@sinus, i'm running bootcamp too...eveything works. must be your winXP installation
cannot instal SlimDXRuntime on xp/bootcamp....program part of the installation did not close properly... does anyone else have the same problems?
waw, does someone knows who did the "I am from SlowWood" screenshot ? I love it !
one flat thing reproduced by william forsythe. http://synchronousobjects.osu.edu/content.html#/fullVideoScore
@sunep: no, because oscglue is written in delphi with a windows only vst wrapper class. i hacked it together in two days. there may be openframework wizards out there who could rewrite it in one day (AND cross platform) :)
v21 crashes when opening particles help file (after a second) and other new modules. What's up with that? Not the only one
@tonfilm: fast & furious
Elevated by RGBA and TBC (4K Demo Winner 2009) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YWMGuh15nE&fmt=22
@ Oschatz would it be possible to complile OSCGlue for mac? I am pretty sure I am not the only one that would find that pretty usefull
@zepi, pipslab are great, played a gig they were at a few years ago, very inspiring!
go Vux! Fluid solver rocks! thanks :)
and an update on gui2d is here: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=tonfilm-Plugins
pimp your models, kindly sponsored by u7: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=User+Shaders
tnx mr oschatz for the oscglue! will test it soon :)
who's doin those fluid screenshots btw?
wow, some1 port fluid library to vvvv?
Likewise, got quite hectic! HK is great though, had a lot of fun! Hopefully we will be back soon!
@sunep: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=OSCGlue OscGlue is ideal for controlling vvvv (or MAX) from Live. It lets you very simply create a VST plugin with user configurable inputs which you can plug into live and which spits out OSC
@catweasel: really sorry I missed the chance to meet during your show in Hong Kong... will meet you later ;)
long time no see... finally have time to back to this group now ;)
screenshots tell that you figured out how it works!? :)
no help file for the new verlet node?
yeah, cant wait for mfl
we actually ended up running old fashioned midi cables. can wait for max for live and too stingy for midioverlan
sunep: http://www.musiclab.com/products/rpl_info.htm MaxForLive expected late 2009
@sunep: waiting for MaxForLive? You could then go to OSC directly from a Live Set. Dunno when MfL drops though.
anyone have an idea on how to get midi from Ableton on a mac to vvvv via network. preferably without installing complex software on the mac?
im in london next wed
JoAnn Kuchera-Morin: Tour the AlloSphere, a stunning new way to see scientific data http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/joann_kuchera_morin_tours_the_allosphere.html
great release, big thx
can we have a party on behalf of spreadable text? who's in london next week?
hurra hurra, great release...i just love the textrenderer...finally an easyl way to display dynamic text , i'm going to dump flash
thanks devvvvs
yeeey!!!! new vvvv version is out!
fantastic 21, only a trouble, in windowed mode it has stuttering (in fullscreen is ok)
Fluid Solver, Text man what a goodies, thnx :)
21 clap clap
vvvvonderfull beta21!!!
Inputing text: http://www.dasher.org.uk/ looking forward to trying new beta this weekend =D *
bright new beta!
das beste seit geschnitten brot
THANKS! Didn't know those features were missing before, lots to play with! must sleep first.
well we got shwops and mops: http://vvvv.org/tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=3
Hi I have 2 or 3 patchs I am willing to pay for somebody to patch them for me. It's not too hard but not easy either. please let me know if somebody has some time and wants to make some pocket money so I can give more details. rollenwall@gmail.com or PM.
perhaps someone could need it: http://cpnmouse.sourceforge.net/
nanika job offer http://www.pixelsumo.com/post/nanika-job
i will perform @monkeytownhq/williamsburg on april 14 with my sideproject mussurunga! http://www.fuckhead.at/bruckmayr/. any vvvv users in the area?
N/M. Texture and renderer formats must support alpha.
I meant less than 1 :P
Anyone know how to make a pixelshader return partially transparent textures?! When i set alpha less than 0, it just changes the color.
@gregsn : if youare there, yes, with pleasure ! ;-)
@karistouf: we skype after eastern, oki?
found it @u7angel's http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=..%3A%3A+u7+modules+and+patches
it was u7angel, you can download it somewhere...
here is RemoterSA beta2: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=RemoterSA quite debugged. hope it works for you..
@gregsn: is it possible a quick skype ?
april fool on vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/4082679 and flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/defetto/sets/72157616558252650/
well gregsn, you know maths and not me ... but i had quite a chock discovering that there was so many subtilities around... lets say its far more than an artistic approach ? actually dealing with cvDiv to approach a smooth control without maths ;-)
thank you! sorry for the mess. i think it is hardly readable... note that most of the formulas were generated by mathematica...
its quite a master piece...
ohoh... thats why its so beautifull, the damper node.... its VERY complex ! damned! well i will try to understand this beautiful explication by gregsn ! thanks a lot !
question to devs: where can i find a sample of code of the damper function ? ;-)
@ Cyd, google and the vvvv search function is your friend. Copy the dll which will be in your system32 folder and put it next to the vvvv.exe :-)
Help!! Error Msg while Installing - d3dx9_30.dll not found. Have intalled direct x too. Help!!
hre's one that allows 6,something else?
hallo!i'm looking for a shader that allows multiple light source with indipoendent cohordinates..Any suggestion?tnx+S
@skyliner haha
@defetto, i had the same thought :)
hello twitter
@albertkok: be sure you have first DOT NET 2.0 installed. Then just drag and drop or insert inside patch the dll of a freeframe effect. notice that approcah with freeframe dll requires dx9 approach
Dafact ultimate midi controller: http://www.dafact.com/ and here: http://www.dafact.com/press/DA_FACT_CP_090407_en.pdf
how to use FreeFrame in vvvv? when i type Contour in vvvv patch ,but the contour node can not work
can someone help me with my max/vvvv problem i posted? thnx
@defetto, yep, very nice lib. Hope any1 can make plugin.
@cat, thx
nice: http://vimeo.com/3398704
a little update on optical flow shader: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=foo
Shouldn't be too hard to make a plugin?!? anybody? http://www.memo.tv/msafluid_for_processing
c++ library for solving real-time fluid dynamics simulations based on Navier-Stokes equations and Jos Stam's approximations...
noodles invasion http://vimeo.com/defetto & http://www.flickr.com/photos/defetto/
@alg, I think it just get slices from a string spread. Haven't looked in while! Try using YUVmixing mode video texture, thats faster too...
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