sat 30 May 2009: Basic workshop in bologna (Italy). Homework Festivla. Ciao.
anyone got any experience with passive VGA baluns? distances at 1024x768?
Big shout out to SudoGK for showing me ctrl+tab ;D
thanks for the compass tips, looks a bit complicated for now.
a pity! i'll be at urban art forms at the time. :-(
if you are in vienna this week, don't miss:
tsss tsss
Nice interactive photo!
a poor reactable?!
compass sensor size see link below
Devantech CMPS03 Digital Compass :
on the phidget forum there is a discussion at
does anyone know if there is such a thing as a bluetooth electronic compass? or anything that can accurately tell what direction you are facing and tell vvvv?
hi dev's does the wiimote bugs (axis+IR) is on the fix list?
if you are in Paris until this Vendredi, we can meet here: this is not a vvvv work but a classical HD editing ;-)
@Xlex96, I think there is no bug, you just swap it back to the correct sequence.
I think there is a bug in swap Object in vvvv21.In 17 was Ok. Please Check. please watch this
how do I get my render output to be recognised by windows programs? E.g Amcap... Plsssss....
hey! :) Does anyone have a tip for making visible lights in vvvv?
+1 big fat WOW! there's a lot to learn
thx! hope it will find some purpose..
great job, tonfilm
@anyone who wants to try this kind of "touch-air" :
pacman goes moscow:
tonfilm: wicked, great job!
Thanks alot for the patch, tonfilm!
@tonfilm big thx
a big fat WOW! to tonfilm!
Limit contour spread? you could resample the output. make sure not to use repaet mode or wanted values will be clipped
svvvvitcher has landed. Big thanks tonfilm. gr8 name!
svvvvitcher is up:
self-serve! the regsvr32 solution here: resolved it, if anyone else ends up here :) thx guys
...and I don't have or use or inhaled 3dsmax!
my root window has disappeated! alt-r does nothing! this is even on startup and reinstall! there's just shwops and mops spinning around! any ideas?
promote self esteem! click to vote. also check out the site!
@ HSV bug, can you post that weird patch? @VUX, check PM :)
anyone near utrecht? going there from tomorrow till sunday
Can anyone explain to me how to get 2 patched to work together? I have the Korg Nano Midi controller patch working, and I want to send that info to "Wave 2" How would I do that?
How to limit contour spread?
eno skype me, i probably can help you
XSI texturing Guru needed for a day or two. Please contact.
No worries no chocolate, But Mapping fest was totally nice with all the vvvvreaks
could you get back a chocolate box or two ?
oh boys, my spare times and my new born child make me far away from geneva....
guys@mapping: trop de chocolat =indigestion
je confirm. elektromeier and desaxismundi are arriving today....
and I would say that the whole festival is übercool
here in geneve you can see the videohuahua: a chihuahua carrying that beamer karistouf mentioned below - thats so übercool
it is normal to have this symbol ¶¶ in my modules???
just a little bit
Does any1 use IRC? I connect to freenode, but 4 ppls on it and nobody answering me )
@karistouf, i use it for blobtrack, maybe is the most easiest way )
you can also use an fx shader, as screamer said, fast and light
as threshold is quite a classical one, this should be stable... is it for tracking or for video effect ?
Ok, must test it, thx @karistouf.
it depends of freeframe filters , alg. you may have a look really on them and see if the one thats interrest you is working ( i would say about 10 on 40 are ready working)
@karistouf, i some time ago i try some freeframes and vvvv was crushed + it's not GPU way.
not stable????
@screamer, big thx
@alg: generally i use a chain of shaders (fast and smart). You can try levels and a median or a blur (so you can deactivate cleanse of contour, that is very resources expensive)
@circuitb "bravo"
@karistouf. thx, but it's not stable way
dying about fugstream deamons... argl
@alg: use the freeframe free classical video effects. just drag them or open them inside your patch.
How i can get threshold video effect? Need it for contour.
win7 users: does the speech plugin/SAPI app support other language than the native english?
oh, it's pretty nice. Thx @screamer.
@alg: yes
@screamer big thx, does win7 support horizontal span mode?
thx @ phl :)
tomorrow i'm going to travel to geneve to the mapping festival. anyone else going there?
@skyliner, saw that on telly the other day, beautiful! heres one I did with twxitor 4 years ago
for now....
anyway xp probably remains the best solution for vvvvers (vvvv don't use directx10 or 11)
karistouf: i think it is not light as xp, but i fon't know. the pc i installed it has win7 and vista. I can say that 7 is better and lighter then vista (but all is lighter than vista ;)
thx screamer, i will have a look at it. is it light as an xp ? ( old laptop to feed)
@karistouf: as is
@screamer: in xp compatible mode or "as is"?
hi! :) i installed oscglue ( the vst plugin appears in cubase ) however it is stuck in bypass mode! anyone else with this problem? maybe i need to install something else to make it work? nice site peace :P
@m9dfukc tnx. gret link
bjoern, i've tested vvvv on windows 7, and it goes well, really fluid and stable, like in xp or vista. thanks to the great work of devvvveloppers :)
Any1 test vvvv on windows 7 RC1 ?
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