@magnetik welcome. feel free to contact
the facebook nodes are working with b25 ?
Please, take a look. combinations-without-repetition
For the moment i´m using a precalculated list and getslice, but it´s not elegant.
@Tonfilm, but i need a stable nº of spreads, and all differents.
@lasal, sort a random spread and use the former index
Peter, thanks. I hope it will work for me. Now i found out, that I need an usb adapter-cabel to connect kinect to computer.
I'd say the background radiation is as random as it gets. other possibility: radioactive decay. ;-)
does random exist anywhere? there are hardware entropy collectors, but even they just listen to cosmic background noise...
random seed needs to be increasingly pertuberd by some noise, as the random doesnt exist in computer world
with random, not all the spreads are differents.
how is the easy way to have a spread of different random integers?
@blaufasan did you see parse-twitter-xml-(basic) ? did it help?
@eglod this worked for fine for me http://pushypanda.blogspot.com/2011/01/kinecting.html
Could be somebody so kind to explain, how to connect kinect xbox 360 to windows xp. Thank you eglod
getspread index(-1) maybe? Sorry not on a pc at the moment, to check...
Queue (Spreads) maybe?
hey there,... is there a way to remove the first slice everytime the spread exceeds a specific size?
@refuzee use PerfMeter node
@refuzee: perfmeter
uhm...any shortcut to show fps in renderer ? :)
welcome korea :)
hi Korea
@blaufasan yes, it's possible. feel free to play with nodes from string category.
This is first time to login on web.Hello everyone. This is from Korea
morning, :). Is it possible to auto wrap string spread slices if they are longer than n-characters?
@mannuel: some threads would probably mamke no sense if we did so.
hey, that show resolving answers buttons is really cool. I thougth that you delete the other messages when questions were solved.
but lets talk about joreg professional reconversion as boom operator !
cui cui cui
cui cui cui
;-) thanks vvvv to let us create such objects...
@karistouf: That dance piece is truly wonderful - all the parts worked so well. Thanks!
the boom operator is impressiv !!!
@bo27 shoutbox equal internet not equal realtime
@blaufasan look here: http://vvvv.org/contributions -> parse twitter XML (basic)
shoutbox is not realtime??? i can not see joregs answer 2 mins earlier...
@blaufasan check girlpower/+ XML_API
Ok sorry. Was my fault :) I got it working via the newsfeed node. appreciate your help.
also see \girlpower\+ XML_API
Tried both. I get to the RSS in a IOBox. But i neither can't parse it via XPath nor via newsfeed.
@blaufasan or XPath for xml http://twitter.com/statuses/public_timeline.xml tell me if you need a help patch. (tmrw.) more twitter api here: http://dev.twitter.com/doc
@blaufasan could use the "newsfeed" node to parse the RSS i.e. http://twitter.com/statuses/public_timeline.rss
hey,.. any advice for integrating twitter to v4? the patch from the forum doesn't seem to work :(
hey... i just thought i'm tall... before i met you at node))
@bo:reconsidering, i think it plays austrians too. ^^
@bo: in soviet russia basketball plays german guys.. (scnr)
@Ricardo: for what i remember entirely english. people come from all over the vvvvorld!
Im wondering if NODE10 was "entirelly" english spoken ... considering the possibility to attend NODE12 but I dont german
hi there, anyone know why my current pass is always uncorrect?
maybe playing handball will be better
@m4d thanks for you and joreg i will never play basketball against german guys))
i was mistaken for joreg several times by people at node10 so i totally agree :P
oh yes, he does
@joreg looks good
nice NODE10_Documentation_Video THX to Judith Holzer and the whole crew _ nice review to a cool week
@diez: nice1 :)
@joreg: nice program, especially since it works with individual vvvv windows :)
big up fibo, 'spreadable sta fava'
@fibo yea!! pipet that! :)
divvvvy anybody? http://mizage.com/divvy/
hey, natan. are you going to contribute some amazing shadows shaders?)) based on previous, you should do it now
LAst work vvvv + resolume http://vimeo.com/21588720
yeah! really nice documentation vvvvideo!
@johanvts && noir thanks
awesome documentary! love it.
@fibo: with natan's gpu particles it definitely can. :)
@sapo: nice video, it could be done in vvvv I think
Dawoof Enrique Donde chingados estas cabron!!
Dawoof Enrique Donde chingados estas cabron!!
@karistouf really nice work
@Karistouf: very nice.
thxs screamer. i m vvvvvery happy from this work
@karistouf: beautiful
anyone having nvidia optimus working w. more than 1 renderer and high performance GPU
@vedenberg: be aware that if you begin at CH1 in bidule , it is CH 0 in VVVV
can anyone help me?
i dont see MIDI values in vvvv patch, however in Bidule works perfectly, i have all enabled,tried MIDI controller, also MIDInot e
@dl-110: nice patch
particle emitter demo out now! http://vvvv.org/contribution/particle-emitter
@kalle: great! thx ;)
@grbkrn: nono, don't worry, it's a fresh upload for you...
Dawoof Quien Eres??
@kalle: many thanks!! is not listed, when using search function :(
zona6 - you can get my http://www.behance.net/gallery/Internal-Thinking/347176
@grobkorn: see http://vvvv.org/contribution/randombang-%28animation%29
@zona6 search sapolab
@io: may I see some of you work?
@colorsound just sent you an e-mail
lightmare, I'm looking for personal work that could be shown trhoug different venues in the island from chill out places to clubs.
tonight starts the first vvvvorkshop @hfg schwäbisch gmünd
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