wanna learn #vvvv from scratch? here is a chance: vvvv-academy-winter-course-2018
@catweasel: fantastic project!
@circuitb already tried, no luck with them... Thanks anyway.
@Keftaparty http://www.loca-images.com/tariflocation/tarif-location-melangeurs.pdf page 6
Show tonight, thanks !
Urgent: does anyone know a wireless video transmission specialist in Paris. Having crazy problems here. Using Teradek hardware.
I found some workarounds to get some output, but I‘ll prepare a patch that shows the different issues
@raul can you provide a patch that shows this in a new forum thread?
FileStream (EX9) in Preview-Node works, but patching VideoTexture/FullscreenQuad/Renderer is black.. ideas? It works elsewhere :-(
Would you be willing to choose some days to write an article in this calendar in English or Japanese? https://qiita.com/advent-calendar/2017/vvvv
Does somebody know where to find an DX11 onscreen keyboard patch?
Does Intensity Pro 4K work with VideoIn(dx11)?
for devvvvs/coders: https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Connect/2017/T125
siggraph asia 2017 technical papers trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OGKh_9Rj_8
we're back
hello. maintenance reboot at 2:06am. save your work! should be back in a few minutes
Following the steps of the current vvvv chat, we put up a vvvv.js dev support. https://riot.im/app/#/room/#vvvv.js:matrix.org
AMD GPU in the next Intel Chips: https://www.redsharknews.com/production/item/5053-strange-but-true-intel-is-putting-amd-graphics-cores-into-its-processors
more advanced stuff in vvvv.js can be seen here https://tekcor.github.io/vvvv.js-examples/
Hi, I implemented depth texture and SSAO in vvvv.js https://tekcor.github.io/vvvv.js-examples/08.html#edit/patches/root_Depthbuffer.v4p
excuse me! it works. not with my midi-interface but with LoopBe1. vvvv scould develop an audio-timeline. ;-) u
need midi-timecode in a patch.audition 3.0 sends.midiport registered.how to receive?no helppatches for"mtc node"+"sysexnode".
@ysap there isn't such a thing like time-out for vvvv. please start a forumthread with more details..
sry for doublepost
vvvv takes about 1 min to load 3d mesh file, win wants to shut it down before finished loading, how can i increase time-out for vvvv?
vvvv needs some time to load a mesh file, how can i increase the windows time-out limit to not shuting down vvvv before loaded?
wie stecke ich ne frau in ein wireframe und wie lasse ich netzstrümpfe aussehen als wären sie ein wireframe?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z9Y6BICpDY
@SuperflysiNZ or skylake? Im interested in this topic too.
@tmp if you can't wait: https://www.ableton.com/en/beta/
@matka: there are so many nice ui and interaction changes! Cant wait to get it .. :)
Anyone using a Ryzen processor with VVVV yet?
@u7angel makes sense
@tonfilm Looks rather poor, don't see any substantial changes
Ableton Live 10: https://www.ableton.com/en/live/
@readme quote
As always: the comment section is the best.
@everyoneishappy got it, i'm on it!
@joreg if you've not heard back from me pls check your spam thks
@readme, the last couple of seconds are almost just black. that's meant to be like that :)
chapeau, looks neat. what about these last couple of seconds of the video?
save your kinects. product discontinued https://twitter.com/FastCoDesign/status/923160236772548608
@bjoern: thanks!
@microdee http://nsynk.de/jobs http://meso.net/jobs
anyone have the files for kinect1 proyector calibration?, thanks!!
Hey microdee, or take some holidays, it's nice :-)
meanwhile, I became available for freelancer/contractor/even full time jobs, in case anybody is in hiring mood, wink wink ;)
@sinus: top notch! ;)
@skyliner: the top boys/creators of notch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JzG-Y3YOdk
thank you joreg, but external solution from VVVV is not possible.
@joreg, I'm not sure he did ;) But if you do use timeliner use this as well autosave as well.
if anyone knows more osc timelines please put them there as well!
@karistouf he meant to say there are alternatives. i put some here: animation
??? StiX
@karistouf abandon that particular ship, dont try to use the time liner >_<
ok, merci joreg but helas no time for it. thanks again
@karistouf sources are open you can rebuild them to suite your needs
no way to have the handles more biggers ?
any trick to see better the points in TimeLiner SA ? banging my head just to find and click correctly this little white point ;-(
@u7 nice
Hey guys, is kinect still the best thing to go when ist comes to skeletal tracking?
@u7: really cool!!
@u7 : ayayay, amazing!
@u7 great job
He ho, anybody in Vancouver next week?? Im on tour and I need a render machine to help me finish a project!!!
@evvvvil wicked broski!
oh yeah, thanks
@stalhenk it works if you use #00ffff (add a hashtag)
wtf? i don't get it https://imgur.com/VFH60Me
someone has expertise with resampling/stabilizing the kinect mesh? link
Yo motherfuckers! Trophy time - 3rd place at DEADLINE demoparty in Berlin. "Captain Longbow's recursive sexship" https://vimeo.com/236498085
it will not get any simpler than this: vl-using-.net-libraries-and-writing-custom-nodes #vvvv #vl #visualprogramming
10 years of vvvv grateful to all...!!!
@anthokio: just watched your mighty raymarching workshop again. how did you get model into sdf? thx!!
The Book of Shadows – Berlin Premiere @ Schaubude tonight: das-buch-der-schatten-berlin-premiere
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