hooray for majortom! works great for me, still i found some bugs: http://www-stud.uni-due.de/~sj0500/deworm_1.1a_bugs.rar
deworm w. BinSize complete: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=majortom+projects
@bjoem I like it!
@majortom was a while ago into the schlauch thing as well http://vvvv.org/tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId=160
good morning folks! Don't worry about your children, I play with my gf's kids...though i thought that i described the purposes of that patch --> throw a box of nodes into your patch..(no fish...)
sorry 4 hard irony jokes. thats just me. o_O 2 thumbs up kalle!
LMAO Poor, yet genious, Kalle.. now to find me a purpose for it....
it is cool. it works. but i wouldn't like him playing with my kids if i had some :)))))))))))
@kalle, your definatly crazy as a box of fish! Kinda of cool though!
@kalle: tnx :), & about patchlet... you are crazy, you know that. scary shit man. someone should examine your brain for scientific reasons, you know
@majortom: see my module Int (Value) http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=kalle-Modules-Value that is also contained in Patchlet (VVVV) http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=kalle-Modules-VVVV which you may find useful ;)
deworm v1.1 (with bin size pin) deworm v1.1.zip (44.90 Kb) o_o
sorry... integers only
hmm... how can i force input pin on my module to recieve real numbers only????
o_0 ! good idea guys
@west http://vvvv.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=1059 All i did was add an alpha test though!
first ray tracing preview http://tonfilm.visuelleart.de/data/Raytrace01.mov
yeah deworm with bin size would a pretty cool feature
@emeier: using Line (EX9.Geo) with a spread of different bin sizes. that reminds me... majortom: deworm with bin size, pretty please? :)
my 3d drawing patch: http://www.vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=UserPagediki#_b_DrawTool_3dLines_b_
proudly announcing the bugfixed Patchlet (VVVV).v4p http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=kalle-Modules-VVVV
@diki: that looks really interesting, curious to see how you do it!
yes thanks alot...
catweasel did that great patchswitcher: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=catweasel-Patches and there was a thread about it but i cant find it anymore even with the searchfunction... odes anyone remember?
diki, hows the 3d stroke itself made?
@kalle: Sure, I just need to clean it up a little :)
@diki: your 3d drawing patch looks very nice! are you going to post this here?
tx tonfilm...this wiredframe grid is the perfect tool....for those like me who loves this filled mode....
you can try to use only the index module...
im wondering if something like that works for.x files too... maybe i have to edit the mesh in the 3d editor...
yes! just a moment: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=tonfilm-QuadGrid
tonfilm, still have that triangle to quad conversion patch`?
ah, much thanks oschatz. looks like kalle used cold kathod tubes, i am on a resarch for a project with hot cathod tubes (leuchtstoffröhre) because its less expensive. i will show some photos of the work when i am done. will use v4 for the programming stu
kalle knows everything about these tubes and he did the programming: http://www.3deluxe.de/?p30
hey guys - some time ago i visited a workshop with seb. oschatz and ampop. they showed us some old projects and the was one for mercedes where they used a lot of "leutstoffröhren". anybody nows a link to that project, can't find it on the projects page.
an other real time 3D software http://eptv.epitech.net/videos/2004/eptvprod/smode.avi
tikit search function fixed!
oh yeah I found another LFO2 in the modules root too :oP
@West, put the LFO in modules/ErnstHot actually my modules directory is a complete mess with multiple copies of several modules...
the search funktion on this site is broken?
@Cat, can't download your patch, I am wondering where to add the not relative LFO2 suppatches to see it wobble and wiggle. Nice work yiffable!!
They're little cuties!
@cat nice to see some one has had a fiddle with the wee little robot @kalle my screen is huge! 1600x1200 for patching and another 1280x1024 for render windows.. I just got an AT-AT from http://scifi3d.theforce.net/ :oD
@Yiff added an alpha test to your robots Blue Square.rar (648.51 Kb)
hehe.. i need this one: http://bp0.blogger.com/_cxmptAPYR-s/RfggXvM4NpI/AAAAAAAAAe0/ANuvMIHqxsM/s1600-h/doormat-anim.gif
@yiffable: some of the lfo2's seem to have absolute paths. .but nice. you must have a very large screen...
hello I have posted v1.0 of a dalek patch on my user page. its multimesh x file, animated and spreadable :-)
i like it :)
si. still..can we remove those screenshots?
oh sorry..it was crazy kalle
joreg, u are sick ;)
ah ok - i found it - much thanks man.
m9dfukc: its majortoms deworm module... look in your 3d rope thread for the link....
hey guys who made the 3d line and 3d rope screenshoots - thats exactly what i am lookin for. looks really great ;)
thx woei!!!!!!!!!!!
somebody around here who can send me the fugStream"-freeframe plugin? can't find it anymore in the web
@kalle: seems to be broke. u can search w/ google like that: your query site:vvvv.org just a litllte tips
search doesn't work anymore?!?!?!?!?
@cat...good to know..i really like this multi-spectrum live concept...tx;)
yes please tonfilm post the wireframe stuff grazie
another silly youtube clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SItPGEsjLQ&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Flokalheld%2Enet%2F
ok check your mail...
you have an email or skype?
I've send to you my email by private message.
yes, would be cool... Thanx
problem is that it becomes realy slow becaus eyou need a lot of tetxured quads with the texture in a high resolution to get good results...
i render the mesh in a separate texture, map it on a a quad, spread that quad circular and copy the whole thing together (with manual zbuffer) i can send you the patch if you like..
elektromeier could you explain in few words your cheap trick for outline? I'm looking for similar effect with a mesh and shader...
yes, would be cool... i like to do some stuff similar to this: http://flickr.com/photos/87132003@N00/411846171/ btw, there isnt an option to change wireframe thicknmess in dx9, inst it?
i've just made a screenshot of it. the patch has only wireframe mode.. you still want it?
cant find it anymore on vvvviki. any hints? tonfilm???
some did a patch once that concerts triangles of a mesh displayed as wireframes into quads. i think it was doing it by moving some vertices of the mesh.
Well I cant C but I do some xtra visuals for the spectrum orch, so they'd be well happy with that, they've given me a speccy already!
@milo: the Quote node did the trick. thanx guys!
@cat: a vvvv beta soon + http://www.codeplex.com/zx360 + some c# hacking = multiple spectrums in vvvv.
@Des check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3Dz5xT91ak These guys play live with multiple spectrums
me... no shader or heavy math involved, its a cheap trick...
that mesh outline thing looks cool. who did it?
@newk: also try the quote node.
wanna have :) see videos http://www.lenovo.co.uk/tapes/index.html
@newk: try to copy & paste from an IObox (String) or from texteditor
anyone know how to send a string with a return/enter ?
that's crazy
90 degrees is beautiful, 2 or 3 years old but still impressive, tnx for the reminder des
@elemeier: it has an accessable input for the RegularExpression;you know about:) i think i post it later this day. sorry, no former index by now.
@kalle: what is regexpr (string advanced) about?
@defetto: that's the old one, but still tingles some laugths out. rofl
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