hi all, anybody around for sonar 2010?
is anybody works at St.Petersburg Economic Forum? could be nice trip here))
@manuel, cool :)
anybody around is sharing a good and leight weight module for preview from time to time multiples renderers working in direct ? (fighting with write text)
thanks West! don't you know if it going to change?
vvvveb 3.0: phase one: wiki is now readonly. http://vvvv.org/tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=3
Permission denied you cannot edit this page..... Why?
@sphere42: shaders usually connect to a renderer directly. so you need to feed shader with a Grid
@sphere42: use grid (ex9) + shader
how to apply shaders on quads?
@gaz free Zbrush :)
isn't TK around here a.k.a. kiilo?
hehe :D
easy guess which one is TK :-P
io+TK spring 2010, Canry Islands http://imgur.com/oEjFs.jpg
thorsten klose ftw!!1
mmm MIDIBox!, I am also building a MIDIBox controller http://io-lab.org/toys/iiego
Ahh cool, no worries, hope the new Wiki is going to be ace!! :)
@ West, the Wiki is currently read-only http://vvvv.org/tiki-view_blog_post.php?blogId=3&postId=366
Can't seem to find the EDIT button to add a new video tutorial (please help!)
@joreg: awww, sorry. did'nt knew that..
@m4d links are shortened automatically...
(sorry, i tried to shorten teh links to maintain readability.. ^^)
@mediadog: u7 made this really nice framebuffer some time ago. http://lix.in/-7c285f i'd also recomend having a look at screamers motion tracking tools. http://lix.in/-7f3597
@defetto: hannover, germany unfortunately..
@hrovac -> skype
Looking for a background removal shader that slowly adapts to the incoming video. I know I've seen it before, but can't find it now! Thanksabunch!
where are you based?
i'd luv to see that live..
saturday 19th, celeste motus live at http://www.sentieribarocchi.it/
@Joreg cool!
triumph of the nerds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJyYhcZwb7E&feature=player_embedded
how to generate cube textures in realtime?
first presentation of a handy DVI mixer d-fuser on visualberlin festival: http://festival.visualberlin.org/event/spark-d-fuser-aka-dvi-mixer/
Video from our latest gig in Copenhagen http://vimeo.com/12103231
heyyy how do you hide the Renderer ex9 border ? i saw it posted but don't remember where!
Thank you devvvvelopers, I am just havvvving great time wwith your softvvvvare
how to generate cube textures in realtime?
@m4d: hehe @king of patch: never mind..if everything goes as planned you'll be contacted next week..
i hope you won't refer to "this is it!" next.. :P
BachmanTurnerOverdrive possibly tto ancient for the most around here, but i don't get the reference to the king of pop?
it's more quoting BTO: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You_Ain%27t_Seen_Nothing_Yet
@vvvveb 3.0...(randomly quoting the king of pop): you ain't seen nothing yet!
anyway quite curious....
vvvveb 3.0: when will editing be possible again?
teh vvvveb 3.0 feels blazing fast today! :)
@phooz timing, or perfmeter
erm.. whats the node that allows you to monitor frame rate?, i cant find it
@elektro noway! haha great
@defetto, didnt you look for a proper printer? heres one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zX09WnGU6ZY
i testet the dx with dx diagnostic tool and everything is ok, the drawx test is ok but dx9render still not show anything but gray...mist!
HELP!renderdx9 doesent work on xp, i get no error about directx!! Any clue about what th eprob. could be? it's quite urgent..
@msberger thanks body .. perfecto
@mrtz i guess your problem has to to with the dpi settings of your desktop. try 96dpi
@gaz funny ! i am beginner and just install vvvv.. cant read them so can actually create any nodes .. it has to do with font or something !
@mrtz: Glasses!
i cant read my nodes .. their fonts is so blurry .. any one ?
thanks, I also thought about separate faces, still don't now how to attach texture to it, btw, you're my hero, desaximundi, really diggin your stuff
@matka / one way would be to use collada animations in vvvv
fun starts around 2min
i wish one day I'll achieve this trick. anybody? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPN3Dvj5AKw
Good but not as good as http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTN3s2iVKKI
look at me: http://vimeo.com/10857606
ahaahaaha.. finally it's opened! didn't know that
No mention to Kalle or vvvv, anyway.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/europe/10193792.stm
help files not show
heute abend 22:30 ö1 (life-stream auf der website): http://futurezone.orf.at/stories/1649041/
0.7.6 on line: http://www.le-chat-noir-numerique.fr/ double dmx: http://vimeo.com/11592577
so many new shaders this year! I didn't start testing them yet
:) please excuse my fishing for compliments....
well, i like ClampFade (EX9.Effect), kalle ;)
Thanx tonfilm, I try to take contact back with the community, I hope to have the time to continue translating...
hey ArsRobota, thanks for the translation!
When she's/he's right, she's/he's right. someone has a money shader?
@kalle; i like both shaders ;-) thanks for sharing.
diki, i never saw your modules, but thanks alot i just completed a project that had been stuck in doubt for months now. Gesture (2D Vector) :D
clampfade is supercool! it's like two effects in one :)
i wonder that nobody likes the http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=ClampFade+%28EX9.Effect%29+ but the Videonoi within http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=VertexColors+%28EX9.Effect%29+ should meet some expectations...
nothing new but still vvvvun http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOX6dRPvqWE
@Alexlight, is the addonpack installed?
Node Mesh (EX9.Geometry Collada) Missing
@Sugoku : ask Manfroto :)
@Blankuestra, in that case you should install SlimDX. see this thread http://vvvv.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=31994&topics_threshold=0&topics_offset=35&topics_sort_mode=lastPost_desc&topics_find=&for...
doing the hello world video tutorial, and text just won't show up in the renderer,it just stays black.Bug?
anywhere in london where you can buy a clamp that goes 60mm pipe->50mm pipe at 90degrees?
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