i posted that ;D it was just a joke, but looks nice as an image itself :)
although i have to admit: "advanced" is somehow funny 8)
don't lol users because of little lacks in knowledge. do you remember that moment when you discovered spreads? :)
@kalle and m9dfukc: lol lol lol
@advanced user - hehe, something your doing wrong here! ... that's the way it would look in max/msp hehehe!
@advanced user: did you ever hears sth about spreads?!?
sinus@bilderbuchi: sent you a mail concerning soundframe. regular mailbox is empty and clean again.
that might be good for controls in VVVV ggml, but it won't run graphics.
Help, I cant get the audio record selector to select the wave input of my "sound card".. it's a Sigma Tel Audio thing.
@kalle: hehe
@apnoe : check your inbox!
der zepi, der zepi, welches maderl verfolgst denn da bei vattenfall, sieht eher aus nach sündenfall...
@karistouf: only tested on mac-PC but it should also work well in a big boygroup
sinus if you read this pls. read your messages and/or contact me...
we (HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd) have a new wiki. browse the vvvv tag :) http://ig.hfg-gmuend.de/
@zepi : is it working good for multiple PC ?
greetings from berlin cyper
This works good having a fatty PC for patching along with a little mac for leisure http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synergy and http://sourceforge.net/projects/synergykm
somebody could give an advise in this post please? its urgent http://vvvv.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=23790&topics_threshold=0&topics_offset=9&topics_sort_mode=lastPost_desc&topics_find=&foru...
... and it will guide you on every path you take.
@dragoljub: VVVV loves you too, my friend.
@sven lol yes i sent him an email :)
ok, i give up... I LOVE VVVV!
i <3 vvvv :)
@defetto: apparently he thinks your work is made with processing...
"micromanaging my node connectors" LOL :) me too, sometimes
When I'm feeling lazy I get way too much pleasure out of micromanaging my node connectors.
@ MajorTom: download latest directx? www.microsoft.com/downloads/Browse.aspx?displaylang=en&categoryid=2
I cant install 40 beta 19.1. The computer asks for d3dx9-30.dll any ideas?
Was thinking more Line In - for real time analyzing (to have a little look around for alternatives to the FFT node in VVVV).
Which software do you mean? Do search the raw samples?
Good place to find audio in vst beat detection software?
25 Mile USB Cables Snakes into View http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2008/12/25-mile-usb-cab.html
phytohormone analysis + L-systems http://linda.bistudio.com/
hi ! any quick help about coding fiducial to osc encoder ?
(il 26 starò abbuffato dai cenoni vari)
io vivo a londra, ma per le vacanze sono a salerno.. per napoli nn so di sicuro, mo vediamo
@defetto: ua bello dove vivi? io a firenze il 26 dicembre ho una serata a napoli piazza dante, vieni? ci conosciamo
@alg: empty vRAM?... http://vvvv.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=1841
any guides to solve low fps problem? My CPU loadead about 60% but finally i get about 16fps with mainloop
sono di salerno :)
@defetto t-fata=tifata, mountain close to napoli, do you know napoli?
@ggml: thanks ! ( dancers dancers dancers)
@karistouf: i'll putitup
t-FATA Napoli?
@bone spread emitter: is it possible to learn a bit from you ? ;-)
@kalle: hey kalle, today is the day ! : http://www.gtv-land.com/generique/pulp-fiction/413/
oh yeah! luff it!!
ah, ok... i'm on vista, at least full screen works :) thanks for answering
na, it only has to be on winxp
for Ctrl+3 to work with the renderer window, does it have to be full screen?
graphical programming in little big planet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiRgYBHoAoU http://www.littlebigplanet.com/
@joreg: learning to love xaml pt1: export illustrator vectpr graphics to XML http://www.wpflearningexperience.com/webcasts/whatisxaml-huntress/huntressxamldemo.html http://www.mikeswanson.com/xamlexport/
http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=lPlN6Pcoxes&fmt=18 MuShRoom by Gruppo Làbun at Fucina.off, Spoleto
ah! mentalmil works pretty good for furnishing lights to a shader !!!
hum anybody ATI has joreg's multipoint phong point working ?
@tonfilm inspired from a monty python radio sketche.. History of the word fuck http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djCj-Wt0WT0
work in progress: http://vvvv.org/pluginspecs/
220-foot digital screenvia ben fry http://vimeo.com/2463494
a fraction of them i would say...
@"I am from clipboard": all of kalles wishes seem to come true
i prefer coding in vvvv. IMHO it's a little like coding HTML with dreamweaver etc. you learn more when you go the straight way. and you don't have to learn another software...
do many of you use something like fx composer instead of developing directly in vvvv?
http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=HID-Nodes "Unfortunately mice and keyboards, which are also hid devices, are locked by the system, so they cannot be accessed by the hid nodes." means no multiple mice with this node in v4?
btw Fx comooser 2.5 http://developer.nvidia.com/object/fx_composer_home.html
need some feedback of dual point frenel from ATI users ! thx
@devvvs: anythwhere to look at in french to understand plainly phong point gouraud etc ?
@oschatz: thanks for this link. this is a Aone llink ;-)
first time in history there's something cool about microsoft: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/softwearbymicrosoft/
get spreads (offset 12) count ( 43) ?
totally off topic: The future of the past http://www.technologyreview.com/video/?vid=183
Wow Sanch continually amazes me
@guest hahaha, very nice
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