@guest: may be send it over tcp to flash
Face Generator http://www.mono-1.com/monoface/main.html
can i somehow make flash ex9 node accept a spread of mouse coordinates? like multitouch.
@tonfilm tx. mmm..more than one error,,a series of NULL nodes not created by me, opening thread..
Does anyone have a sugestion on how to translate the Shadow values into the Z axis of a mesh?
@ddf, like the error says, invalid character in line 1151, pos 59. get a text editor and change it..
why this? just re-opened after two minuteLink
hi r4dian, please read this page http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=FAQ+Rendering#How_to_capture_the_output_of_a_Renderer_
Writer (EX9.Texture NRT) - does it work on audioreactive stuff if you then try and resync the audio ?
@buchi: you're right, we're quite busy too - would have been a soundframe edition anyway, i guess....
@frank: yes, that's it basically!
Ars Electronica 2010 Deadline: March 17th http://www.aec.at/prix_about_en.php
i m thinking that i have more than a year of vvvv paches screens etc to upload (once i ll be done with doing my website)
havvvve vvvvun
hello vvvv!
yessssss thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!
las time i tryed the "forgot your password , i think it took like maybe 1 or 2 day befor the email arrive
maybe have a look at your junk folder
looks like i havn t receved any email , what should i do? can you confirm you send it to a gmail ?
thank you bjoern is it real that there is only 30 vvvv user in japan , i ve heard it on saturday
i just send you an email with a new password
sorry maybe LineKernel (case sensitive is a nightmare)
@guest what´s your username ?
everytime i try the reset password "forgot-password" i receve the email , i click the link and then the page says "Invalid username or activation code. Maybe this code has already been used."
can i get an email contact ? i cant find myself in the user list , BUT i did register because i can find my name on the map page
hi , please help , i ve never been able to log or reset my password and ant find who to ask for help
She had the first 5 correct, so I assume the rest is correct too...
anybody check that http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiliHq8phgE&feature=player_embedded
@west i like the textual programming in Xtranormal.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42c8Gf_0_RE&NR=1
beta23, fuck yes! loving the stereogram patch :)
thank you, my pleasure!
Tonfinlm, stereogram patch is awesome. Really nice job.
We all know this.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcJ1bK1W8qc
yeahh, great beta23
Waaaaw DynamicTexture is now spreadable!!
oooh Text(EX9) Render State :)
Hurra! Beta23 :)
@digitalwannabe somehow in that direction: http://vvvv.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=7&comments_parentId=30959
@dw: principally yes, but soundframe and work keep me occupied, not much time for anything. after sf would be better...
@wirmachenbunt: As I undersood its more or less an sort-algorithm of which pixel/voxel is closest to cam. Out of a massive spread. Which could be stored in a texture, may be 3dtex or a vector-based graphic...just a thought
oho and what about vvvviennese gathering #2? it's been a while now and lichterloh has got a whole lotta questions ;) dirk, buchi, da strukt boys? kathl, woei, hm?
oops......by moving their objects in space....bamm oida.
@frank: this is interesting. just a few days ago i've been thinking about quite a similar thing - what if vvvv wouldn't calculate any values which lead to objects outside of the camera's view - we could be switching animation patches by moving their objec
@frank, as we all work with pxls this technique makes a lot of sense. downside, more resolution means a lot more calculation. i doubt polygon rendering has the same ratio. i doubt the race will ever be over like the author proposed
...RenderTTY says nothing.
hi! is anybody knows why Render EX.9 may eat more and more cpu\gpu when nothing happens? saw it with PrefMeter Render starts at 60fps and fall to 15fps for 2 minutes....
nice looking demo, point clouds: http://vimeo.com/8525860 and http://vimeo.com/5605266
jepp looks ugly, but its not triangle style, so can be round. content creation? I dont know, something like point cloud stuff. But programs have to be build,no question
@frankf i agree to wirmachenbunt. i don´t think the tech demp looks convincing
@rrrr it would be cool if i could draw on it
@frank, looks very much like voxels. as all the other ppl on the site i wonder how content creation would look like. the tech demo looks very ugly :)
Inverse Graphing Calculator http://www.xamuel.com/inverse-graphing-calculator.php?phrase=vvvv
did anybody find a way to generate a clean mesh out of lindenmayer?
new promising 3d rendering technique http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2010/03/10/unlimited-detail-wants-to-kill-3d-cards/#more-26754
i mean videoin
any idea on how connect a video to an avi as container for avisynth?
@bitminster, unless you're seeing something different, post here > http://www.vvvv.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=10&comments_parentId=30863#threadId30870
@bitminster, played with that, once changed it doesn't have the same effect though. It all uniform if nTab changed.
@Desaxis, nice update on your noise shaders.... seem to run faster now.... maybe this is motivation to fix the fullscreen bug in my bumpme shader
@xd_nitro you can avoid these spikes by changing the nTab pin, although you probably know already!
sinus to chile: sinus@sil.at cheers! and to desax: hurra! and to joreg and the ssao posse: prosit hurra!
ATI/Nvidia issue with NOISE > http://www.vvvv.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=10&comments_parentId=30863
that is some great would've have seen the live performance
Usually we're more interested in visuals than in other stuff
don't see teh point here
exceptionally well crafted music video, done with vvvv?
frankfurt is not as nice as berlin, but nicer than bottrop
eating cookies will make you blue and hairy
interesting information to be found here: blabla
shout's will have to be a bit longer so taht we can see
even more annying information about other stuff
@xd its always done that for me in previous versions too
@xd : i'm aware of this but it does not on my machine. Hard to fix then!
our latest projection project video http://www.vimeo.com/9855062
teaching arduino/vvvv in Seoul video http://www.vimeo.com/9995956
@desaxis, your noise table implementation is producing long flickering spikes from the object.
ooo thanks very much!
@deaxismundi,Thanks deaxis, really wonderful stuff!
VertexNoise and vBomb are updated !
For all theVertexNoise lovers around : http://vvvv.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=2058
@Sinus , whats your mail contact ???
sinus@xd_nitro: you may start here: http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/wiffle/
@brozm : point the shader and press ALT+rightclick to reset it! should work then.
Hey anyone knows why the vertex noise and v-bomb shader doesn't work on latest beta release? My video card seems to support everything else though
wow, thought i'd pressed everything. cheers!
anyone any ideas how to make those type of effects in vvvv at 0:28 > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXE2pn_s818
@mrboni enabling "Draw Slicewise" in the pillow node using Inspector should do the trick. Search for slicewise in the wiki for more information.
Anyone know why pillow node can't handle spreads of 1200+ ?
sinus@vux: amazing!!! wifflecubes etc...
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