who does the 3d cellular automata?
hi guys anybody in berlin tomorrow - last minute jumpup openframeworks ( http://openframeworks.cc/ ) workshop at saturday = http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/211494/ come on hurry hurry :)
see through lcd screen: http://www.engadget.com/2007/06/29/see-through-lcd-screen-developed/
looked like..
looks like spam in the vvvvorums...
reminding me somehow to max's slitscan http://www.k-kobayashi.info/infoFlv/Vision500.html
Majortom?? please stand up!!!
would the person with the metaballs please stand up?
i always knew it... the default windows xp wallpaper (aka tele-tuby-style) has a bad influence on certain users ;-p ... *points at the gras-shader.
ok pipet seems broken with filetextures, all others work, right? what else is verhext?
beta13 ist verhext...
Is pipet broken in beta13?
i somehow got managed it. greatFlummi!!!!
@diki,@admin: why do i have trouble with diki's uploads? http://vvvv.org/tiki-browse_image.php?galleryId=14&sort_mode=created_desc&desp=0&offset=0&imageId=3997
not sure wether this has already been posted: http://www.aether.hu/2006/aleph/
do i know those facetrackers from somewhere? http://vernissage.tv/blog/2007/06/25/et-voila-technology-meets-magic-at-sonar-07/
@kaylabs..thanx,copy past style... but still a good way to learn more about HLSL ;)
Ahh found it lurking on a drive, but doesnt work in beta13, does in 12...
@Sanch any chance of reposting your Vertex Height map, just got a new gfx card for an old pc, Nvidia this time!
nice screenshot of vbomb, excellent adaptation of nvidia shader library
haha: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZrr7AZ9nCY take that, apple...
@kalle: its the result from a lost forums thread, where joreg posted a link to a gpu fluid simulation paper.
great software, i hope to get into it easely. fontz are very small for old guys like me ;)
Hi all ! Here is my stuff http://www.digital-slaves.com/videos.php
@desaxis...so cool i've to go deeper into shader programming :) it's looks really nice thx
@anachro..cartesian and gaussian transforms applied 2 a shader that draws lines, ....that's it;)
how does that wired screenshot are made ? i mean the 8 last ones, i can"t figure the process
who's that ultrafast fluid? tf?
@david: site feels running smoothly. sadly lars is not yet fully recovered so he can't join us.
does the asynchronous mode for loading textures now also include asynchronous destroying?
jea joreg. performing overseas sounds brilliant. congrats. is lars with you too? let him know about it...
hey. only have a few mins.so i can"t check the whole site. can somebody confirm that the vvvviki is running smoothly now? it would save my nights. thanks.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFZrcKnxnio brilliant! (even better than the scanners)
hallo mr oschatz... kurz skypen?
http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=kalle-Modules-Animation download link for IIRfilter fixed. thx diki for pointing me!
nice MIDIcontroller: http://www.hakenaudio.com/Continuum/
Span mode on Mac BookPro's with ccc 7.3 again now, Makes my life easier!
Doy of the screenshot, nice bubbles too!
day of the tentacle...yeah...me wanna play with it too
Tentacle is rather beautiful!
@FrankBerg will post the module sooon
tentacle shader is so... mmmm. any chance to play with it?
awww, only 8bit ... my favourite colors are all 16 ;)
That Blobbing along nicely majorT!
choose your color: http://www.colourlovers.com/
@multipass: sorry for not putting that example into the girlpower. now get it here: http://vvvv.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=13549&topics_threshold=0&topics_offset=1&topics_sort_mode=commentDate_desc&topics_find=&f...
@catweasel: it sets the thread priority for loading xfiles/textures in background. however it is just for debugging. sorry if it doesn't work well yet...
Seem to be getting better frame rates, which is nice! What does Async Thread Priority do in mainloop?
just found out that i tried queue and buffer with volumetric dds only, conventional textures do work. post that later more precise in the forum.
ele: please elaborate on your non-working queue and buffers (in the vorum probably)
jo, plz, multipass example, i'm cracking my head all day already, w/o getting it work
yo, gregsn send me an example of the shader multi out. maybe he will upload it..
"DX9Texture is now able to output a spread of textures. it works perfectly together with a multipass effect, which outputs more than one color from within its pixelshader" anyone has an example for this?
i cannot confirm that by now
i can confirm that texture load still freezes renderer
@Or3-RCTC cool multiscreensetups... boygrouping?
hi all here is some video using vvvv : http://www.digital-slaves.com/videos.php
for me neither... and buffer (texture) and queue (texture) dont work at all :(
textureload w/o freeze doesn't work for me neither... :(
sure dave...i'll post it here
@hengge.. if you do so, let me know! :)
@bjoern thx bjoem. but my vvvv freeze while loading textures despite I set 1. wmmm
if load in background is set to 1, textures will load in a different thread, which means vvvv will not freeze while loading textures
whta is the filetexture's load in background??
hello. anyone have a good projector aquisition link?
wow, finally miss beta13, thanx.
i like the looks of that B-Spline Surface...
thx kalle & desaxismundi!
@dave...for now it would have to be someone that knows how to rock&roll with vvvv....perhaps we can offer a practical/course later... :)
Hmm, that doesnt like ATi either I think, crashes on load : (
just checking FXcomposer 2.0beta3 with MentalMill (Graphical Shader Development). no experiences by now. if you want to download 200MB: http://developer.nvidia.com/object/fx_composer_home.html
Forgot the word 'course'
If you give me a vvvv there i'm willing to come over hengge :p
Hey guys...i need some help here in London.... http://www.vvvv.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=13520&topics_threshold=0&topics_offset=0&topics_sort_mode=lastPost_desc&topics_find=&...
...that's right,sandbox is awsome! congratulations diki!
@diki: your sandbox is incredible!
the file upload does not work, does it?
hey there from australia.. sorry for the mess. its always the same. system is running for month without a prob. once you are away, things get out of control. will be back in july! cheers
im there next weekend..
pflichttermin für bremer: http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/91270/from/atom10
and i cant re register either with my old id or with a new id on the same mail id i used earlier....help
does this not work on vista..? atleast i cant get the audio nad video inputs to respond... fft nodes for example
thanks sohya...so do we have any californian users?
he back buddies!
@foxonfire; all: pls simply re-create a new topic and post your backup as one long first post
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