@west: looking forward to that one :)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGvL9UovRVY "it's bright and stuff but it runs like shit" ;)
you have to install quicktime alternatives for that.
Filestream doesnt play quicktime files. Is it normal or a bug?
Thank you Diki, if we ever meet, I will get you some BEER!! :)
inside Optimus http://community.livejournal.com/optimus_project/
nice :) clean my perfmeter, minions!
u need a plugin called kalle ;)
i wonder how to connect a computer running vvvv to such device (leds wall) ? sorry for the beginner question...
no they´re real.
yeah. thats indeed big. the cleaning people are looking a little bit like they have been rendered but they aren't?!?
@Kalle: its a shot from the IAA. 50x12m with 412000 leds. thats BIG :)
thet "BIG performance" screenshot reminds me at George Michael http://meso.net/GMI25Live am i right?
@david: heard about it a vcvouple times but never tried. And u?
anyone ever used http://www.troikatronix.com/isadora.html ? any experiences?
Any one patched a fisheye view for menus and is willing to tell me the secret? http://www.samuelwan.com/downloads/com.samuelwan.eidt/fisheyemenu/FisheyeMenuDemo.html
fisheye now available in PS,,,works nice on videos http://vvvv.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=1271
there is photoshooting tonight..
on second though, don't. they're pretty.
@iaa-webcam: "how to drive economically" - let's start by switching off the lights at night ;)
pah, c'mon u7 thought we had an agreement about that...
i haven't harrassed the devs for quite some time: where is the timeline ? :)
@yiffable: hallo i want conect the software RESOLUME with VVVV no function.
@inspiron;giv me a shout if u have any probs, I've been using fugstream to send vvvvisuals to opentzt for a few gigs now, very reliably!
@yiffable thats is!! thank you
made with vvvv http://www.mercedes-benz.com/content/mbcom/international/international_website/de/com/Mercedes-Benz_Markenwelt_IAA_2007.html > live erleben > webcam
@inspiron; link below will get u visual c++ runtime SP1 which should make fugstream work
@u7angel yes i copy the fugStreamReceive.dll, fugStreamReceiveSource.dll etc in the folder freeframe. stating vvv and look for the module but nothing!
@oyster: saw your news about the workshop in Beijing. can you provide more info on how to join?
@elektromeier: put this after points2vector http://www.vvvv.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=1270
did u try to drag and drop the dll files directly into your patch window? how about that?
hallo i need help. i have stresss with the fugStream. i copy all the .dll files in the folder freframe. starting vvv and!!! no fugStream. i testing this on another pc and thats ok. please helppppppp
@elektromeier: the workshop could be in english without problem, half beginner and half advanced 3d too @defetto: sei a milano? vediamoci subito nel caso oppure cel 3476226500
and some info about in (german) : http://www.teslasociety.ch/info/teslamotors/
my next car... if i had some money :( http://www.teslamotors.com/
Optimus Keyboard? cheap crap. what about this: http://www.fairlightau.com/Pics/xynergi1b.jpg
@e1n: ciao io sono interessato, ma vorrei più informazioni... ho finito da poco un corso triennale di 3d a milano e uso vvvv da 1 anno (ho anche fatto uno stage alla meso)... come ti contatto?
beginner workshop or advanced 3d math?
e1n: the workshop language should be english? italian?
paraflows 07 - annual convention for digital arts and cultures opening in vienna today. http://www.paraflows.at/
@oschatz: ok perfect the workshop should be 2-3 days between october and the first of december 2007, come on vvvvuys the place is very good!
@e1n: yes, this is the right place.
i don't know where to post, maybe in meso site,btw i'm searching for a vvvv guy for making a workshop in a italian master in a media design university in milan,in particular about 3d, if someone is interested please respond here
EaseOutBounce, that's how i get out of bed in the morning:) nice one Zeh!
zeh's tweener module is quite useful: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=UserPagezeh thx :)
think I might need a mic, seems very quite...
:) better not. its stops you from doing yor work...
nah! Maybe I should go download it?
yo cat...you have skype now?
i want to admit that it has NO relation to this date that i published that Scarface patch today.http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=kalle.Patches
oh im a dummy... i patched a spreadable ringbuffer not a queue... a queue module could be a bit trickier, anyone like to try it?
needs to put your modules and int(value) from kalle into vvvv modules folder...
does it run out of the box btw or are some modules missing?
thanks but the features are partly vaporware, they just show what i like to achieve... any ideas welcome....
not bad, ele!
http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=elektromeier-dx9GUI work in progress... another dx9 gui project
:D diki that link is great. made me laugh out loud. creative low cost punk multitouch...
too bad, anyway i heard there are some more ars to come.
Unfortunately I had to leave early Sunday morning, so I am back home now :[ It looks like they had to reschedule the fly by due to weather, not surprising.
i think it has to do with the spreaded timer...try without it...
I also get the spikes on the geforce but not on the quattro Graka, Those bubbles look so great!
@des, bubbles look great but I get little spikes all over, is this normal. or just me?
2ppl@ars(e): had to drive back home after the concert. nice meeting u guys.
dujoducom also still there?
@major: space in lentos is limited but the brucknerhause (where most of the concerts are scheduled) is too big to be sold out. see you there. i am the one two storeys taller than the rest.
setting the "frame pedding" pin on writer nrt to a higher number can be quite useful, when going away while rendering, in case you don't want to have just 10000 black pngs in your directory. d'oh.
yeáh, i just arrived at the top level of OK :)
some of the boys at OK-night tonite? http://www.aec.at/en/festival2007/program/project.asp?iProjectID=14108
comming for 'Perfect Strangers' to Linz 2morrow. Can somebody pls check if tickets are still available.
see writer nodes, especially NRT and AVI
hej, someone knows how i could render frames or video of my vvvv output?
@def, quicktime alternative installs some codecs that vvvv can use
@joreg: i can already play .aiff files with quicktime
@def: i think you need to install quicktime alternative http://www.free-codecs.com/download/QuickTime_Alternative.htm for .aif files too
hi guyz, quick question, filestream doesn't work with .aif? how strange?
I'm currently at the Pfarrplatz second life thing. There is also wireless here.
linz has a hotspot at hauptplatz - if you are allready there see you at floor 2 Kunstuniversität
node08 is the latest halocentric arg
please tell me node08 is the latest halocentric arg so i can stop googling obscure technical reference pdfs...
there is a list of all public hotspots in linz http://www.linz.at/hotspot_Portal/hotspot_standorte.asp#3 and even a graphical map that shows them (among other stuff) http://wikimap.hotspotlinz.at/de/index_wikimap.php
Yes, the rain is a real drag. Unfortunately the "Novotel" does not have wifi so I've been hanging out in the Ars center. Are there any other hotspots around here? We'll see how the weather is looking for saturday.
@all: its only small, cosmetic changes on my webpages. if you knew them before, you shouldn't search the history for changes
@dujo: jes. excellent idea. but i fear the rain will wash us away...
@dujo, a big vvvv would be funny^, i'm up for it...when and where ?
@ars: yes
irgendwas ist irgendwie cool... :)
Q: how can I delete techniques in a shader? Simply erasing lines?
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