@joreg, well..i start 2x vvvv set to different cores, different versions and it would be nice if just one keeps registered and not the last one
Apnoe you made my hangover float away for 5 mins.. ;)
Theres a how to rave there too :-0 Pure genius
@apnoe: very good video :-D
@u7: good point. no there is not. but if everything is registered correctly once vvvv won't wrtite to the registry the next time it is startet from the same location. k?
is there a commandline arg to stop vvvv.exe to write in registry ?
teaching lessons
knowing kalle on skype = knowing evvvverybody on skype, epsilon vvvvery small, output = 1. ;)
hey 01wannabe: do you want to sell MY modules or YOUR modules?!? diki e.g. licenses his works this way: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/de/ , see http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=UserPagediki
oh and any help in my rs232/fps/automata problem would be much appreciated, if there is any :) spreading the lovvvve
how about rights management/licenses for user patches/shaders/modules if i want to sell a patch using them (beside vvvv license of course)? btw, there is no "general questions" container in the forum to ask stuff like this ;)
but of course it's ok to ask her also! vvvvelcome! IMHO it's anyway better to go the 'bloody' hardcode way. i can imagine that FXcomp. results have 'ballast' like html from WYSIWYGeditors...
thx, but i already search web- no solutions for hlsl with autocomplete, as i understand. It's bad. P.S. I found InteliShade, but it;s not works on express versions of visual studio.
@alg: perhaps you get more answers here: http://developer.nvidia.com/forums/index.php?s=3f930c542e27c70cc3e4124be4db198b&showforum=6
Why FX Composer not support autocomplete? Any suggestions?
Hello world.. I am reading tutorial..
@ milo your link just make me happy :)
PdCon09/Third International Puredata Convention http://estudiolivre.org/pdcon09
iPod Touch + TouchOSD + VVVV = FFFFUN ;D http://www.flickr.com/photos/finnrudolph/3286806039/sizes/o/in/set-72157613980243567/
@david: thanks for the hint, but i guess it's just because there's a small self-extracting exe inside. not sure though.
ohoh allready downloaded it, what does the antivirus say?
@sven & all. do not download this zip. my atni virus just called.
so who of you guys did that? ;)
patch + shader included: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=52550&howmanycomments=25&page=2
We expect the 64-bit version of Delphi to be ready in mid-2010. Because the compiler is the first step in a complete 64-bit product, we are planning to release a preview of the 64-bit compiler in mid-2009: http://dn.codegear.com/article/39174
there should be a node called "Love (Spreads)" :) ...it would be used to spread the love for vvvv :)
Evolution of Computer Power / Cost http://www.frc.ri.cmu.edu/~hpm/talks/revo.slides/power.aug.curve/power.aug.gif
pixel perfect sub version hosting with 20MB for free http://beanstalkapp.com/
"nice and shiny" and "garden" are so fascinating! did you use beizer curves with lsystem or what?
@west & kalle : received my mail ? have you got a mouse ? :-)
héhé Mister K pingpingtaktakgenaugenau
free manuals for free software: http://en.flossmanuals.net/
can someone please chek my post in patching questions.
Done it! used Keysort.
Trying to get the biggest Y value of a spread, and its correspoding X. Any ideas?
@cat: at least that was my impression
@zepi: he's teaching at my school, smart guy.. http://www.joachimsauter.com/
@joreg is that chocolate? mmmm
aaaahh, thx!
oh boy, this is beautiful: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVhVClFMg6Y
have a look at Radix and Mantissa.
how can i convert strings with binary values to numbers (decimal)?
THANK YOU phl! :)
aehm its just a link
@ggml: BRAVO!!
happy birthday gregsn :)
@xd_nitro : catch me on skype if you can. I'm leaving Bristol tomorrow.
just erase the last ']', i will have to figure out the syntax once and for all
@ggml: the link does not work :(
http://www.vimeo.com/3114617 scintillation
@cuks : please post here http://vvvv.org/tiki-forums.php !
Desaxismundi, i intrigued why you asked 'Any vvvvreaks around Bristol? ' cos I am.
hehe, this thing with Segment spreading colors differently is a nice feature.
or better GridSegment (DX9)
@ http://vvvv.org/tiki-browse_image.php?imageId=6680 autor: use Resample
any 1 remembers where the patch from kalle is, that auto names IOBoxes?
@DigitalSlaves: of course - didn't you recognize the CourierNew styled ioboxes ;)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FQv_eAxp3c some cool stuff. does anyone know them?
solid state http://www.vimeo.com/3160590
who did sound web patches ? Kalle ?
sorry, this one http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=Parametres+d%27execution
@anyone: problem with my last translation http://vvvv.org/tiki-editpage.php?page=Parametres%20d%27execution Try editing it...
Thx! I have some issue with now ARTK+, just black screen, can i apply 3D on 1 Feducial?
@antokhio: use "+ (value spectral)"
live in a box http://mein-casulo.de/en/casulo.htm
@antokhio: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=%2B%20(Value%20Spectral)
Hey! Ppl how to + all values in one IOBox with 5 rows?
@haythem: hehehe! De rien mister
broken circles http://www.flickr.com/photos/defetto/sets/72157613513357912/ literally
nice: http://spacesymmetrystructure.wordpress.com/ (don't miss the "more" buttons!)
Or a wine angel ;-)
Congratz Digipic, awesome work!! (now I want some wine)
@ ArsRobota : MERCI!!!
kitch blured is beautifull...
Anyone used this VVVV like rhinoscript plug in ? http://grasshopper.rhino3d.com/
@phl: njam njam
Desaxismundi, I live in Bristol. I'm also friends with Crustea
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