happy new year !!!!
happy new year
@tonfilm and drago please make a brief review /comment when you have used it a bit
@dragoljub ordered launchpad today, should be here next week..
happy nu year to all vvvv colleagues and the mighty devs ! we start off with a new website www.wirmachenbunt.de ...finally
a happy nye to everybody !! looking forward to node 2010 mates !!
Received novation launchpad today! I think it will be easy to program it in vvvv, because it is controlled with MIDI Note On/Off messages. Does anyone have any patches for it?
well done music video on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfBlUQguvyw
@vux: Thanks so much for sharing your work with us! So many helpful and inspiring things in there... @devvvvs: Once again you did a fantastic job! This is a great release, thank you!
Thank you for out new toys, soon I'll get to play with them :S nice looking additions by Woei as well as Mr Vux thanks guys!
ai bois, i updated the boygrouping http://www.vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=Boygrouping page with some information on the new multiboygrouping (tm). to whom it may concern...
thanks for the new beta and the x-mas special!
thanks Vux for the xmas folder :)
any fellow vvvv's in NewYork atm?
the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is still delightful..
wooho. thanks everybody!
holy shit - vux your xmas pack is amazing!
yes, vux! amazing stuff in the pack!
Audioreactive Sphere http://www.vimeo.com/8406915
@vux...unbelievable ! thats an awesome plugin pack ! thank you for the toys :)
ok...been using vvvv for a couple of months. finally registered..will upload screenshots soon. love this vvvv
@msberger I had hoped it was one of those times where I missed something obvious. I have secretly been wishing for a thing like filestream2 fo a long time... I send all the best coding karma to it :)
@sunep at: 21:04:40 FileStream2 is not opening here too
Just realized that it is not writing to my C:\ drive, but is writing fine to D:\.....
I should clarify, thats the writer (file)
Anyone having trouble with the writer? I can't seem to get it to write...
confirmed, text works with slimdx august! very good!
@circuit: its actually not the .dll missing, but a wrong .dll linked to in the help patch. just change SpeechSynthesis.dll to Speech.dll and voila. nice plugin by dEp.
thanks all great job.... btw: speechSytnhesis.dll is missing take care
Thank you kalle, Text (EX9) is working
thx you vux
... and big up to mr vux for the christmas pack!
i can confirm, just installed the august slim dx and now the text ex9 is workin :) sweet
+1 for working text (EX9) using slimdx august on win7 64bit
i am also using the august version and confirm having no problems. furthermore i had occasionally problems (crash) on Windows 7 with the march version; seems to be gone with the august version
oops, i just noticed that i am actually using the slimdx august 09 sdk. so maybe Text (EX9) works with the august09 runtime? anybody?
uk, lets just wait a bit if other problems pop up before releasing an addonpack fix.
text ex9 doesn't work here either
yes, that works...
how about Flash (EX9) does that work for you?
the one from 20th Dec works.. its the one that comes with the beta.
hmm..Text(EX9) works for me with beta22 as well as after getting the addonpack. i see it is actually 2 different files (which is not on purpose) are you using latest SlimDX March09 SP1 release? (i am using the SDK)
addonpack's DrawText.dll have some bug? Don't rewrite defaults DrawText.dll (2009/12/20 2:02)
no addonpack is ok. text (ex9) working correctry. But after install addonpack not working.
maybe problem is addonpack.
doesn't work here either...
Text (ex9) not working on my beta22. but beta21 is ok. Whats happen my vvvv?
oooh, Christmas Present for moi? 22 is here hooray!
new vvvv for christmas, what could be nicer :) thanks devvvvs!
thanks again devvvvs
das christkind is da! :-)
Thanx Santa !! ♪\(>∀
youppppi, merry christmas!
am I the only one not being able to start the new filestream2 ?
even before starting 22 i have to complain about missing folderstructure in :PLUGINS: ... bad old uncle kalle....
yay, merry christmas! :)
Thank you Santa :)
merry v > < ^ mas
merry christmas to all! get the presents...
mevvvvy chvvvvistmas
@karistouph: http://omg.cat , new topleveldomain
Christmas gift?
the nativvvvity is near
oooh, can't wait for beta22 it's almost like waiting for christmas... wait. it is almost christmas :)
@levi... try use axis&grid to see that is the center of the projector...
@beyon of course i won't buy this for sure just an original and nice one ;)
DS: maybe the thermal characteristics are good but as far as the "stylish design" I'd choose a plain box any day
Good work West.. will be passing your vids on to some newbs =)
http://www.ttlevel10.com/ Really nice PC case
I hope we all know this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9oHbEfLO_Y
one in every home by 2010? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_X7mMU6Gb0
@xdnitro: i hope not... really looks sick.
@yotaro wtf
a new lighting software around ;-) white cat is there . i m pretty happy to arrive to this point. there is also an english section in the forum. yours, christoph http://translate.google.fr/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http://w
@e1n (or anyone interested in mapping) http://vvvv.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=2024
hmm, didn't know about those no-mmbutton options - I used autohotkey to solve it...
newbies. can't achieve to reda xfile from blender in vvv.....
one in every home by 2020? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdkXzURJLLo
celebrating freedom with art http://www.vimeo.com/8289856
on the distance/width= zoom ratio on the projector module,the distance is from center of projector or center of lens? different posts say different things.
pressing both mouse buttons together done it. thanx tonfilm
to bring up the main menu when you have no middle mouse button: either press both mouse buttons together, or press space bar and right click
cant get main menu up, have followed instructions in F1 help but wont come up, I am using a dell xps and using the built in mouse functions,any help much appreciated
hello guest, cool username ;) try http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=Homography%20%28Transform%202d%29
Trying to map a projection of a line of a audio spectrum analyzer. We are projecting on two faces of a cement column but can't control the size of the shape the way we want, We want to control all 4 corners independently, any ideas ?
Thx guys
i would like to have sanch's works as a print.. i would also buy one
I agree, Sanch wicked coolness!
yep, I will join the choir applauding Sanch
Wow Sanch, that is amazing!
@sanch: can i buy one please?
sanch: beautiful!
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