MOBILE ART && CODE: Mobile Media and Interactive Arts
@Digital Slaves: Hey guys, i have not skype, only mail. Send me a PM
@lasal skype me plz digitalslaves
@vux: You brought us new StructSynth, hallelujah! Thanx so much!
cool image montage tool
I can't install vvvv, help me out!
@kallle: very nice!
@lasal: amazing webpresence. wish i could be there. i send you a pm now.
is this right?the input pin of Queue(string) seems like it isn't spreadable.
seems so! hmpf
from here as well, good luck
@sugokuGENKI: very promising project, 5 well-earned stars. hope you get the funding!
1 more desperate reminder to vote at
@Haythemblue: See you at visionsonic 30/10, sure ;)
@lasal , on se voit au visionsonic? :)
@xd nitro, @frostpfote: Really thanks guys, More realtime stuff in Visionsonic (Paris) the next 30/10
mixing sequences from one movie ->help =) please
@lasal: wow! great work.
@lasal +++++... means amazing stuff ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Timeliner beta8 is out: with snap-to-states and the ability to scale/move all keyframes accordingly when moving states in time..
@xd nitro: ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? :)
high speed tracking:
@haythem: merci!
@screenshoot noir sur blanc, bravo!
Great concept and realisation :
hey guys. trying to get funding for a project and need people to express interest...
hi circuitb! posted patch in the patching forum. cheers!
A little thing you could call a recorded rehearsal session:
@rrrr, i refuse to believe it!
what the hell?
milo: great link!
@sinus:thx pm me
sinus@circuitb: x,y are grid + velocity field data. z is mapped audiodata + an enormous hangover. can send patch tomorrow.
@circuitb hello can you put a link with a screenshoot
hey Zolver screenshotter how do you extract rotation from slover plugin?
I fix it. You will enable it before starting vvvv. Hope, this can be helpful
Does any1 test audioIn in windows 7? It's not working for me bcs it's cant see my soundcard. I already installed new realtek drivers- no result.
@lasal i have a lot to learn as a musician, i really just started, anyway thank you :) but believe me we had problems.. @kalle the monitor was there, but it was either off or not workin at all.. i'll keep you in mind next time :) and i'll have my headphon
tomorrow visual music award ceremony at cocoon club:
i'd say rotate (quaternion point) does the job..
there was once a module.. called Rectangle (DX9 RegPoint) very useful to move around objects ppivot point. Anyone cann tell how is it called nowaday?
we could need another vvvv pro in london. have a look here:
@zepi lovely. !!
it is in the download:
sos am as amdin but cant find exe file
help me i cant find the exe file
anachronik's still alive ;)
@ dEp: you can use the Text (EX9) Node
@defetto: did you physically have no monitor speakers or did they just don't work it out? berlin should have an army of skilled monitor engineers... just in case you need one: i worked around 12 Years as FOH & MON engineer ;)
is there something like Remote for strings..? so that i could easily get a DX9 GUI for string input..
@defetto: What problems? i didn´t feel it, maybe you are better musician that you think ;)
Insomniac Games' real-time 3D processing R&D notes :: P.S. thanks @West, just hooked it up
@johnruntime, I would say mine is a great patch to start of.
@martians thanks a lot, appreciated :)
@defetto the show was great! I really enjoyed it, despite the problems with the monitor.
Just realized that it is possible to bring the Superformula into 3dsmax via Pflow box#3
My korg nanokontrol arrives tomorrow :) there are a few patches in tiki, can anyone recommend?
playing without hearing is the worst thing that can happen in a live show, it's horrible, next time i'll bring my headphones.. :)
we're waiting for the recording of the show from the organizers, will post it online asap and share the link here.. i'm really curios to watch it :D
@lasal @tonfilm thanks! although we didn't have much fun because the sound monitor wasn't working, so we couldn't hear what we were actually playing and therefore i believe we played badly.. still i'm glad you liked it guys!
yes, very good work!
@defetto: Really nice live set at Celeste prize in berlin the last weekend. ;)
quite hard to ask by image T^T; anyone wants to help me plz ;;
@nitro wheres the interaction?
@joreg, @all Finally, 3d export test with RipperDX
i lost you
was a nice handover?kalle?
Yep, technically it's a nice work but I also think it lacks cohesion between the scenes.
I agree with you, kalle. I think thats the REAL problem to solve in all these mapping projections...
wanna troll now: this mapping looks more like a showreel than something really aesthtetic. well, still awesome somehow. regarding the almost perfect soundsync i assume they cannot do things "on the fly" easily...
great stuff, xd_nitro,
awesome projection, nitro
Some nice projection mapping... >
xini: knock me on skype
Thank you 1-2-3-5-8-13... @antokhio -> do you like so much to laugh at newbies? :)
@Xini: I think it should be the Lindenmayer ... eeehhhh context free L-systems .
xini: hihi Nice node, what's its name?
@karistouf im prepared to do that leap, so what degree do you guys suggest?
@Solanina its a very open question, depends on the client, the job, how much you think your worth... see the last post here
I guys i need quick help with a very easy question: ho much do you charge per hour to work as vvvv programmers? just to get an idea..I have to make a proposal and i'd like to have a reference from someone more experienced of it. so far i just freelanced.
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