@jannis: nice video!
spam in news ?
thank you m4d)
@ceeyaa: ateate work is really strong !
a lot of math in v4
happy bday, bo!
Does somwone know where to finde the kinect.v4 ??
for kinect: the NUI stuff or the Open NI stuff? just got my kinect.
I also did a bad job in finding the easter eggs this weekend. (will find them when they start to smell bad)
@west: ya it is a bit hidden, but still available via the intro text on the front page
When I am logged in I cannot find the link to propaganda
nice cloth grid
thats what she said
thats what she said
why dont you tape under it some weight ?
@christosk: sometimes i wish my standard Spacenavigator was more heavy!
no hase this year
@kalle I was thinking of the notebook version, cause of its portability. Thank you for your reply.
@dottore: i like! visuals and sound seem very synced
having fun
@christosk: 1st i'd go for the best price. 2nd: the notebookversion has less weight, which i consider more a disadvantage. onlymy2ct.
control is done with phonegap
sorry joreg. i mismatch between Control and Kontrolleur
@karistouf: not sure what you mean?!
@joreg about control, is a programming interface available on windows ?
@everyoneishappy: many thxs that is true image work ! VVVV is great.
@gaz: what a work ! any idea who it is
3DConnexion SpaceNavigator Standard or Notebook edition? Where should I invest?
@defetto very very nice work
also interesting:
big up defetto
thanks guys, @alg yep
for your eyes Pat! for your eyes !
great work karistouf, exactly what i need ;)
@defetto: I appreciate this!
@defetto: great ! i need a pasta noodle course !
You got behance prosite? Congrats ). I'm still waiting the invitation.
i got a website
@patrick: posted art-net to arduino on contributions pages cheers !
@kvas1985 hi. why not to speak in skype?
really nice stuff, vedran!
hey guys.. i just wondered if there is a way to import rendersettings from C4D directly into v4...? any known threads or advice?
Thanks Karistouf!
but sony CCD are greats inside of it and hardware pretyy cool
i would NOT recommand imaging source with firewire for touring thing
yes. if you are doing only GIGE. No compression possible for wifi usage
anybody recommend imaging source gig-e cameras?
our new experiment:
@elektromeier: get the plugin with the latest alpha from irc and the app from the appstore.
wicked !
@refuzee: vvvv vs nba:
thxs joreg.
@wp7: kontrolleur for now is written in processing which specifically targets android..
@elektro: am a bit off these days. will be back on irc on thursday. pls join us there for a test.
@tonfilm big thx
still old school, witch a bachelyte wired black old 50's telephone ;-)
hum... im waiting for a phone for ;-)
Yep, it's would be nice have it on wp7
@karistouf; let's hope so, I have one too.
does kontrolleur may exist for windows phone 7?
and is the plugin for reading available for testing somewhere?
does writing to the ioboxes via setpatch affect the framerate/smoothness?
for now kontrolleur uses setpatch to write data to the is read using a plugin.
how does kontrolleuer access vvvv's io boxes? via setpatch/getpatch or is there a plugin for this?
Want to send TUIO data from an Android device? Check out TUIOdroid:
Need Help. how can we actually import VDO stream from kinect into vvvv? lots of thanks for every reply.
unsuccessfully connect Kinect to vvvv, it works proper in CLNUIDeviceTest though. If anyone know, please give some guide. Thanks
@vvvvebmaster: meatsock links opening 2 tabs
wow sugoku, thats an incredible project, really nice results allready
Is Queue (Spreads)sources avialable on SVN?
@hierro: OPEN NI links broken. New version !
Update on Kimchi and Chips' research into projecting onto trees and other stuff volumetrically
i have upload my pages. hope you enjoy my work and my pics! thank you, bye!
you´re welcome!
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