@gregsn: spreadable GetSetPatchAlias sets everything on fire! in a good way! thank you :)
might be of interest to some of you: http://www.simultan.org/en/2008/callforentry.htm
shared memory windows doesnt take spreads?
juchu. sourcebuffer fetzt.
nice :D
check also the beta14.9 changes in the changelog... http://www.vvvv.org/tiki-view_blog_post.php?blogId=3&postId=243 :)
you know what you eat? http://funtasticus.com/20080324/advertising-vs-reality-a-product-comparison-project/
node08 site is down...
@diki: yo, found the problem, it comes when a parameter type is unused... just need to set this param count to 0
ok, good to know! thanx diki, will have a deeper look at it...
the bug should occur if one of the controlled patches reports wrong Parameter Counts / Descriptions ...
@diki: I encountered this bug twice and always in same patches, thought it came from my patches...
http://phungame.com/ sandbox phun
thx for the info; i had hoped that bug was fixed...
@diki: your setup rocks! but sometimes, there is a shift in parameters bars... eg when I toggle Preview it does it well but the white bar is on for the next parameter...
@bbuchi: thx for the msg!
non profit, non commercial, facebook/studivz-shit alternative http://www.kaioo.com/
@colorsound THANKS for the patch! but osc msg dont works...i ll try another version
happy eastern! http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=Wmg0sATtCRo&feature=related
Rendering for an Interactive 360 Light Field Display http://gl.ict.usc.edu/Research/3DDisplay/3Ddisplay_preprint.pdf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FF1vFTQOWN4&feature=related
thats what the input pin is for, put the half of the width in there...
then sign :)
but you get negative values as well with a linearspread
how about floats?
I spread
how do i make a spread of 100 to go from 0-100?
thx hierro i though that was deniro have to go into it :)
yes it does, i didn't saw it, just newby :) Btw i think one frame is too less to have a realistic acceleration value, keep on suggest deniro module
doe framedifference do the same thing?
@anachronik : i saw Deniro do that, otherwise u just use framedelay and calculate difference of velocity between frames, thats' acceleration :)
which node to use to get acceleration in a change of coordinates ? i know how to get speed & velocity but for acceleration ?
Do you want know something?... vvvv rox!!!
@desaxismundi... the link video is really fine.
@woei: works as long as there are no cascading subpatches. howzabout a wiki page/forum thread?
me want! now!
seems to work now. (substitute repatched) http://vvvv.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=1555
unpredictable here, too, but worked twice already. both thumbs up!
kinda unpredictable. worked fine yesterday :). seems like substitute is having problems...
plus my desktop is full of subpatches.
the LFO connection gets lost everytime i integrate the lfo and/or the typospread into the subpatch. but very promising approach! :)
hello fellas, if you've got time, please bug report on this onehttp://vvvv.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=1553
Nice screenshot, some Donnie Darko fan around here?
well, knoppix does contain wine AFAIK
you got message. i second the wine idea, vvvv is one of the few things that keep me shackled to windows :-P
if someone with a lot of patience talks me through a failsafe linux distro on my macbook, i'm on.
I tried to run v4 via crossover on a mac. that didn't work.
now that wine does halflife, would anyone try vvvv please? http://appdb.winehq.org/
@nodEQ : I really enjoy the idea behind that patch...F***k renderers!! Let patches rock by themselves :)
diki goes setpatch. i'm curious what comes next...
@desax: glad you like it ;)
If you can wait till the weekend I can sort something out Patrick
...and that guns'roses mode :D
@Diki : Thank you.!!..your node EQ is sick :)
jo, patrick. i will deliver today! late but still realtime..
NODE08 cinema is still calling for submissions. guys, vvvvhassup? dust off your hd renderings from that drive …
what about this one? its spreadable :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyzVtTiax80&feature=related
Thats absolutly amazing!
@elektromeier...fantastic :)
@ele: scary movie. i never will go to the forest again.
vvvv Rox!!!
oha, melodyne got even more useful. great developement!
@u7: great!
Growth of the digital universe http://www.emc.com/digital_universe
who is the author of halodot ? i want to treat him with a beer at node08 ;)
@u7: very nice! i should change my lecture to "my favourite textures"
@nospam: thx for reporting! however this file is also in your module folder already.
i love halodot.bmp kitsch movie http://www.wirmachenbunt.de/archives/131#more-131
the file: DeformByCurve (3D B-Spline).v4p is down: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=gregsn+Modules
I've translated the VVVV basic tutorial in Italian language as a pdf file. Would you publish it in the documentation section? you can download here http://www.lanvideosource.net/fondamenti_di_vvvv.pdf or on my wiki page
but perhaps I need to work harder here.
hhm, yeah lanvideosource is correct. Iif I can get there, could I still get the fan pass? I reckon I can hitch hike there for nothing, once there I can blag accomodation for free using my incredible good looks.
@Woei, thnx for the modules and patches you uploaded!!
yay. fukc work. me too.
I'm coming to Node.. F***K work. I want to meet you all.
SOS test
yeah, videos would be great!
I wish I could go to NODE08, but I think I waited too long because now air fare is twice as much. Have there been any plans to make video recordings of the workshops?
thanks for missing me ;) i'm coming, just missed the fan pass, not much money on my cayman island account. looking for cheap accomodation and which days right now...
wow, lots of really nice images in the "screenshots of the day" today.
no se! maybe admin knows more?
yep, noticed that too ;(
some files are missing... like some patches on my page and the shader version test patch, what happend?
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