@beyon: they're not referring to their renderer, they position themselves between your quote and a full-stack engine like chromium
new user trying to register? sorry, registration on vvvv.org is currently broken, we're working on it!
metrowave: "that only supports a tiny subset of HTML/CSS spec" Do they say what parts anywhere? Also not free for commercial use
vvvv in Full Dome action, premiere tonight http://sat.qc.ca/fr/cage-lost
it was free till sunday night... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_McBS1NlHJM
@bjoern private video :(
@dominikkoller good article
New music video "rare birds" by Lazerbeams: Tonite! (neon jazz) -- visuals generated directly from audio with vvvv! https://vimeo.com/263402294
hm why doesnt that link work http://worrydream.com/#!/LearnableProgramming
Learnable Programming (2012): http://worrydream.com/#!/LearnableProgramming Most relevant article I've read in a while!
My new 4kb intro "Throwing dildos at the sun" ranked 10th at Revision demo party. Prototype vvvv + Izpi Ibiltzen https://vimeo.com/263055438
@joreg thnks!!
@edu check editing framework
Hi! is there a sustitute for dx11 of the good old gridEditor dx9? thnks!
@eno good or bad?
VVVVtv brings me to the starting point of this wonderful community. Should be VLTV. more sexy ;) Amazing Vl.opencv
while komputavision is a great demonstration of vl capabilities, vvvvTv seems like a guerilla production! v4 is going underground!
ALARM. Easterhegg and no oktoskop because BUG. https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/vertexbuffer-split-seems-b-o-r-k-again/16224
great staff vleople¡¡
vvvvTv!komputavision! btw. the moderator needs to put on weight...höhö
komputavision! great stuff!
can't sleep? try this: http://tinyurl.com/y82w4u47
you can use the VVVV.Audio pack with ASIO4ALL for that: vvvv.audio-pack-alpha
Hi,any idea how to connect more than 1 external microphone and send it to different headphones (via AudioIn / AudioOut??) ?
Call for projects: Submit your 2017/18 projects at http://vvvv.academy/showcase.html to get featured in the showcase!
@microdee bad resting camel detector... I am sure it will work amazingly once it is standing :)
@catweasel: yeah v3 is out. not a great camel detector though :D
https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/ realtime object detection
I will be publicly streaming live how to set up the new VVVV.js and my examples tonight 9:30 pm gmt+1 https://www.patreon.com/posts/17817015
@joreg thank you sehr!
@iiii the 64bit version allows you to use more of a pcs memory but has some things missing: missing in 64bit builds and you can use both
Hi, I am new here. Can anybody tell me what's the advantage of the 64 GB version or can I install both without problems?
@synth maybe you're talking about this one? https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose
@joreg LOL
erm right ..
@synth it is called facebook
Hey all! A while back there was a shout about a piece of software to track people in spaces. Anyone have a clue?
how calculate colision of spread of segments?
read about the first years of vvvv's history: https://meso.design/en/articles/the-flow-of-creative-expression-paving-the-way-for-vvvv
Massive thanks to developers for the latest release.
in case you missed the news so far: vvvv 50beta36 is out now: vvvv50beta36 #vvvv
@nsynk team. I sent you email about the optitrack at the store. Did you receive it? Thanks.
vvvv Academy is going on Tour - and looking for partners to host a course! vvvv-academy-on-tour
another release candidate is out for the weekend: beta36-release-candidate #vvvv please test and report!
I realized that I will just do those updates on separate branches, Still stay tuned...
I'm making mp.* packs CI and release friendly. Meanwhile vpm downloads might not work with them for a bit. Stay tuned...
what people think vvvv coders do https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=84&v=iOc8JQwl8Cc
good to hear!
the old problem was the renderer on a second screen freezing when fullsize, under certain conditions which i can't remember now...
@joreg now i got hold of a projector and i tested, should be fine! :D @joreg
i'm not exactly sure what "old problem" you're talking about. have you tested if it still exists?
tx @joreg . Do you think it's better for me to install a 32bit version of vvvv, or is there another workaround for that old problem?
@Xini welcome back! AsVideo (EX9.Texture) is only available in 32bit builds, as you can see here: missing in 64bit builds
It's red in my old patch. It was used to solve the problem of the frozen renderer on a second screen...
Friends1 I'm back after so many years :D Is the "AsVideo" node still up an running?
@karistouf: see the helppatch of CreateNode (VVVV)
in need to load patches on the fly
hum, not finding any more tips to load on the fly a patch... (pb with performances). anybody can give me a link to it ?
https://www.facebook.com/events/229138920986077/ free workshop on coding and dance by me and tobyk. 1-4 MAY 2018 Bratislava (SK)
the docking function is the worst part of the amaizing ui we work with,is there a way to deactivate that function,cmd?
@fibo please make your workshop announcement a proper date-blog entry!
NODE19 ahead ? May be there is alread a date.
and finally RC14: which really fixes the problem with newly installed nugets not showing up in the menu: beta36-release-candidate #vvvv
https://www.facebook.com/events/191661844769072/ FREE VVVV WORKSHOP BY FIBO ON 17th MARCH 2018 MILAN (IT)
Notuiv is in early alpha, until I won't post a proper announcement here, there's no technical support for it yet.
how i install the notuiv on vvvv?
at the risk of boring you already..here is RC13: beta36-release-candidate installed nugets now show up in menu w/o restart. #vvvv
I heard you like help patches: https://i.imgur.com/CdJEZTl.png
@matka thx! http://www.meso.net/MINI-Connected the best way to do this? box2d?
@marlonossiliere check this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QVEwm-B14s&feature=youtu.be
@marlonossiliere check this sandbox to get some insights box2d-playground
anyone help to understand the basics of the box2d? help patch is missing
@joreg: \o/ Definitely big rrrrollin'rrrrocks! #vl
we have another release candidate: beta36-release-candidate #vvvv
@skyliner: blown away.
Hi fellas! How i make a stroke with segment ball with fill color?
sorry. 2017
splice festival 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4S-jXh1JZs&ab_channel=udokaiser
@beyon nice, great Inspiration!
before vvvv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDfIkXf3uzA
Notui is improving, will be officially released soon! https://youtu.be/BMgigQvwPWs
@marlonossiliere have a look at the HTMLTexture node.
Hi there! How to push hashtags social post (fb, instagram, twitter) into v4 renderer?
monday morning brings one more candidate: beta36-release-candidate if all goes well, this should be the final one! please test #vvvv
Anyone in Geneva for the motor show? Maybe we can organize a meeting!
Free vvvv workshop by Fibo in Milan https://www.facebook.com/events/191661844769072/ see you!
vvvvebruary happened: vvvvhat-happened-in-february-2018
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