PointEditor is so useful! Found: Gizmo is drawn even if PointEditorView is disabled.
@Fele make a forum post and post a screenshot of your vvvv/packs/ folder
installed dx11 nodes, nothing there. y? :(
Two hours of live mixed vvvvisuals : https://vimeo.com/228458897
@sunep yes, I guess, I´m going the obs-way. thx
@cznickesz fraps or obs?
@sunep thx question 2: best way to capture a webcam and save as mp4. Using ffmpeg right now via shell (sic!) but video is choppy
@cznickesz ShellExecute
Which node do I use to fire up a bat-file?
@okvrdz: the video shows AudioIn -> RMS -> BeatDetector all of which we still have in current b35.8
@joreg video tutorials Example: Tutorial #25. "BeatDetector" subpatch does not match the current one. No "AudioIn" node.
@okvrdz please be more specific. which videos?
Anybody know if the intro video tutorials will be updated? Some nodes , sample patches in the video aren't available in current v4.
@skyliner I was at SIGGRAPH monday and tuesday. I was expecting to see VVVV somewhere but I found nothing. :(
@Joreg - thanks for pointer pointer :)
@chrisr: can't wait! also huuuuge props for sponsoring \o/
We at schnellebuntebilder are about to release the NODE17 workshop videos next week, stay tuned!
any vvvv @ siggraph?
Many thanks for the link, joreg! And of course I meant 45beta34.2...it was a long day...^^'
The human fireball-"abduct" and me, we raymarched shapes near the champagne county for fun, just cos we could. https://vimeo.com/227243489
@nicoLD please start here: firmata protocol anything missing?
@joreg Thank you, it works know!
Is there an updated version of Firmata, Arduino and VVVV, an introduction (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQ54h88ptmc&t=578s) ? thx
@joreg : Ah yeah need to add in contributions, little reminder :)
it works with latest if you use the release from here: https://github.com/mrvux/vvvv-Box2D/releases
@Svartkabel beta2?
Heyho, short question: is there any way to get vux' Box2dNodes.dll to work in versions > 45.beta2? Thx in advance!
@mrboni there isn't a direct way. one is CPU, the other GPU, they are not related...
how to convert between shared memory name (ie SharedMemory ex9) and handle (dx11 FromSharedTexture) ?
@cyper see: http://vvvv.academy/summer-course.html #vvvv
moin v4 friends i would like to take part at the V4 summercource i found a sponder , ,so pls let me know, where to subcribe. lg cyper
@okvrdz, ah..i didn't know that..please try again now!
@joreg (See message below)
When sending a message to a user using "send message" I get "You are not a verified user yet, please come back later".
@okvrdz where exactly do you get "not verified"?
How long does it take to verify a new user? I cannot contact anybody because i'm not "verified" :'(
oops, this is corrent url https://soundcloud.com/takramcast/sebastian-oschatz
interview to Sebastian Oschatz at node17. about MESO, vvvv, and more! https://soundcloud.com/takramcast
thanks tonfilm!
@m9dfukc: thanks! right.i rember. it´s great! know "quat". but with minute-long calculation times.
@udo2013 you mean this one tonfilm patches#quaternion julia set ?! @tonfilm did
the QJuliaSet. does anybody know who created this for vvvv? (contributions) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8IUj__L9Mg&ab_channel=udokaiser
vvvv Academy on Prosthetic Knowledge: http://prostheticknowledge.tumblr.com/post/163365719346/vvvv-academy-dominik-koller-is-starting
@synth sent u mail; i'm on gem till ~7.08, styx and mangosh come this weekend, vux and idwyr may also be back later back
There's now a NEW vvvv Showcase! 100+ Selected Projects. At http://vvvv.academy
to whom it may concern: 64-bit #vvvv #alpha builds are up an running again: downloads/alphas
ohne vvvv. ätsch... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72CHhEGpmhg&ab_channel=the29novVideos
@synth you sauin something about 420? if mangosh gets confirmed i am coming with him as we are in one ... package
@evvvvil here only to do lasers, they don't let me near the screens after last time ...
hahaha yes, please sir, can I have some more sir? Hopefully me and you be battling for visual space soon, GTFOH with your lasers.
BTW - Got 4 20w Kvant lasers here thinking of testing the ILDA nodes live :)
@evvvvil Hell yeah! Couldn't get Vux drunk but your going to get it :D
@synth: hopefully I should be going to GEM FEST soon, not confirmed yet, but if so, beer is on you why not ;) (and me ok)
BTW any vvvv guy coming to Georgia for GEM Festival shout out I am here for the entire thing alone. Some beer on me ;)
@dominikKoller perfect! Count me in :)
@synth I am! It's going to be donation/ based (or sponsored by someone) though :)
@joreg I found it, my FF has flash disabled (by default), and those are old embeds that still use flash.
@andresC4 @u7angel @motzi @Martin Zrcek thanks for your workshop materials. added them here: node17-workshop-material
@dominikKoller: vimeo videos work for me in FF. anyone else with problems?
@dominikKoller: thanks for mentioning the broken linefeed nodes: fixed for alphas!
DMX workshop, vvvv+grandma2 in 10 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhlAVPHD4P8
@dominikKoller make online course , i`d pay for it ...
...in case you're bored: http://trumpdonald.org/
Tell your friends: Free vvvv intro sessino next week: https://www.facebook.com/249614345532818
Apropos 'Up for a beer': arrived in Vienna, any vvvvreaks in town?
@vux if you are up for a beer I am staying at Golden Fleece hotel for GEM Festival. P.S I am the laser guy from last night :)
And yeah. Don't expect much bandwidth. Keep your GPU copies to an absolute minimum. @microdee
The USB 3 connections are just cheap/high spec connections used for convenience. Not USB protocol or electrical.
The extended slots are PCIe 1x with 16x form factor. You can demux PCIe like a boss (like a bus). Would prefer 16x in though
@elliotwoods: is that for real? 1X PCI-e to 16x PCI-e over USB sounds a littlebit weird
@andresc4 BezierPatch 2D?
mor gpuz http://bit.ly/2tVXTlB
Node17 flickr photo pool: https://www.flickr.com/groups/3902188@N22/pool/ you can share your pics there...
@evvvvil: Is there a way to see which cinimod projects are done in vvvv?
Vimeo videos don't show up on the website. using FF. Example: showreel-2017
LineFeed nodes are broken - they have no outputs.
Anyone else at Tech Open Air Berlin?
hello all, is it possible to instancenoodles SplineBuffered with different lengthed (# of 3d vectors) splines?
Im looking for a patch to do a grid and edit each point for 2d image warping,,, like the mapping function from ResolumeArena...
@fibo: State provided internet is an option to regulate these fuckers organically. They'll need to compete with speed and service
for net neutrality! Google, AT&T, ecc. want to build a private sea bone USA-Europe https://www.battleforthenet.com
@eno the problem re sending mails on userpages is now fixed!
vvvv Summer Course Berlin, video out now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dP3sXq8cq5U
What's this time format CurrentTime uses? It's not Unix time, obviously, but what is it?
in webland too: http://www.quakejs.com/
neighbors are busy https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/07/11/introducing-unity-2017/
@ceeya use realsense in vvvv by adding few lines of code to the c# example in sdk to send everything to vvvv via udp. fuck plugins
THX elektromeier - I didn't know the DS325 stuff - looks cool
I think user:AOI is gone - what a pity :-( https://tinyurl.com/y8tpxc2j - but vvvvRealSensePlugin he left on github https://tinyurl.com/y8odv8lm
hmm weird. links doesnt work once pasted. try: search/apachesolr_search/softkinetic?filters=tid:1082&
Wasn't there once a cool IntelRealSense Plugin?
thats working. danke phlegma :)
@aivenhoe have a look at vvvv-patchbox
Didn't try but I don't think so. You should dig SetPatch for that kind of things.
ah, tnx @sebescudie. Can i add an IOBox as vector2d (2 slices) but as value type integer instead of double?
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