@lasal : yes thats it ! many thanks !
@lasal & sunep: is it the free version driver you are using or the commercial one ?
@Karistouf: you need to put the cleye.config file into the vvvv folder.
@sunep: no init file with Code Laboratory driver. maybe someone else ?
@Karistouf I remember vaguely a forum post stating that you need to edit an ini file to achieve framerates higher than 30
anyone from bratislava around and free for some beers tonight`?
Oh, my mustake, just need to doubleclick it.
or it's just not filtering properly
devvvv tag in forums is overloaded by using-vvvv questions. Can someone clean it?
@west: i have a slight feeling that dottore is involved in that screenshot
PS3eye camera: wich driver to go to 100fps ?
Help! My vvvv code editor doesn't work anymore. When I right click on effects and plugins it does nothing. any ideas?
or latest?
does anyone has the ASCII Text Representation for Lighting Console Data Version 3.0 in pdf ?
What is that "jenga tower" from the screenshotter?? Looks really good. http://media.fukung.net/images/40839/a60ec9818f863ec9dc355c1c1d857a76.jpg
Possible to generate and send MidiTimeCode from vvvv ?
It think link doubling problem happens with Chrome in particular, and maybe Safari too. Doesn't happen with Opera or Firefox
anybody going to the PQ2011?
same here, gaz
Is it just me or does clicking on a link in the drop box open the link in the same page and opens a new page displaying the link?
@jonferran - 440Hz = the A above middle C.
Dear vvvv web admins: Using the top-right search box yields different results than searching in the search page directly.
no amphetamin wako wako bali !
no chicken soup
we would like spam ?
??? lost !
@karistouf regarding the spam: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyWzsI3TPNA :)
OMG they just removed it.. haha, it was Spam dude, missed nothing.
hum hum... Not finding at all the LED link... being dummy me ...
Just click on the vvvv logo (top left). Weird that this isn't same as Home link.
west ?
@cat nice smooth line works ;-)
Hmm, where is vvvv news?
@west : link ?
http://vimeo.com/21935228 A recent kinect thing I did, not ground breaking, but fun :)
* This SDK is intended for non-commercial, what will their commercial pricing be?!
Open Wiki, open Spam, but what a nice LED flash lights they sell!!
vvvv news gone crazy
@joreg: about Touchstudio, is UDP sending available ?
bin frequency in hz = samplerate/2 /# of bins * bin #, from there you can calculate what pitch is in what bin, 440hz = middle c
@dawoof: use audioanalyser and get a spread from it , around the value desired
does anyone know how to detect a Note or Pitch from the FFT values>?
I could play AVI movie with alpha channel in beta25.1!
OMG, we finally have standart texture type?
@androids: join ##vvvv for a test
@joreg ;-) why not a vvvv version ?
@aivenhoe: definitely! seems like it got lost somehow...
hmm.. wouldn´t a binSize pin for the occurence-node be nice?
@levi: have not tried that, but does not sound practical. maybe convert streams to bitmap sequences.. @u7angel: neat!
http://vimeo.com/22238418 a-star pathfinder plugin will be published soonish
@m4d: have u succesfuly used writer nrt with a filestream? tried patches with doseek use but no luck.
another chaos toy http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curva_di_Peano
@ dottore: I thought you said .. doh (like homer) ahahah
@alg you can also see a patch @ 3:41
@alg, I know the guys who did the mapping for it, yeah vvvv. Well spotted.
@zepi: i hope that devvvs will not implement this iea in the forum ! or it wil give this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN62PAKoBfE&feature=related (very tiring....pff)
@levi: writer (ex9.texture nrt) is your friend ;)
is there a way nowadays to record nonrealtime a filestream?
@bo27 i think i will be ). Lets have some beer together )
@alg yes, it's vvvv cursor) and if you'll be in moscow middle of may, i'll show you some equal patches
Are they using VVVV? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iSgU9QwCbs&feature=player_embedded#at=187 Cursor at 1:36 http://gyazo.com/27d42224175e5e708aceae17888350ec.png
gmail motion is great: http://youtu.be/Bu927_ul_X0
@sven, tried that:( and several others... bah!
@karistouf: i put them there again
@gaz : for new vvvvers it would be good to let the links present in download page
@cat: I'm using Feb. 2010 release with b23 - works fine.
having tried 3, I think its .net3 not supporting all the functions of .net2 .... arse
which slimdx for beta23, not getting any plugins showing...
@Karistouf: there are links inside of the Crack file!
@webmaster: no more link pointing to .Net 3.5SP1 and DirectX in download section !
@Kalle I need help with a module you created !!!
I don't know in which context you are, but, probably both matrices are stored somewhere:for example in shaders or in the camera module
cheers fibo. figured out the inverse multiply technique. have tried to estimate B. kind of works!
@mrboni it depends on which context, in math it is not possible: if you have A*B=C, given C you should know B (and invert it) to get A
never mind I answered my own question code-editor-lack-of-namespaces
C#: Why doesn't this work? using System.Xml; "The type or namespace name 'Xml' doesn't exist in the namespace 'System'
@joreg super! thanks!!!
Is it possible to undo the multiplication of a view and projection matrix to get back the original matrices?
oh very clear - nice
...also in the news: pluginspecs/
chinese embassy: "line is busy" _ yeah I'm at CBH SAT _ nice Forum, cool Performances and Abstract Birds :) http://www.hungaricum.de/fileadmin/user_upload/FESTIVALS_INTERDISZIPLINAERES/2011/Screenplay/PM_LONG_SCreenplay.pdf
@defetto: i fell ill so unfortunately won't make it. it's a pity. was so looking forward to it.. Wish you guys to have a blast!!
to all the Berlin vvvvriends, we are playing tomorrow night at CHB! hope to see you there! AB
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