thr controller works perfectly whith both abletonlive & max\msp on Osx... : | ...
If its new, its may be a faulty batch, I sent back 2 before finding one that worked! Got them to test it at the shop 3rd time!
...of wich could be the problem?if anyone uses the same controller may say me with wich driver version?with wich O.System?
midi controller bcr2000rotary used with BCR2000-Midicontrol (Devices) help.The contr. sends inputs to 4v just for few seconds then stops working and just receives output from 4v:( i'm going to start a thread in vvvvorum's hardware section . Any idea
@joreg, alls fine! the Blocks, look fun!
vertexbuffer position- getslice (3d vector); mesh index - getslice index; getslice to line thats it
or can you? no you can't. hmmm
it wasn't me. but you can do that with Jianzhi (EX9.Geo)
oh im curious, how does it work?
@ele: that was me. but just a simple fake
for sure majortom
who made this one?
humm..i was watching your nice movie. i didn't want to edit anything. sorry, hope all is fine.
I was editing my movie page, and it suddenly said "this page is being edited by Joreg" Maybe you've got a ghost in the machine....
perdon? i am still in one piece.
Havent broken anything have Joreg?
Yeah but the 4d one is pretty cool!
yeah fractals problem is the same here. i hate fractals anyway ;)
the fractal shaders inc 4d dont work on my macbook pro, although techniques are valid. Slitscan does though!
slitcan doesnt work on my system. looks like dynamic texture doesnt like my ati...any known reason for this ?
this is very simmilar to geodesic 3D surface reconstruction method
i want a little teapot like the one sitting in front of fuzzy bear! o_0!
ok, very cool then, but what i dont get is : "After measuring the light transport between the projector and the camera using structured illumination" how the hell is this working :)
seems not to be 1st april related:
its fun?
yeah...hard to believe, hope its not some very well made april joke ;) especially the card example disturbs me
should one believe that?
Thats mad!
dual photography
@cryboy: yes it is. don't know about performance issues, though. something like might be handy.
I´d like to synchronise two laptops with musicapplications via midi over LAN. Is this possible with vvvv?
Attractive plastic... MIDI to Potentiometer
hey, is that a typospread node on your fft?
Hey All.. I have been contact by a couple of people... thanks for the continued interest
Anyone e-mail the guy from ImaginaryForces yet? Thats a pretty outstanding company.
1. better start a forum thread 2. audioIn > FFT > HSL (color join) > quad > renderer = bunt
Hey there, We are two people working together on an art installation and were looking for help. We are quite new at this and were wondering how possible it would be to convert sound to a colour? We have a plan and i have an idea of how to do it in MAX/MSP
Thnx :) I hope you post some patches someday too, because I am curious how all that beatiful stuff is done..
@west...i like ure shaker...good idea,great work!
And where can we reach Pphunky?? ;) @ Kalle, make me some pictures and mail me some folders please!! (Missing it again :() )
Hi, We are currently working on a video wall project of generative art and are looking for collaborators who can help us implement VVVV. We do have a small budget with which to pay for work. Please have examples of your work with VVVV. We have a design
@all the french guys around here: girlfriend, 2 children and me are going to make holiday in france 20.7-10.8. somebody who wants to be visited? or someone who has a cheap chamber for us? :)
somebody else tomorrow at prolight&sound in frankfurt?
@tonfilm:hopefully you integrate also the viceversa-way to add whole patchlets to a patch. ofcourse you may include my module Patchlet (VVVV) ;)
he woei, thx man! gregsn an me where discussing exactly what you made.. create subpatch is definitely needed.. mybe there will be the option to do that in the next version, if not, maybe we include your module into the release...
....before hardware disintegration!!
@rand...maximal spreads i can do...;)
@bleu-blanc grrrrid - lush!
@woei: your CreateSubpatch is great! Patchlet (VVVV) vice versa... something for everyone of us
ok, we have that cool screenshots of the day option, so we dont need flickr...
now we just need flickr support for stills :)
Awesome to learn Kalle!! Add :: to centre your movies :)
yo works!
for flash you could try:
cool it works... does that work with every flash file... hmm...
@elemeier: see
oh i see it on your userpage...
kalle tell us how!
@west: i found out how to embed youtube -videos
@Kalle you updated your 3D LEDmatrix? :) Haven't seen this sweeeet motion before!!
@ele: nono,bloody noob
plasmpong is cool!!! would give a nice shader for v4. kalle youre the shaderpro now? ;)
@diki: this was plain phong shading.
Thank you for sharing DIKI, you are too nice :) Will and finish the alphabet!!
@joreg: how did you create that sexy metal shading in your "digital skin"-video? looks tasty!
@west: mine
Who is doing that gesture Module?? Looks use-able!!
just japanese...
of course!
@kalle: i am posting your teapot on my modules page. may i?
@diki: bravo for DrawTool. really impressive. 2 thumbs up!
@majortom: WOW! i ever wanted a rallye-teapot!
@west: thank you! @sanch: there is a pin for depthbuffer format on the render node. you mean that?
Wow DIKI, just played with your Drawtool impressive work!!
i remenber a module to enable /disable dephtbuffer , i can´t find it anymore. somebody can help?
@desaxis & kalle An Informal Catalogue of Slit-Scan Video Artworks
How small are you? Or: A blue whale in full length
hehehe,funny shoutbox bombing;)
AE open source alternative?
sorry it'sdigital too...thought it was artisanal work. with a real machine;)
@kalle: sure..but this machine does crazy time transformations...analogic features are more powerfull than digitals?!!
@desaxismundi: do you know elektromeiers KhronosProjector?
old but still cool..
@diki: yore right. worms and bugs kinda go together :-P. pls join here: real electro-magnetism...
who has made this grid screenshot...eno? I like it...perlin? tonfilm's grid?.....
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