@colorsound: ;-)
levi: Decompose(Transform Vector) or use GetMatrix (Transform)
is it possible to obtain the scale values out of an incoming transformmatrix?
nevermind,, I've figured it out with IO advanced
How can I connect spread to IOBox node, to create my custom module?
oh oh oh antokhio !
Like the OpenNiSet for Kinect you need something to comunicate via C#-plugin-v4 and yes, you get SDK and HeadSet from Emotive
Lastly, V4W!
@CeeYaa, that's a bit of a shame. I don't know enough about writing plug-ins do they come with the product drivers?
@dEp good find! I'll have to get my hands on the bits and pieces now, glad you've already started and sound like a top project!
@Screamer it would be very interesting to see what could be dreamt up (so to speak ;-) ) Instantaneous, psychedelic, drug-free vjing
Thanks Skyliner, I remember reading that a while back and wondering how it worked. @Screamer nearly: http://bcinet.com/sdklicense.html
.. i don't think its allowed to post the Emotive libraries
@Hadasi I work with EmotiveSDK but these my FirstC#steps / it will appear in Contributions when I find more time but...
@Hadasi: there is Mind Your OSCs: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mindyouroscs/ It will give you EPOC > v4. working on a show with these for Valmet Children :)
But epoc and nia too has sdk, so it would be fantastic if anyone will create a node for that stuff
i used keystrokes emulator, and keyboard/keymatch combination in vvvv.
@hadasi: some times ago i've used the ocz nia (a low cost hardware similar to epoc).
thank you sir!
@Hadasi: dep
@Hadasi: get in touch with dep
With all this Kinect, stuff has anyone thought about a mind control node? http://www.emotiv.com/apps/sdk/207/
nice work mr. wannabe! ;)
thanks. sift and getslice worked just fine!
select node
you can also use sometimes bounds
sift and getslice
2 soreads, same length. first spread says 0 or 1. every slice which is 1 i want to grab out the value of the second spread. how?
anamorphic mapping installation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQI4SiyRvIg
is on logitech C910 the lens changeable ?
wow, spotted a second vvvv user in my hometown. (lookin' at you, r10t) i suggest let's have a beer and chat! ;)
and of course to hierro for that lovvvvely depth map :D
yeah, big up for sanch, vvvvdev and mrvux for the great plugin ;)
screamer discovered irrklang :) http://vimeo.com/21758978
@ft: in accordance with hierro this contribution is about to be hidden as he mentioned the openni-plugin is now the one to use
'access denied' on Contributions->Kinect Multi Skeleton Bridge ???
@sugokuGENKI: yes, but it looks like there aren't any ds-drivers for win7..
@sugokugenki: magnifique
@aivenhoe: http://vimeo.com/9625370
@aivenhoe: i think we are quiet some to know that actually vvvv enables us to reanble research : cubism, constructivism,futurism
pioneering visuals: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/kBpPBtQ48v0/
For some reason I cannot create a X-Y Grid. Only the X values change but Y stays constant. Any Ideas? btw. I'm using the latest
urgent: looking to 'slice_10y.x' or similar .Its an Xfile part of nvidia sdk 9.51..
@sven which drivers do you have installed? You want DirectShow drivers and not the fully featured ones.
Why does middle click open the page here?!??
anyone knows how to get a firefly mv (firewire) to work with win7? vvvv doesn't recognize it.
filetexture has (hidden) pins for texture size...
try info(Ex9texture)andapectratio
is it TextureScale(vp4)?
hi! what is the fastest way to transform a quad with a jpg texture without loosing proportion?
@eglod: openni-plugin
I got it. vvvv_skeleton is working wonderful!
vvvv_skeleton3\NITrackerBridge.exe - Calibration fails. What could I do, I am trying and trying. Would be very thankful for an advice
Octagonal sequencer, Increase the volumen!! http://www.vimeo.com/21927904
@sugoku and they speak russian btw)
Gratuitous use of spreads: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AYf26yz3yw
any one have a working patchlet system?
nice one lasal!
interesting: http://jtnimoy.net/workviewer.php?q=178
boolean with patch !
@hierro What is your skypename? My skypename- algariol
Ahh.. that is what you suppose to do with Dottore´s particles.. NICE!!
lasal, beautiful effect
merci beaucoup, karistouf.
@alg add me to skype, actually refactoring hard disk :)
lasal... its incredibly clean and pure...
thanks people, very appreciated :)
nice work lasal
Dottore´s particles http://vimeo.com/21846131
@hierro Can you provide latest sources of your plugin? I will merge it with my version and publish to contributions as fork.
@karistouf,hierro:i couldnt fit response here, so pls check/add to ps3eyes-at-distance
is your v4 located in a folder named with special characters ? put v4 on c: and try again
warppoints.dll in the addonpack + b25 or b25.1
I'm getting a filepath comment box rather than a plugin node when opening a plugin into a vvvv patch window....
@sphere42 there are some nodes defetto made: tiki-download_file.php?fileId=1521
hierro: have you got a link to this project ?
hum helas my control room on touring is generally between 30 and 50 meters. I m searching for a solution in LAN.
direct export of simple shapes to vector format anyone?
@karistouf&sugoku i've used 5 ps3eyes using totally 20 meters of cable and 2 usb splitter , ps3 rocks :D
@karistouf forhttp://www.kimchiandchips.com/link.php we used PS3eyes on 15meter USB extension cables. 2x15m also worked sometimes (32m total).
@sugokuGenki: now we need a usb / Rj45 adaptor to use C910 far away from computer ;-)
Who's in Korea? We ran this meet up in Seoul recently: http://bit.ly/kinectseoul and more to come.
@nerds My evaluation of Logitech C910 webcam for Computer Vision. PS3Eye used as reference http://bit.ly/logitechc910
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