@dottore: try net3.0 or 3.5. no problems here.
HELP: plugins not working on windows 7. SlimDx installed. .NET 2.0 it's only for xp. any idea?
HELP, I've broken fullscreen in my patch. I have 2 little circles like an always on top symbol in the renderer, but can't fullscreen renderer or patch either from fullscreen pin, or keys!!??
@flux cool! give us some details about the shading/lighting and how the geometry is generated, looks good!
flux: awesome! btw you at pratersauna/vienna today?
btw: i wonder why DOF isn't in the shader gallery, because it's quite simple if you have a depth texture and a blur shader... everything available in the shader gallery - i'll upload it in the next few days
@defetto: thanks! no joke, promised
alltogether..? hmm
@I am from Austria/again are those images? i see good shading, shadows and dof! is that realtime or a joke? :O
@Joreg ,I know I saw your comrnrnents to the devs. having same troubles here.
i wanted to try processing for android http://android.processing.org/ but came no further than writing a bug report..and still waiting for a fix to go on.
Anyone working with Android ?
@sunep: cheap accomodation http://www.yha.org.uk/find-accommodation/london/hostels/london-st-pancras/index.aspx Looking forward to seeing ya do your thang!
and any Ideas for CHEAP acommodation for my DJ and I, we arrive in London friday early evening and leave again monday evening
In London saturday? I will perform at electrovision with what seems to be a great lineup: http://www.electrovision-cinema.com/events/ev9/index.html come by and say hi.
@efe tnx for the link, you're the second person pointing me to that, i guess it's the "official" osc max library.. will check it later today, should work, thanks a lot!
@defetto: I am not sure how ableton handles osc but in max you need a series of external objects: http://cnmat.berkeley.edu/downloads By default max comes with udp objects
even just a max osc example would be enough, vvvv side wouldnt be a problem..
Does anyone have some example patches of two-way OSC communication between vvvv and Max (forlive)?
http://vimeo.com/8672780 collada support in of, animation is supported too! pretty cool
my first 3d proj :-) http://www.vimeo.com/8719499
@vedran: WOW! love it!
@vedran, nice stuff! @touch, seems like its come on since I looked last...might check it out when I get some time!
I beta tested it year ago, its based on Houdini which makes i powerful but very complicated, it was pricey, now no so...Still yet to see anything that blows me away!
@introspector first time i hear about it, would be interesting to hear some opinion from who tried it already
http://www.derivative.ca/ does anybody have experience with touch designer? how does it compares with vvvv?
new stuff: http://vimeo.com/8742573
today i learned: i suck at vvvv
tetris rules, playing it a lot on gameboy lately..
@xd nitro awesome, i love this retro geekgame
First person tetris anyone? http://firstpersontetris.com/
@trenton: try it and see (?)
I got a question, i got an firewire cam and I don't know i y can connect it .... pleaze respond me
@skyliner: I've got one of the early versions. Be warned it doesn't support directX if thinking of using with vvvv. Great for having skype/MP3 player on though!!!
kaleido for processing http://web.media.mit.edu/~achang/kaleido/
thx @elektromeier
diffused aggregation.zip (145.99 Kb)
thx sinus. would like to but i have to work on some money jobs now :( btw the 3d aggregation patch is on the wiki since node08. part of the feedback workshop by gregsn and tonfilm: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=node08.workshop.FrameBasedAnimatio
sinus@elektromeier: move on, move on! amazing!!!!
maybe mentioned but also interesting example for combining node and text programming _ nice easy UI _ http://beta.nodebox.net
very intersting: generative modeling for rhino: http://www.grasshopper3d.com ..node based and comes with a well desigend UI
well my shots, but by far not as cool as andy lomas :) just tried to repatch the code example from the "generative gestaltung" book
who's doin the aggregation shots? reminds of andy lomas (is this the right name?boh)
some content
nice playground http://vimeo.com/8525186
VVVVVV now available: http://thelettervsixtim.es/
@joreg: nice book!
hmpf, ok...
yes it is baked texture.
@sebl, looks more like baked textures or am i wrong ?
who didi this? http://vvvv.org/show_image.php?id=7735 do we have ambientocclusion now?
bawk ba gawk
@alg tnx , installed it
@milo: imagine if that was a finger tracking project!
@defetto Just install DX9 + slimDX . It's did 't downgrade your current DX version. It's just add some needed libs.
...good night...
tnx tf, right so that's why text ex9 isn't workin, didn't know it is a plugin... anyway so installing slimdx won't downgrade my directx10 right? i wanna test some games you know ;)
you will need slimDX for plugins with layer or mesh output..
quick question: if i have directx10, will slimdx downgrade them? do i actually need to install slimdx? startpatch is working fine..
my new workstation has arrived today :) about to install and test vvvv on it, hurray!
lovely multitouch interface and install http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA0fmtAB5Ck
what's the easiest way to draw a grid..? i know i can get the intersections of 2 Linearspreads with Cross, but how can i best arrange these for feeding to Rope?
ma questo è un porcile..
@beyon which one? lol
QR-XXL http://vimeo.com/8468513
@beyon + apnoe..it's an interactive storytelling..i'll show soon a demo.. don't know about the comics design (my girlfriend did them:-))
that pig looks familiar somehow...
intresting screenshot with the pig in the countryside
skyliner: great! thanks for sharing
hard work http://www.vimeo.com/8516261
In London? http://www.vam.ac.uk/microsites/decode/ I'm going Fri evening.
awesome! :D
DOF, Clouds in processing, http://openprocessing.org/visuals/?visualID=6753
Happy new year everyone,and thanks for feedback :)
happy NY evvvveryone. thanks for all the work on the new beta! good stuff!
Got Filestream2 (and Text EX9) working by using SlimDX March 2009 instead of August... Nice! ;)
Happy 2010 vvvvolks!
@kalle , vvvve havvvve octonions http://vvvv.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=2031
happy new year to all & a module for the launchpadders http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=diki+modules#Launchpad_Devices_Novation_
happy new year @all from smokin berlin!!!
@vux: you are my new hero ;)
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