@introspector:have you tryied with Deep Exploration? lots of export options from 3Ds to DirectX models...
also DXF is a terrible format, it's flat I believe, better to use 3ds, obj,even wrl
@introspector:have you tried kwexport?
Soft Shadows look awesome!
ah, got it :) timing!
hmm, somehow I'm sitting on my "leitung" - don't remember how the node was called to get the actuall vvvv framerate! maybe somebody can help?!
i also trued this panda exporter but that doesn't seem to work with max 2009
what is the easiest way to get 3D gemetry from 3D MAX into vvvv. right now i export to dxf and use blender to convert .x file... but that seems to mess up the normals
@alx. should be easy - have a look for detect object / trautner / contour (need a cam for that) or use a sensor ... look in the docs how you do that
Hi everyone, I am new to the world of vvvv. I am working on a project which someone goes into a room and when he take place in a specific place he generates a video. Is this possible with vvvv? Any suggestions will be helpul! Thanks.
looks good:
@m9dfukc: sorry, not from berlin (the screenshot you refer to isn't mine - just the first shadowed one)...
hey flux - are you based in berlin? maybe we could meet sometime.
great diki for complex geometry. keep it coming
@ele: it's a first promising test (shadowmapping - not AO), but still needs some improvement before uploading (removing artifacts, increasing performance ....), i'll keep you informed
Me too ;)
@u7angel - good to know ... have to fix that!
me too ;)
me too!
who did the softshadows? love to have a look on the patch/shader....
alles klar :)
oder eher umgekehrt...
kalle ist mein pseudonym, wenn ich am fremden pc sitze und nicht weiss, ob ich alle vvvvorumthreads durchgearbeitet kriege...
sag mal kalle, was ist eigentlich mit DieterBohlen?
thanks, I hope for having more news soon
@m9dfukc, i couldnt resist and the highscore doesnt work ;)
@paolopix: it's a new hack of the wavesimulation patch, together with an effect taking the wave-heightmap, reflecting a mirrored sky and refracting some other texture. under development...
how has he been created the water that I see in this screenshot?
who did clickmaster? guy making cool stuff with processing
previous link: just to dig out a good idea :-)
great set of utilities Kalle !
@systray: a little late, regarding your background-issue: i forgot a module i posted 11 months ago: see
hey, is it possible to make a file-upload with node http (network post)?
Hi there! Im the new guy... really sorry for posting those "empty" screenshots.. but thats what happens when I up the render window :/
fudi has less protocoll in therory should be faster. and could be easier to use if you really don't need more.
tnx joreg... i'm sending 16 values from vvvv to pd on the same machine... are there any advantages in usign netsend (fudi) instead of OSC?
@Gaz : nice to meet you m8, ur suggestion worked fine, once I had removed duff ram! hope your vvvv box is better too!
@intro: right. use FormatValue..
the OSCencoder arguments pin only accepts strings? so i need to convert floats as strings to send them over OSC? or am i doing something wrong here ;)
@gregsn: flickr link to sheffield photo set broken :,(
... or with depthbuffer and a ZWriteEnable node!
thx vux :)
...but only without depthbuffer!!
you may want to check group(priority) to control the layer(s)
thanks..I could have had that smart idea myself!
place a quad with a texture (picture) on it in the background
Im referring to the background color pin btw
is there anyway to use a picture instead of a color for the ex9renderer???
assume ISO 8859-1 in cases when UTF8 isn't a choice.
which's the preferred text encoding for text files to be read and displayed, avoiding strange control chars and the like? should be umlaut savvy :)
@sven: sry, its ord (string)
@karistouf: spellvalue ?
@def: its u7angels ;)
@sven: spellvalue ?
who did the massive rear projected multitouch table alpha? lookin good
converts a character but not a hex-value.
@sven: byte (String)?
how to convert hex to dec?
plasticlogic's reader looks really nice/promising. wonder what they will cost...
i've been away... silent_observer at: 13:04:32 another newbie question: how to write to a .avi file the EX9 renderer output ? u7angel at: 13:37:58 writerNRT stefanome at: 14:19:01 you can use the nodes WRITER THANKS, i'll try
@patrick: see bad video:
kalle, welcher club ist denn das?
same for me structure synth doesnt work. testet in beta 18 and 16
@catweasel and haythemblue, created a post on forum for follow up.
Looking good Kalle!
@oschatz: no, that's another reason why i make extensive use of simulations... if you are curios what i'm doing there get a first impression here:
hey diki :)
I have the same problem of catweasel :(
@catweasel, sent you a skype, if you on
Doesnt appear in the list at all
@catweasel what error do you have?
Struct Synth isnt working for me, is it utils etc again, which ones !! Currently TF's from multi threaded particles...
@kalle, ICE plugs, interested spectators: did you also connect a moving light to that ICE wall plug?
sinus@vux: hi vux, sent you a msg. did you get it?
sinus@joreg+tonfilme: sorry i wanted to contact tonfilm!
sinus@joreg: wave3d does not show up and work for me under beta18. the rest does fine! what to do with all the plug interface + util.dlls in the various bins? keep them all? hurra!
@karistouf: yes...
kalle, are those joystick near ur scnd screen?
agree, thanks to tonfilm and west :)
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