@sinus: try automata node
can someone please write Expr: if x = 1 then y else z....? i always get errors...
all you can eat: unity & the unreal development kit for free. http://unity3d.com/ http://www.udk.com/
knock.knock.......knock.....knock.knock http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE5PGeh2K9k&feature=player_embedded
installation I did this summer > http://vimeo.com/7336297
Hi, we are Plaster an electronic music band from Italy, we are now moving to Berlin for promote our new music, we are looking for a Vj based in Berlin. if someone is interested our cntact is www.myspace.com/plastersound
audio analysis? http://www.echonest.com/analyze/
I don't speak german, but 100 points for you!! (and well earned)
my dear friend lia is craving for more votings here: http://www.contentaward.at/abstimmen/376
opps I meant http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary/ OpenCV 2, any freeframers fancy taking a peek?
@haythemblue: Hey!! thanks for the rapid upload. Really nice festival ;)
@lasal http://www.vimeo.com/7366114
ok - after some more research it seems that freeframe doesn't support 2 direct show streams at all?!
anybody knows a freeframe to merge two videos into one? wanna patch vid1+2->freeframe->trautner
someone tested the 3m lcd 10 touch allready?
@ vux what you mean by ghosting? i think its a real lie that they call that thing multitouch.
@circuitb/defetto : actually it's one touch only, but with a bit of a hack becomes kinda dual touch. You can have some ghosting with two touches.
Big Up to Lasal and iqbit :)
yep 2 blobs only!!! sounds like an hardware limitation...
@circuitb thanks, but do you mean it doesn't track more than two blobs?
@tonfilm: the pleasure was on my side - hope we see us next thursday on our vernisage (see news blog)
@defetto dell sx2210T with tuio decoder works like a charm....only 2 detected blobs for instance
Big Up to Lasal and iqbit. Great show at VisionSonic. His Goniometrie and kristallographie rocks !
@m9dfukc: thanks for the beer the other night at techno taverna!
Anyone in the area, this is worth checking out http://www.re-rite.co.uk/
@tonfilm - you rock!
anyone goes to visionsonic?
OpenFrameworks already speaks OpenCL: http://vimeo.com/7332496
yea, but sorry, there was a bug, please download again: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=tonfilm-GraphicalAutomata
@tf - that IS awesome
@tonfilm wow!
@tonfilm: great work!
@tf really nice
@milo youre right, but with some normal mapping and texture input would be even better!
if you know what it does, you might find this awsome: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=tonfilm-GraphicalAutomata
@milo holy shit!
5.6 million LEDS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sS6FbTDDuo&feature=player_embedded
i want more! about a million realtime particles: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezltebzdgjI&feature=player_embedded http://directtovideo.wordpress.com/
@ Manuel: i think its something like the the velvety shader http://vvvv.org/tiki-browse_image.php?imageId=6646&highlight=velvety
aze: awesome!
any shader master interested in porting something like this?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D187ZpRDv0o
meanwhile on linux http://vimeo.com/6041347
@nitro It reminds me to the bones node.... apply the hierarchy to a textured quad, and you're done haha
faked? hmmmm
@manuel: I thought helicoper boyz was a really cool tracking project! haha. good idea for one though
nice background ad...wrong computer? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6opY_4wahU
hay thanks! landing now. good weekend-end
@aze nice work
Photo manipulation has been around even longer than digital photography http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photo_manipulation
@karistouf, it's been like that already since we have digital images
do you guys think this screen would work with vvvv as a multitouch controller?
@cat: nice & affordable but dangerous for patching :)
@kalle: welcome to a worl where image will be a constant lie.... brrrrrrrr.... THAT sounds really not goods guys !!!
Emma is currently recruiting for VVVV developers to join cutting edge technology company Mindstorm. www.mindstorm.com Please call 0208 8264600
found that one from milo http://vimeo.com/3274635
spam http://www.introspector.be/index.php?/research/dook/ a catenary modeller in processing /spam
http://blog.blprnt.com/ hum.... transcriptions to vvvv ?
@ggml: impressive!
irobot [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbqHERKdlK8
paaaarty!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cX4t5-YpHQ
Hi, is anybody expirienced with OPC ?
We got through to second round! thanks to everyone who voted on the cottonopolis project and all your lovely comments. http://bit.ly/cottonopolis
@tonfilm, dataisnature ^^
for sanch: http://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/fotostrecke-46503.html reminds me of his shot: http://www.sanchtv.com/data/images/seashell/4.jpg
Merci Haythemblue :) @lasal thanks for sharing the link ;)
happy birthday @ defetto ^^
thanks alot guys :D
Our Great Lord VUX made the Fluid Solver Plugin. http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=vux-plugins-fluidsolver
@dawoof: yep fluidsolver
on vvvv :) ?
is there anything like the MSAfluid library for Processing?
"Svvvvitcher" I am unable to establish http://vvvv.org/show_image.php?id=7047 with all the sliders and presets. Anyone here mind showing me how?
@ArsRobota, yes it is, thx :-)
@Haythem: nice shot! Better with anti-aliasing, isn't it? ;-)
Abstract birds, Celleste Prize http://www.vimeo.com/7025234 Thanks Defetto ;)
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