hi. why does my arduino uno dont give the 5v over the digitals? my led strip is at 60% brightness. the pass trough 5v does work.
Connection snapping: nice!
emeshe is burried under thick ground and it's left for good. a new pbr ecosystem is emerging in mp.dx
@xxxlalala i meant matcap, look for that
thanks @u7angel superphong is exactly what i was looking for. litsphere gave me no search results though :(
i guess most pro vvvv users don't use emeshe for various reasons but more custom collection of shaders. see superphong or litsphere
is emeshe the way to go for rendering with materials ? (asking because it says deprecated)
Lovely, that did it! Just needed right click which wasn't coming through :)
@catweasel, yes see: missing in 64bit builds but try tablet-(device-wintab1.4)-dynamicplugin-x64-and-x86
is the tablet plugin missing from recent builds? seems like all 35v(64bit, or is that the problem?)
...aaaand here's the full workshop schedule for #NODE17 node17-workshop-schedule #vvvv
here we go: complete list of 49 workshops for #NODE17 node17-workshops-announced schedule still to come #vvvv
@superflysiNZ it is pretty cool, and works solid. but you need #m4l
https://github.com/Ableton/m4l-connection-kit/tree/master/OSC%20Send Anyone got this working with vvvv?
i see some potential here
Windows 10, x86 emulation on ARM https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Build/2017/P4171
Can someone please upload a built version of the htmlrenderer DX11 64 bit which works with the new DX11 pack?
the second .xml save feature just saved my life today. Bless you devvvvs
@woei: I was just inhterested, thanks for the tip though
@microdee: what's the question? DotNetPluginFactory is the most revealing one
is there some docs on node factory? (except the namespace browser thing)
some stuff im playing around with atm: https://vimeo.com/217011925
@microdee you should just be able to use 4.7 outofthebox. let us know if you encounter any troubles..
Like atoms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3RsDIWB7s0
Oh dog I had . Dream I missed my flight to node
.NET 4.7 is here, woohoo! devvvvs do you need to do anything to support it?
artistic residency anyone? http://vertigo.starts.eu/call-for-artistic-residencies/
@microdee in an ideal world we'd have all, but i hope everyone understands that we have some constraints..
@joreg: please have the WPF in vvvv workshop! pleeeease!
workshop planning in progress: we're currently counting 37 and 10 still pending individual workshops in 5 days. #node17 #vvvv #sick
hallo #frankfurt hat jemand eine couch frei und will sie für ein #node17 #festival ticket eintauschen? https://nodeforum.org/journal-entries/nodesurfing/
Anyone got a new Xtion2 working? mine seems DOA.
@catweasel dhis doc will help if you haven't seen it yet: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjAyafa2tbTAhUKjFQKHcIdDxcQFggnMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fvvvv.org...
Tnx Dr Evvvvil!
can I get the render size of a dx11 tfx inside the shader?
world map in ascii art https://github.com/rastapasta/mapscii
anyone can help with sysex-messaging / arduino? https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/why-firmata-how-to-make-better-use-of-firmata-with-vvvv/14686?u=apnoe
the #vvvv april in review: vvvvhat-happened-in-april-2017
thanks @microdee and @u7angel. gonna continue iterating on it and have a nice little toy for vvvv users
@polyrhythm - awesome rocket science !
@polyrhythm: btw vvvvery physical looks awesome man!
anyone @fmx?
=D sounds good, I'll be there
@polyrhythm: and I plan to be ready with dynamic lighting and shadows for the new pipeline but can't promise for sure.
@polyrhythm: as mentioned in the update there will be no standalone emeshe 3. Most of its planned features will be in mp.dx.
@microdee will emeshe3 be rdy for node17? i'm also working on a non-realtime renderer: https://github.com/Polyrhythm/vvvvery_physical
what's new in #vvvv beta35.5 https://vimeo.com/215358621
https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/pbr-rendering-in-vvvv-with-fbx4v-and-mp-dx/14457 updated the pbr workshop recently in case the forum motor didn't notice it
Will there be Livestreams from node? Not sure if im able to make it :(
can we have the Prices of node day tickets pls?
Anyone that knows calculus well willing to have a quick look over an incoming pack?
bäm @joreg. That's great!
Hey, it would be cool, if we could pass a startup-argument to the patch, to create our own startup args.
anyone ussing orbecc camera ?
Feel free to dm me on twitter,slack,gitter,wherever as anchnk :)
Me, any art rec in Berlin next week for an old vvvv user ? Would be great to meet as well. I did the vvvv/max/msp workshop at node08
New Xtion depthcam available: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826785084
sweet, thanks! i figured i'd be doing c++ with a 4kb
@polyrhythm: No software, pure C++ and GLSL. IQ's 4kb framework does help, but get your text coding gloves on. http://www.iquilezles.org/code/isystem1k4k/isystem1k4k.htm
check this: http://vertigo.starts.eu/vertigo-project/
removed one added 3: node17-workshops-announced vvvv #node17
latest work. pure vvvv ;-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRwIWUPjM-k&t=333s&ab_channel=udokaiser
maintenance reboot in 2min. save your work. should be back in about 5mins.
evvvvil what software you use for the 4kb? i'd like to try making a virgin prod :)
Nevermind... my fault.. had an old DX11 pack installed
Nevermind... my fault.. had an old DX11 pack installed
PointEditor (DX11 2d) help needs a checkup. Replace Renderstate with Rasterizer?
@mediadog: indeed, fixed that!
@microdee @joreg Aha! I had glanced at that list, but assignment was lurking beyond the scrollbar. Athankew!
first-come-first-serve tickets are now sold out except the "delegate" ones. others are still available from here: https://nodeforum.org/journal/node17-tickets/
@mediadog see ex9.hlsl.annotations
@mediadog: default is set via assignment (equal sign)
No default for effect parameters, just min and max?
regular *fcfs tickets for #node17 are already sold out, and non lowered regular ticket isn't available straight from main page
@evvvvil Man if that was 10th I want to see 1-9. 4kb, insane!
@sinus, thankx a lot broh! LJ, guy from my group desire, won shader showdown :) couldn't enter as qualifiers were on Friday. Peace
@evvvvil: great!! nvscene shader live coding 666: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-1zEo7DD8w
@karistouf credits go to gregsn for this
"Legit tits and bent shovels" my 4kb Intro, ranked 10th at Revision. not done in vvvv but no one gives a shit... https://vimeo.com/214082535
thanks joreg for the sorting variables :)
Hey it's been a long time, hope you are all well. Anyway, still having fun with vvvv sometimes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aErkveRQSo0&t
since i won't make it i've also got two resonate tickets on sale. asking 75€ per ticket. chris@vrtxlabs.com
new #vvvv #release #xml #reactive #midi #visualprogramming vvvv50beta35.5
here you go: 5 more workshops confirmed for #node17 node17-workshops-announced #vvvv getting there...
@kleinkariert yes, it's available Contact me here: ekokkinidou@gmail.com
@eirini_soo yes we need a Ticket... Still available?
nice, thanks velcrome
Hellο guys! Here's a chance to attend Resonate 2017 with my ticket that I'm selling for 120€ !
Never give on having good UI in VVVV ;) https://www.facebook.com/cloneproduction/videos/10154595659466448/
@motzi alpha downloads are back!
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