maybe because its 8.1 only?
hey, Sanchez's DOF fx doesn't work on my pc. I am not sure the help patch is functioning as several nodes are not connected (including renderers). any ideas?
15 mins "NIL"-spread --> alert email. somebody else other useful ideas for this module? please let me know. btw: does it work out of the box???
of course, i was just kidding
@U7: perhaps possible. intended use is letting your multimedia installation alert you if e.g. there is no more sensor data. or daily status report. or...
kalle, spreadable sendemail ? sounds like a spam module ;)
proudestly presenting SendEmail (Network).v4p
@kalle: hehe, thanks.... Don't know how that one slipped by me.
@dujoducom: see vvvv's download page and scroll down
does anyone know of a directx redistributable package that meets the version requirement for vvvv? I always have to use the web install, but I'd love to store one on a thumb drive.
@all, many thanks for the links! GetSlice (Spreads) did the job for me. Works like a charm. Man - this vvvv is really, really awesome! And support of you guys also!
@david Guest = now a registered user: bouke ;-)
@bouke: have a look there there and there
iPhone to Midi Bridge
@bouke: other nodes for accessing slices of a spread are: select, getspread, stallone, vector (split)
if you split each value u can use stallone node (look at the inspektor to set tue output pin) you can access each slice of the spreads(array in vvvv) with getslice
First of all, I'm a total noob... I'm using a lemur. If I create a simpel GDI point, I'm able to control the position of my multibal. Now I have to multiballs and the AsValue outputs: Output: (2): value... So this is somekind of aray I guess... How can I
no, seriously what kind of arguments?
What is the easiest way to split arguments?
@catweasel Thanks! Try the new version. I just posted it :)
@dottore uv to 3d is looking cool!
SALE : QuadroFX4500 with genlock card and Datapath RGBPRO2 vga capture card
...emails with vvvv. up to now i use the curser-node and glovepie to emulate the keyboard via osc, then writing in a "real" browser
check my userpage to see how to embed youtube videos in your pages and blogposts.
soon coming: send emails out of vvvv. already working, needs fine tuning. wait till wednesday...
it's pipet fever on flickr and desaxismundi's check it out
MrPrudence looks pretty good, pleasure...
what happend to ?
either via httprequest or with a flash socket
of course. i was thinking about wrapping the transformations to e.g. javascript in order to enable animations.
does nobody of you all know ?
yeah that would be phantastic. svg export - exactly what i need :)
no guys it wasn't me, it's this spanish guy who call himself clopezdepablo ask him about it
spam users should now have serious problems registering too...
we have updated to the latest tikwiki release...! If you guys find any curiosities.. let me know...
was it you defetto? who ever, krass! if that thing runs in realtime, it could be cool for vvvv too. xml based images in the browser???
@defetto: WOW! WOW! WOW! how did you do that?
nice screenshot's Ianvideosource
@kalle: try hamachi
@dujoducom: are you on skype? me: vvvv4444
gmail (sorry)
shoutbox cut me off, the tool updates your no-ip domain with your dynamic IP address when it changes. So basically you can connect to and not worry about the dynamic IP. e-mail me if you want, it's my username without the last 3 letters @
I've done it, you basically just need a static IP address. You can use a service to keep track of your dynamic IP address. no-ip has a tool that runs in the taskbar that works well for updating your no-
somebody around here, who knows how to set up vnc over www?
ahhh right, there was something i did earlier about this... let me think...
that's what i meant...and also only shows one topic per thread.
the highlite function in search does not work. the search engine itself works fine!
@desax: seems to work there
Search function is weird..or is this just me?
woo hoo!
migration is ready. good luck..
we need the revolution
i expected larger changes in the historry of the "change log" hhhmm :)
@patrick: nee, tut mir leid. muß kinder ins bett bringen.. :(
@ kalle, kommste heut nicht mehr?
@dottore :)
Thanks Kalle! Always happy to learn... :)
@desaxiamundi: DeepColr--> WOW!
@dottore: my compliments too. regarding the checker3d.fx --> you can easy change the color inputs from float4 to color by replacing "diffuse" with "COLOR" ... and better replace the underscore in the helpfile's name with a simple space
@gaz, this was a silly home-server SNAFU. apologies. And guess what, 'wemove' to a dedicated server soon...
@dottore compliments for the shader thanks.
if you have any vvvvideos, please contribute here:
That MrWiggle Shader is totaly awesome!! Nice one dottore!!
@tonfilm see your mailbox :-)
whats up?
I'm just glad it's up (needed some reference help). Perhaps a mirror is needed? I'm sure we could all donate space
Did anyone else notice the website going down yesterday? Over the last few weeks there have been huge a massive jump in users, is that the problem?
tonfilm i need help !!
tonfilm is need help !!!
nice one..
I like ctrl+shift+F9, select a node and hit it to view debug info for only one node at a time.
alt+mousewheel, right-click on outlet... didn't know either! o_0
added to the user interface in detail wikipage. correct me if my english isn't good(actually at work)
rightclick on an outlet to distribute the connection to a lot of inlets is my favorite ;)
aaaaaaaaaah ALT+mousewheel, didn't know that !!
vvvv "trick" (or better: basic feature i didn't know it exists) of the day: horizontal scrolling with alt+mousewheel. yeah!
thats awsome! There is a bar in frankfurt with restrooms like that, but without the twins
Verstehen Sie Spass?
wish i had time to test it...
please contribute to the Overlay Interface
thanks cat!
nice shot jannis!
i'd recommand visiting at least the 4th night with onionlab vjing and arbol playing music :
mehrmals CTRL-Y
Banale Frage: Wie bekomme ich die geschwungenden Verbindungslinien hin. (Modul zu Modu)l
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