test a low version of your patch in realtime before, then hope for a good rendering...
great!!! thanx tonfilm!!!....but,regreatably manipulations remains speechless...waintin' for the timeline...
FFT Recorder download: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=tonfilm-Patches
wiisticks: http://youtube.com/watch?v=2WHKQuh_puI
first result of upcoming FFT recorder for NRT music rendering: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXbBS09Qf70
firefoxusers will like this one:https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/4258/
i like that Pluie_de_feu screenshot
the link on frank's userpage is linking to a different host.. http://www.lightinsphere.de/vvvv/CollisionBackground.fx and this host seems to be unavailable. frank????
hi!just tried to download patches from UserPagefrank, but none of the links seems to work: The requested URL /vvvv/CollisionBackground.fx was not found on this server....wherelse can i download it?tnx in advance for any suggestion :)
@West: Thanks for the Entec USB patch! Works a treat!!!
@west: yes, James Clar's cubes. Leds only switchable. but nice wiring! http://www.jamesclar.com/index.html btw.: upload again renamed file
Cube Array at WIRED'S NextFest http://www.teeboxmarketing.com/cube/cubevideo2.html
yes! exactly. just it :) tnx again
@solanina - not sure what you mean. Is it just "count" you are looking for?
hi everyone! how can i get only the spread count of a value? i need to know it to go ahead! tnx .S
hey, jeff han means business: Perceptive Pixel http://www.perceptivepixel.com/ http://www.fastcompany.com/subscr/112/open_features-canttouchthis.html http://fastcompany.com/video/general/perceptivepixel.html
can anybody please observer the last changes list... it should not get that long anymore when you are logged on since many days... please inform me about any issues
funky pillowstars, west...
So how I rename something thast is already uloaded?? :)
@west: i suggest you to name it "Rope (Spreads)"
six drummers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7h8qkMBE_E
its a wiki
just click "edit" or doubleclick the page
how gets one's name into the "Users"-List? Or is the own name not listed?
are there any vvvv kids in nyc
thx! *knicks*
@woei: SetIOBox is really great!
have a look at the upper right page bar. "watch" is back. use this feature if you want to be informed by mail when a page is beeing changed
hey west, can you chat with me on skype, please?
i know. one of the most annoying features of tikiwiki.
Thnx David :) This was soo anoying!!
a searchresult that matches a forum post now links to the corresponding thread. yeahhhh
...qiite a chick!
judith is also...
Those works are so beautiful!
hui! judith is quite busy. have a look at thisone aswell: http://www.judithfegerl.net/tension/tension-index.html
Amazing Chinese Nightingale Automata: http://www.judithfegerl.net/avian/avian-index.html
do it like this @ kalle:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nD9qub4fJWo&eurl=
some of these images look like vvvvscreenshots: http://sensitivelight.com/smoke2/
Smart Geometry Conference http://www.smartgeometry2007.com and Smart Geometry Homepage http://www.smartgeometry.com Home of Gereative Components http://www.bentley.com/en-US/Markets/Building/GenerativeComponents.htm
15 Minutes to a Ribbon Controller http://asmidius.googlepages.com/home
DON'T use any other SigmaTel drivers on the mac other than from BC.
@Rick: I run vvvv on a MBP. PM me for further Qs.
Oh...yeah, you have to be running XP. Thanks.
Install Bootcamp, install xp, download vvvv, run as admin, bingo!
How do you guys go about running vvvv on an Intel Mac?
cool external timeline plugin http://www.getlofi.com/?p=629
@ tonfilm: let's see, if that'll be a solution for my macbookpro!
god bless you tonfilm
you have a dell laptop with no Stereo Mix audio input? here is the solution: http://tonfilm.blogspot.com/2007/01/audio-stereomix-support-for-dell.html
Prix Ars Electronica 2007 Online Submission Deadline: March 9, 2007: http://prixars.aec.at/
create a paper model from a 3d model.. ey sanch try this with your superformula :) http://www.tamasoft.co.jp/pepakura-en/
seems to be a problem of the "recent pages" module. the page is actually here: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=FreeFrameARTK%2BTracker but the tracker is not yet uploaded..
Page cannot be found (404) http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=FreeFrameARTK+Tracker
http://media.awn.com/mediaPlayer.php?PID=9&MID=192 new pixar short
at first i thought it is Werner Herzog speaking. oh my god!
the questions of life as an animated info graphic movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWWKBY7gx_0&eurl=
things everyone should know (german only) http://www.br-online.de/alpha/centauri/archiv.shtml
can we port vvvv so that it can run on this: www.dwavesys.com/
new vvvv logo design guidelines: http://web-design-book.com/2007/01/23/how-to-fake-a-web-20-logo/ its good, that we are still beta :)
I Only installed Adobes Flashplayer, and it works for me (fresh install, so prety sure). Nice path U7!! http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash
hmm not getting any sliders visable, and my copy of flash is too old to open the fla's!
just experiments..
inspiration for doing shaders: http://www.filterforge.com/filters/
Hey U7, been playin g with fash again? It slipped away during my rather busy autumn! I'll check it out in a bit, cheers mate!
board ready to be shipped to switzerland ;)
im need a gigabyte quad royal sli board. really urgently. my board is fucked up and i have a gig in 2 weeks where i need one. anyone has one to sell?
retro is good :)
@tf: looks a bit retro
do you like my blog with my new brown layout? http://tonfilm.blogspot.com
i have recompiled all our freeframe trackers with optimized compiler settings wich probably makes them a bit faster. you can get them all with sources at the usual place or get this package: http://vvvv.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=1003
ok, another one for the vvvvun video blog: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7OHv-GF2LM&mode=related&search=
a vvvv video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRaiV-JQM8s
very nice @ gregsn... also try this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D97eqKME4Hk&mode=related&search=
it reminds me of jon burgerman
http://readymech.com/ cool stuff, and funny logo. reminds me of something
guten moreg: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2LUz2WVcek
Damn ColorTracker seizes my lappy ... aaargh!
Just taken delivery of my perpex for my own prototype!
skype: deinlieblingsgestalter
i have a promising JOB OFFER for a vvvv designer+coder. the deadline for the project is end of march. the budget is around 6000€. project details: multitouch interface programming and design. please contact me asap! jannis@DeinLieblingsgestalte
need a laugh? http://www.ifilm.com/video/2814388
really cool concept phone: http://www.techfresh.net/archives/2006/10/09/nokia-aeon-wants-to-be-touched/
hopefully your LEDwall is fast enough for this. if it is fast enough you'll surely drive anyone mad at Rico's. i.e.: you end up with something like MadCowDisease... regards to your brother
Cool, inspiration voor the LEDWall!! :)
u wanna kill me or what???? :)
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