kalle => hab dir 'ne pm geschickt
thx for pointing that out. i just answered the call.
There is a thread on the vj forums regarding the next stage of freeframe development. They are calling for you! http://www.vjforums.com/showthread.php?t=22363
check sonderformats masterthesis video! http://sonderform.at/
anybody knows the font of the vvvv-logo?
webbased face recognition: http://www.polarrose.com
and some good papers http://tangible.media.mit.edu/papers/ and http://www.kurzweilai.net/index.html?flash=1
some more infos about the upcomming max5 - http://www.cycling74.com/story/2007/10/5/91222/9559 and hey - they stolen the doubleclick for new node feature from v4. and the new interface looks ugly.
@david: yeah, that's me. only the flag is vvvv. the long surrounding video strip is done with another signage s/w
who did it? you fox? seemed to be a pretty big setup.
@woei: vvvv in Shanghai http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaGt6GSW6Dc done that for a F1 party in a bar two days ago. what a pity that it is over :P
@or3: a-ha. ask them for directx compatibility. http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/video/display/20040607023341.html http://www.tomshardware.com/2005/06/08/add_a_monitor_using_usb/
wow, i want this to be my next display: http://www.mazine.ws/node/564
björn an me will be in shanghai. skype -> davidbruell
And never let you invite for a tea. It could be very expensive for you. Have fun. Its great and crazy there.
I can recommend Blue Mountain Hostel. Chaep, clean and very friendly and helpful staff. But its a little of tourist center The Bund. Its more south. http://www.bmhostel.com/index-en.html
woei, you have an accommodation already?
any vvvvs around shanghai? gonna be there for the next 2 +1/2 weeks...
if one gets sick of vvvv there are enough "Hausarzt"s here
gig-e 60fps hd camera link
thats hot
@kalle: nevermind. thats okay. but there is still bad code at gamma correction: all the (TempCol < 0) line should be deleted. I will do it tomorrow.
@Desax:... actually I guess u're right huhu! Think I'm gonna have a ride in C4D!
@frank: i can't message you. i made some minor changes on your shader. please forgive me
@Desax: thanx, but not sure it will solve the problem... Gonna post a topic in the forum to explain details
@Robota ; easy with a well prepared x.file http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=How+to+Export+X+Files+from+Maya&highlight=how%20to%20prepare%20an%20x%20file
Hi guyz, is it possible to "subdivide" mesh faces?
seems there's some spam again in the file gallery id 1300
ui, nice screen setup!
Here is a video report of Scopitone Festival ( Fr) http://www.digital-slaves.com/videos.php
@paranoid : are u nvidia or ati. see here for more http://vvvv.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=14883&topics_threshold=0&topics_offset=3&topics_sort_mode=lastPost_desc&topics_find=&foru...
anyone can help me how to use the bubble shader that is on the bazaar? i can't put it work.
using depth map:http://www.squidsoup.org/driftnet/
@jannis : nice one :)
dont be sad kalle, when you reread the article you will notice that mr prudence just added infos about you in his post.
and very nice that they do feature some users! but i'm a little bit depressed not to be mentioned.. :^(
dataisnature about vvvv: http://dataisnature.com/?p=394
@Desax: Nice work! Really pop art!
@kalle ; it was me...i'm workin' on a kind of tiling shader...this example was made out of superformula (of course)
btw: flash seems not that bad:http://mrdoob.com/lab/pv3d/dof/04
i'm curious about the last two screenshots?!? who did them?
someone could gives to me some idea on one possible installation to make in an atmosphere closed with vvvv
and some work of it: http://www.transphormetic.com/
a little post on your favourite software :) http://dataisnature.com/?p=394
pure white LEDs http://www.physorg.com/news109848190.html
contac me rems32(at)gmail(dot)com
I sell a graphic card : Nvidia Quadro FX4500 with Genlock card. Great for big patch and video...
i am trom iPod touch
Artists 'draw on air' to create 3D illustrations http://www.k2.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/perception/HapticRadar/index-e.html
reminds me at sanchs "bones" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w3X8u9oCPY
about IAA: http://www.ledsmagazine.com/features/4/8/11
finally back !!! after the weird saturday night :). thx to all it was short but great, nice to met some of you and to saw some meso projects
The Haptic Radar / Extended Skin Project http://www.k2.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/perception/HapticRadar/index-e.html
kind of a history: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=tonfilm-Screenshots
danke! ;)
check my flickr out http://www.flickr.com/photos/defetto/
whats up this evening in frankfurt?
ups did not want to upload those pics to screenshots sorry
@sonderformat: nobody but you can edit your userpage!
hi is there a way to stream video over internet with vvvv?
job.. tnx joreg will check it
ou major, while in prague make sure to watch this http://www.radio.cz/en/article/92388
Prague? U lucky Majortom! R u downthere for the job or vacations?
@Desax: Great! U're the boss! thanx for fixing it, i'm studyin difference between both shaders... Thanx a lot!
shoutcard in the box from prague!
ure welcome...next step would be to create a "color transform" input to understand this better.
@Desax: thanx 4 the code dude. One last thing: compiler says that In is an undeclared identifier... I compared with other shaders but dunno...
@ArsRobot : try something like this inside PS.... float4 col = tex2D(Samp, In.TexCd) * col; col.a=1.0; return col;
@anachronik: thanx for the tips, the PS return a value 1 for color, and everything seem to be normal about texture... but it still doesn't work
@phl: guilty me!
@tonfilm: I cannot change color, blend mode or apply texture on Shader Transform... What must I change in the shader?
@aR: hint for the color look into the pixel shader return value
@aR: look into another shader that's able to do that and copy pasting u'll be able to fix that.
I'm the operator with my pocket calculator: http://davidreport.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/sam_hecht_2.jpg
who did the "contourtracked nyc beach line"?
hey stefanome: i saw you posting some nice patches "secretly". what about making your own userpage? come on, it's really easy!!
very beautiful mr deasaxismundi! :)
Hehe, just checking to find the free ones I can use ;)
@west: are u messing up the universes at rico's? i didn't think that somebody else could use this module...
interesting: http://everyware.cc/blog/200
vvvvirc says (unauthorized connection) on all servers. how to deal with that ?
@ Kalle, your Artnet detector is insane, but VERY usefull, thnx for going to that trouble!!
@jannis : nice thunder pics!! wonder how u got this nice blur and the lines modulations (textures ?)
OK, thanx so much I've never been able 2 read QT for 2 years... what a donkey ass of me...
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