@minamata: as I remember there are some issues concering audio&video recording at the same time. search there forum, there are some entries about that topic.
SOS : i use Writer DShow to record may audio reactive animation to AVI file : but what about the audio ? how to record the aduio part at the same time?
dear specialists! your best encoder settings for youtube or vimeo?! my vids look so shitty.
thx tonfilm ^^
No worry's get it )
Hi! How to reform spread to new former indexes?
@milo, desax: thx, consider it a beta release, will be in the addon pack ofc....
hi, how to listen to webradio with vvvv, like http://voxsc1.somafm.com:8300 ???
great guiset@ tonfilm
Lewis Hamilton and the RC Office Grand Prix http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiLoANg6nNY
@skyliner - u nice! would be fun too have a freeframe in vvvv which does 3d opticalflow :)
thx @tonfilm and DigitalSlaves
@Haytem ask David for that
Urgent I need the vvvv logo please thank you
something similar ? possible in vvvv? damping matrix?
love the coffee frank
help!! any way of solving string particle system? http://www.designexplorer.net/newscreens/cadenarytool/cadenarytool.html
can anybody helm me with camera tracking or detect? (ex. like the svarosky work). thank you
i find it... thank you
thank's for your answer kris, where i can find the enum list? wich module i have to had?
nicola: is your camera appearing inside the enum list of the video input pin ?
sorry but i am getting mad..i am a newbies and i have a cammera connect via firewire, i don't see the video.there is ay tutorial? somebody can help me?
vvvv@artandcode conference: http://twitter.com/search?q=%23artandcode+vvvv&source=serp everyone likes boygrouping :)
tnx kalle!
is it possible to send a midibend out of vvvv? does anybody already have a module for that?
Thank you for ales9000
hai kalle :)
hey all again, there's another show in cologne from opening tonight til april 7th. lots of v4 driven stuff this time at marion scharmann gallery http://www.marion-scharmann.com/xd/public/content/index.html?sid=ausstellung-aktuell
hey all, i´m having an exhibition tonight in cologne (no vvvv-driven stuff, only installations), but maybe you wanna stop by anyway! http://dearhunter.fleg.de
sorry for spaming. this is greenaway projecting on DaVincis last supper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EbfALaB5OY&feature=related i find that really impressing
cool stuff by peter greenaway: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdAucw2eX_E
@lightizm i use a black with white border texture on the surface and a grid on it
How to work line animation in vvvv? ex) Something like a Pablo Valbuena's Augmented Space
Where can a find tutorial about ODE physics engine?
Hello world.
oh boy, I want one: http://www.jetlev-flyer.com/
can someone render a wiffle cube? http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/wiffle/ my isosurface sucks.
Does someone plan to go to the Printemps de Bourges in April?
@sinus: nice - saw already some pics floating around, but didn"t know they where made with this programm.
does anyone know this? http://www.imaginary2008.de/surfer.php
Toca Me? darn, i just had to sell my ticket, because i have to go to another workshop on sat.
is someone coming to the Toca Me conference?
a string particle system?
http://vimeo.com/3395689 Little test for new project.
@elektromeier: woei, i presume -> http://vvvv.org/tiki-browse_image.php?galleryId=11&sort_mode=created_desc&desp=3&offset=0&imageId=6757
http://vvvv.org/tiki-browse_image.php?imageId=6756 thats so funny. who did it ?
I dreamt beta 21 was released now I'm a little bit dissapointed it isn't :( monodevelop on win with vi mode editor sounds nice
@robi...useful plugin, thanks
2D Hittester Plugin online. check it out http://www.vvvv.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=1900
monodevelop crossplatform http://www.heise.de/newsticker/MonoDevelop-zukuenftig-auch-unter-Windows-und-Max-OS-X--/meldung/133564
i love those sexy inspector screenshots, how many of them do we have until now ?
messy, messy link ... another try: http://www.teknikus.dk/tj/gdc2001.htm
anyone implemented this yet (or tried to)? Advanced Character Physics
can anyone maybe help me out with a patch that generates smoke like particles, or anything that looks like smoke?
LOL I make no secret of them! One of my favorite gigs!
so that was your top secret rockstar project then cat!
siftables http://siftables.com/
wasn´t there any patches for a "wiimote" camera on the forum? any help very welcome! new user of a cheapo wii clone.
@poptek: check the eNet nodes. they have way better performance, but you are bound to eCue hardware. 40 universes are no problem at all. note that you can directly deal with textures - no need to pipet
@Peptek, ive found a limit at 20k although using multiple pipet's driving video to RGB leds.@Catweasel, fantastic work! Nice One!
@peptek: with how many computers? using what protocol? I estimate 1PC using Artnet would allow something like 40 Universes with each 512 channels. means around 20.000 single colored LEDs dimmed with 8bit resolution. but this is for sure optimism...
how many LED it's possible to drive with VVVV ? 100's, 1000's, 10000's??
great projects catweasel!
windows 7 that is (next post)
for me in windows , the app runs but no window appears at first i got the dx error and installed the dx9c redist, but now no errors and no window. i do get an icon though in the taskbar
@sugoku: no, but hope to do it (and ubuntustudio+wine too) since i installed w7 on an old laptop...
fotographed action painting of ~3m x ~2m. into custom shader which replaces single colors with fullwhite. all other areas with 80-90%white. reprojected on painting itself. but screenshots are simulated only...
@animated paint mapping: scanned paint or digipainted with height/normal maps?
anybody had any luck with windows 7 and vvvv (testing, obviously not for full time use)
nice free sounds http://v4w.enk0.com/releases.html
http://www.vimeo.com/3303897 ... some things i cant make in vvvv
..my browser shouted autonomously..
kanagawa vectors http://www.flickr.com/photos/defetto/
VideoIn no longer BSODs with logitech qc pro 9000 (could also be relevant for other cams that had this problem) ;)
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