loading new patches without stutter would be great for all the vj dummies ;) out there.
@woei: sounds like it could be possible, but it is not on the list right now. so don't expect this feature soon
@west: nope, not like this, I'm talking about the new feature gregsn has implemented, whether this will be applicable for patches too (inside same patch - different thread)
Look at Catweasels userpage voor the Multithread.zip :)
might it be possible too, to load patches in a different thread?
for all the nvidialaptoppeople: http://www.laptopvideo2go.com/
A fluorocarbon-based ferrofluid, with about 400-G saturation magnetization and low field magnetic susceptibility of 3, is placed within a glass Hele-Shaw cell of 1.1-mm gap http://scitation.aip.org/phf/gallery/video/2003/902309phfmed.mov
Lame 4:3 sized nerds!! :)
new year's resolution: http://www.myextralife.com/archive.php?date=2006-12-29
reminds me of the sonic wire sculptor from pitaru where you can draw 3d sound structures http://www.pitaru.com/sws
This ones pretty cool too http://www.squidsoup.org/doodle/
Thanks oschatz... I came yesterday... still, this is so Evolutionary that I find it hardly described by words. I hope it will grow into standard and not die as most good things... (sorry for spamming shout box, I wont do it again :) )
You are making me drooling :D Go for it!
wait for the new 4d julia set(s) ... :)
You are doing great work tonfilm! Thanks a lot for those cool shaders!
lyapunov shader online: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=User+Shaders
@guest: no, not at this point
Are patches compilable into standalones
yes! yo. but there are still bugs...
yeah! thats really cool.
wow gregsn, you did the async file loading!? yea!!
yeah, I checked the ircnet homepage to find a server near me, (I'm in the US) and it said ircnet.choopa.net, so I connected, and no #vvvv. I've tried other ircnet servers, but I always get "Unauthorized connection", or still no #vvvv
have you been on the right network? its ircnet...
Hi there. I've been trying to connect to IRC for a while, is there still a #vvvv channel? I can't find it on any ircnet server I can connect to
sory. dont get it. i think contours-nodes output is sorted from outer- to innermost contours..somehow
@joreg: number of closed contour paths in the bounding box of another contour path
number of countourpoints? probably not, because contours are typically described with as view points as possible. but our contournode also outputs contour-area-size, which could help
@joreg: key is the number if contours in its bounding box, right? very cool.
circuit blending http://computertruck.parishq.net/
Used a shader, but I think it needs a slight Blur now :( But, ey, almost there... :)
wow west you got alpha from the gdi renderer?
@max: ok this one seems to be the extraordinary deluxe version..:)
@milo: another of the breed: http://www.thesultanselephant.com/
the mysql-db could for example mediate between two or more vvvv instances. so you can use it instead of boygrouping.
oops... here: http://vvvv.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=1031">Text (EX9 Monospaced).zip
New textmodule is ip Text (EX9 Monospaced).zip (755.89 Kb)
dreaming about large scaled video feed databases with a lot of meta informations
im sure mysql is a cool feature. can you tell us some possibilities in conjunction with vvvv?
automaton blog. check the incredible Life Size Elephant Automaton... http://dugnorth.com/blog/
very interesting tentacles...some more info about the realization?
ja hmmmm
MySQL hmmmm...
advanced flash/actionscript job offer in berlin. leave a private message.
yes i received it... was away from the computer for a while but now im online.
the vvviki should now render proberpy in opera. sorry. i was testing those textarea sliders which messed up some content...
elektromeier did you receive my message? if not please message me at exclamationmark_period
website looks kind of wicked using Opera 9.00: http://vvvv.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=1030
yes. username: elektromeier
are you ever on skype
thx im finishing it now. up soon...
the guitext module is exciting...
i played till level 10 _dangerous headake!!
don´t skip to level 60.. :)
yea, i played that once.. nice workshop for vvvv patchers!
tesselate: http://www.planarity.net/
Ah, ok! tnx guys!!!
" AE's gantz graf music video" AE = After Effects? so not live, but still loads off work.
Déjà vu...but, does anybody knows withwhat it is made?...i'm asking me for a long time:) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yk_0NkUhcPk&mode=related&search=
post modern P2P: http://www.shwup.com/
100000ste Seite at Kurt Stübers: http://www.zum.de/stueber/library/home_en.html Häckel fractals http://caliban.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/~stueber/haeckel/kunstformen/natur.html , Thomé fractals http://caliban.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/~stueber/thome/index.html uva
blossfeld fractals http://www.metaphorical.net/nature/blossfeldt
Pour les français.....et les autres;) http://desaxismundi.blogspot.com
http://www.grayfuse.com/ interfaces
how to see stats on vvviki?
heh, I just saw that Pipes dealie too and was thinking about posting it.
there are different ways.. i would prefer the osc protocol
Hi, we are students from Copenhagen working on our project http://media.aau.dk/~gtal05/, and we are wondering if anyone can tell us if it is possible to connect Max/Msp with VVV. Thanks
yet another JOB OFFER ! For an upcoming project these folks are looking for vvvv programmers ! contact: tsommer@ieb.net
thats one nice beamer: http://www.explay.co.il
Nice work done with Processing: http://www.davebollinger.com/works/ I wonder if sub-VBL routines will ever be possible with vvvv outside a shader...
done, with c browser for the julia fractal: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=User+Shaders
very thanks. now be so bored and up it: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=User+Shaders
anybored for a quick conversion: http://nuclear.demoscene.gr/articles/sdr_fract/
freak: http://www.theverymany.net
i'd also be interested in some reports on vvvvista and v4. anyone switched?
oschatz, how much is this thingie?
anyone tried this nice little camera? http://www.iis.fraunhofer.de/fhg/iis/EN/bf/bv/ksbs/microHD.jsp?print=true
“Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily” – William of Ockham. So: spread carefully
vvvv is a flower: http://www.aharef.info/static/htmlgraph/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fvvvv.org
the wikis history function should become more clear now. check it out.
:D sad but true...the ad
Any one tested vvvv on Vista?? I wonder if it is save to switch (in time)
new mac ad about vista's security features: http://movies.apple.com/movies/us/apple/getamac/apple-getamac-security_480x376.mov
how cool is that? :D And now someone has to find a way to control it with vvvv :p
spread your chair: http://www.glumbert.com/media/foldingchair
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