another test on a gloomy sunday:
@zepi,hey there,i'm in ShangHai,PM me, _
werkkzeug4 is been a while since i dont use that
some v4 users in shanghai during expo?
Anyone in Budapest monday or tuesday?
some vvvvuser in Beijing ?
seems like it's not working, the resulting mesh is corrupted
@tonfilm yes that's it! @majortom sorry i meant a curve..
Hmm? MORE shaders you say? DXSAS samples is a bundle of fun!
@defetto what do you mean by shape? skype?
maybe i'm wrong, but i remember there was a patch somewhere for revolve modeling ( generate a mesh by revolving (rotating) a shape around an axis)? am i dreaming? reminds me of the Radiohead video
looks good gaz!
thanks wronE, looked suspicious, i precautiously deleted it..
whats with the LG thing in the shaders gallery? easy video search
@gaz, reminds me of oldschool arcade machine. like it.
Something I've been working on lately:
@nitro: thanks
Anyone know much about colour calibration in windows xp?
tech for cleaning pixels >
minster- :)
thanks bitminister
Mouse - TogEdge - Counter - Ord2Enum
Is there a way to toggle through enumerations by a button click?
Does anyone know why the Svvvvvitcher messes video patches up? they play fine for 5 seconds and then the FPS drops dramatically, from 24 to 6, pleaaaaaase help
a standard reference for clients of computer graphics: how animation works
cool! it's a stitch in reality. duchamp would of enjoyed.... ||
just found out that Duchamp published a journal called 'vvv'. mmm...any links with VVVV?
going to lille for 2 days from tomorrow, anyone there?
inspired from "Der Lauf der Dinge" :
Bilateral filter?
hi all, anyone can help me with a trouble with collada plugin? i've written a post about that, thx ;)
Best thing you can do :
re: architect holos: (not really the same thing but anyway)
yo, me at telekom, hall 4, besides microsoft...
anyone in cebit in hannover?
that is nice digislave real nice
Superformula Love
based on PQ Torus Formula
I will post it soonly
who did superformula p q shader screenshot? hurra!
thanks dEp
@joreg wow
@kalle, :)
@guest: render to a quad and use transforms or texture transforms (for example scale with -1 = flip)
need little hint. how to flip or mirror a videotexture ?
@xd nitro & guest: not null, but NIL. see
Thanks xd_nitro.
@guest, dunno why this happens, however the crossed 0 is known as a Null and you can use the AvoidNull node to give a 0 instead
help: why flash ex9 node stops output when has no input ("crossed O") on mouse x pin? (is connected to contours x pin)
Check out the first Superflow video here -
wh's doing those voroni shader screenshots?
wow. i never did add that ability.
@Kalle:did i not ever set that up? Im going to look at that.
who did the alp like this : and how ?
what's that voronoi screenshot? a shader???
12hrs playing with laser cut perspex
Good stuff ;D
a test:
kalle: i lol'd :D
am i dense? how can i watch (email notifications) a forum thread not started by me? howto page says "click on "monitor this forum" in a forum page", but can't see it. on the watches page i can only add a watch for new articles :?
@automaton: you can't receive personal messages?
blurry with a chance of metaballs :)
meatballs Bilder? lol!!
@joreg thanks, sounds like a good thing..
@defetto: nope, we are hoping to get rid of the need to install it at all..
should we install the new slimdx?
yes, the image sequence thing i told you of, why?
anybody out there working on a layer-plugin?
get something to eat man.
you know i _always_ read "meatballs" instead of "metaballs"? mmmmh meatballs...:-P
I think kitw is
anyone from melbourne using vvvv?
eh sanch, you got it?
who did this? looks like gray scott
hhhmmmmmmmmm.... ginger
Look like ginger root, mmmm
@elektromeier what's DLA?
and conjoined with the metaballs plug.
jup. the nice wooden apearance comes from out of range values for the ao shader...
seems like elektromeier conjoined his spheres.. very nice
hey devvvvs, SlimDX Feb 2010 out:
YAY SSAO, very nice! :)
thanks antokhio! x
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