Hey drwwwooooooah, just downloaded your toy... seems like a good viable solution to making some palletes.... have to install illustrator will get back
@woohoo That's very cool, have to give it a go :)
Export Adobe #Illustrator Color Groups as XML files to use in #vvvv. Script by me, Patch by #defetto: http://bit.ly/9Dx3P3
In The Mod color tools now export palettes as XML files for #vvvv. http://bit.ly/T1MCz. DL patches by #defetto: http://bit.ly/dtVSGh
hello there :-D
@West , just playing around with SphereHarmonic and input morph, I like too, THX to Majortom!
I am from Chile, looks awesome!! what is it?
thanks defetto; that s was my impression, i was hesitating between cibachrome and canvas ;-)
@ fibo: play with this one http://www.vvvv.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=2044
@joreg: thanks for shadertoy-link. tested with chromium-build and works great
infact it's a print on canvas :)
@defetto: wich type of printing technique ? seems to have a beautifull density
http://www.flickr.com/photos/abstractbirds/sets/72157623319343820/ pics of some Celeste Motus prints
@vvvvolks: SphereHarmonic (Ex9.Geometry) module http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/sphericalh/ any hint/feedback is vvvvelcome
@rrrr thanks for starting this topic
Some thoughts on vvvv http://j.mp/vthoughts
nice, thanks for posting it :)
@defetto: rehersals videos of voyage en polygonies http://vimeo.com/9068424
please help me to solve this http://www.vvvv.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=7&comments_parentId=30097#threadId30257
@skyliner: stunning! but it's not me. i never wear a wrist watch...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm2e4aB7H1k kalle@1:45 ;)
great update, thanx devs, vux and all the other generous ppl
great addonpack, thanks a lot for the collada pluging
@ who ever did the Collada plug-in: Somebody should give you a medal ! I own you a beer ( a big one !!!)
@Joreg ,THX updated and working
what's up
also hosts 2 CPU's and has 12 RAM slots
motherboard for 7 graphics cards!!!! http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/28/evgas-w555-motherboard-gets-a-once-over-can-hold-seven-gpus/
@chile: do you have slimdx(august2009) installed?
Text EX9 won't work after installing new addon pack...any hints ?
new addonpack: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=AddOns
niiiiice :)
get latest Qfsm with vvvv automata code export: http://sourceforge.net/projects/qfsm/
oh and here's the link - ops http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPbD2sKfMvI&feature=related
Beautiful shots of video feedback on BBC doc about Chaos theory @ 5.45s
i have an old capture while rehearing. nothing actually to be really seenable. i will look if i have something nice somewhere. catweasel: merci but this is really simple work ;-)
@karistouf is there a video of Voyage en Polygonies?
@Karistouf, looks fantastic :)
@joreg fkcn awesome. wrks great in webkit based browsers..
not tested, but sounds like wow: http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=560206
nice like > http://www.vrurban.org/smslingshot.html
yeah, thats how i like it
shackleton + robert seidel in brussels http://residentadvisor.net/news.aspx?id=11606 book here http://flagey.clic-com.be/Main.aspx and type "meakusma" in searchbar if interested..
ok, right
@dottore: .dds
anyone knows how to write a texture in A16B16G16R16F format ? common formats (png,hdr,bpm,...) seems not working.
@joreg: what's up with the messed up interface?
hey, the new release is HOT!!!
clog up the blog
some shouts
this is a shout again
still shouting
@qaz: danke
shout shout shout 2
shout shout shout
@ m(aste)r vux: 2d spreadable meshes, wow
vvvv main page in Wordle http://www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/1573613/vvvv.org
Very cool quarterplane =)
@fibo: -> ##vvvv pls
@scarab: my pleasure ;) and yes, let's repeat this!
@bilderbuchi: they work on ati cards with old drivers
yep, hope that works for you then..with video you nevvvver know..
@joreg Hurra Pixel Aspect coming up:)
@sunep i did that in 2008 the hour i got my hands on my 2 th2gos
i miss the TH2Go analog in the matrox multi-GXM tables
@sunep great tnx for sharing the info @flux look forward to see the ssao!
now you can officially use 2 Matrox tripple or dual heads on one computer. http://www.matrox.com/graphics/en/products/gxm/connect_multiple_gxms/
sorry, need feedbacks :-) http://www.vimeo.com/8516261
thx to digitalwannabe for taking good care of us yesterday at the vienna node gathering, and also to everybody else.. was are really funny and finally quite long night... next month again!!!
@bilderbuchi: unfortunately no time for pratersauna yesterday.. :( @defetto: desax's surface shader, phong lighting + reflection + normal map, blurred ssao (still under construction)
Maybe so Kalle, maybe so! Enoyed the beer I drank to you, and the others I drank to myself!! Thankyou Vienna Node for the lovely night!
looking for the best way to do "organic" bits in vvvv - like leaves, grass and such - any suggestions?
@flux: niiice!
@catweasel: maybe the 2 little circles are the eyeglasses looking too deep into the beerglass during http://vvvv.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=11&comments_parentId=30012#threadId30058 ;)
tnx kalle ;) just Microsoft visual C++ 2008 needed...
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