wiimotionplus compatibility to pc is near (i've buyed one yesterday ;) http://www.brianpeek.com/blog/archive/2009/06/19/status-of-wii-motionplus-support-for-wiimotelib.aspx
new version of ColladaLoader available for download at http://www.vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=COLLADA
expose Chris Hughes(@chews) his presentation at TED, ripping off Papervision3D and Flartoolkit.. http://is.gd/1arkU (via @lenny)
i'm bored in berlin for next 4 hours waiting for flight anybody want any help drinking?
@introspektor do a search for 'rear projection film'. there's a bunch of products to help you out under that category, but dont expect the results to be 100% effective you might be better off with just spraying frost onto the glass for a cheap result
i'm doubting between film or paint
anybody has some tips for backprojection on glass?
why BézierToGrid doesn't working with beta21
@bjoern antivj are awesome
vvvvelcome wray!
anoyone knows how to make the same particle effect with the vvvvfluidsolver?
Another flash fluidsolver http://blog.inspirit.ru/wp-content/uploads/fluidsolver/Main.swf
Helohelo. I'm new here!
it for flash, but still it`s really useful http://www.motiondraw.com/md/as_samples/t/LineGeneralization/demo.html
@levi - I've tested it and it works very well, maybe you must change the filter merit settings of your system but then it should work
About graphics power on mobile devices: (iPhone 3GS / PowerVR SGX chip): http://www.mobileorchard.com/a-huge-leap-forward-graphics-on-the-iphone-3gs/
cuks, i don't know why you use vvvv with parallels, but i used it with a native windows partition on mac, without parallels and all goes well. anyway i'm not shure to understand your problem, can you post a patch?
not video but music under CC (free) : http://www.lonah.net/QuemaIsMyTrueMaster/%5b2024%5d%20Lonah%20-%20Take%20your%20spoon%20and%20run.zip
anybody using vvvv with parallels on a mac????
pleas heeeel p any idea
heeeeelp in the middle of giving a class can `tload ani .avi video to vvvv running in a mac with parallels
https://epetitionen.bundestag.de/index.php?action=petition;sa=details;petition=4517 GEMA -estrukturierungspedition
anyone knows the ac3 filter working with filestream for 5.1 support?
thirsty? http://vimeo.com/5116519
halo =) enojoy this patch if u have free time and tell me ur suggestion !! thx http://vvvv.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=27240&topics_threshold=0&topics_offset=0&topics_sort_mode=lastPost_desc&topics_find=&foru...
fuck natal. here comes Theremin controlled Mario http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnZeI8uLJnw
kalle, i need a strong advice and eyes-cleaning ... thinking my method is not good http://www.vvvv.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=7&comments_parentId=27233
Video encoding on GPU http://www.badaboomit.com/
anyone to do that in vvvv? http://www.groovik.com/ :)
giraffes are boring. sheeps are fun! http://www.aaronkoblin.com/work/thesheepmarket/index.html
realtime rendering re sources http://www.realtimerendering.com/
I drew a giraffe you should also try it: http://olahelland.net/giraffes/?id=1530
ele....die site ist der hammer. hab selten so gelacht
need a website? http://www.webmaster-4you.de/
130-megapixel-scanner-camera http://hackaday.com/2009/06/09/130-megapixel-scanner-camera
@ ArsRobota merci!
wii motionplus release today, hope that support for it as an extension will come soon!
vvvvvvvv: http://distractionware.com/blog/?p=858
ok forget kalles modules are my friend !
in fact i want to afect to a set of quad random images..
hi all... far away from internet and blocking on a stupid simple thing: how to split a spread of strings ?
omvg: http://www.fraps.com/ works with windowed renderers on vista!
@sven: nicely put :)
CircularSpread (and some left Quad on the ground...): http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/5958/flipcharts.jpg
this is javascript http://nerget.com/fluidSim/ (use a modern browser with a decent js engine!)
hallo sven
halllo kallle
haalo killo
Interesting! I'm in NW London so may have to pop in, looks like a very nice space!
@edom: if you walk by the "public gallery" in west brom. check it out >> some v4 in there... also say hello to fellow catweasel.
very doable, but use the forum
I want to learn how to use this toolkit. Does anyone live in the west midlands(UK) that could show me a couple of things that i want to do. Much appreciated if some kind person could get me started. I want two live video feeds, and a body mask(chroma key)
The App Store Wall http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2IMHuZXfl0
poussou on vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/5035271
Virtual calligraphy v0.3 http://www.vimeo.com/5066378
nice and cheap 3D diplay by matt parker: http://vimeo.com/4488775
Monodevelop windows preview: http://monodevelop.com/Download/Windows_Preview
thank you (everyone is happy) for that. much appreciated.
yes, you can use VideoIn
Hello I am totally new to this. I want to know if this programme can have 2 live video feeds at the same time. Would appreciate some kind help. I have been looking for live feed nodes and can't find any. Thanks
@paolopix nice one
qute nice: http://vimeo.com/615344
hej beyon. sounds great!
rrrr: I've been away from vvvv for a while but I'll see if I can get something up as soon as possible
hello sweden! would be interested in that GeneralBinary node for Cellular Automation. Any chance it will be available through sourceforge or as binary soon? thanks!
audiomulch 2.0 releasing on friday: http://www.audiomulch.com/
think the wiimote node could support the pulse monitor they just announced?
yeah i do. my skype migrafael
@migrafael , you've got a skype ?
nice listing: http://www.aec.at/prix_history_de.php?year=2009
someone heared about the zcam? microsft buyed the company who invented it and made project natal.. i hope the new peripheral is coming soon and there'll be a way to use it in vvvv.... http://www.xbox.com/en-US/live/projectnatal/
Buying a projector soon to use some discounts. Need help. What to look for in a projector? For comercial/personal/artistic use. Thanks!
¡thumbs up fot the vvvv team. @ces!
290,297 usdollar - this is the value of the vvvv-site ;) http://stimator.com/
vvvvorums busy? i got "Unable to connect to the database ! Too many connections" a few times
cheers for info guys
i noticed a strange bug/glitch on the vbomb and vertex noise shader : (
decrease white level in graficcard a little as Ive had troubles with extenders. They probably set too high voltage for white causing loose of monitor/beamer
xdnitro, i guess 'industry standard' is gefen http://www.gefen.com/kvm/dproductlisting.jsp?listingCategory=Extenders&productType=vga
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