I have a IO Box String with 2 inputs...and I want to modify each one with 2 different values that changes every 2 secons, it is possible?
@Desaxismundi great screen shots!
lyntonw, use forum and post patch, shouldnt be a problem
Can someone help me? I'm just trying to connect an OR(boolean) to a Random(Value) enable pin and it won't let me
i search a documentation on v4 french language
looks slightly 80ies but fun :)
Lightboard LB1 (I need to learn german) http://www.stoffelshome.de/lightboard.html
articke about new features in directx 10 http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/2006/11/30/directx10_future_of_pc_gaming/1.html
ultimate wiimote motion recognition : http://www.ailive.net/liveMoveInformation.html
Mh what about the IR tracker... does it mean you get the ctual positiony in Space? xyz? plus accelartion for the 3 rotation axis?
...considering you get 3-axis accel + 9 Buttons + 4LEDs + IR tracker via bluetooth for 50 EUR. - and you can use candles instead of the IRBar. Advent Advent.
oh yes, you get the LED info from it. I've made a little module for it over the weekend - will post here soon. The wiimote is rather cool.
I think though that the current PC interface only uses the accelerometers and not the IR info from the Wiimote.
Die Sensorbar selber überträgt an Wii keinerlei Informationen, sie sendet lediglich IR-Strahlen ab damit die Wiimote sich selber orten kann und diese Informationen dann per Bluetooth an Wii senden kann.
hm but what ist that ir sensorbar made for? some data are sent via bluetooth and some via ir?
The Homemade Wireless Wii Sensor Bar: http://doctabu.livejournal.com/64758.html
oh,sorry, that's the working GlovePIE: http://carl.kenner.googlepages.com/glovepie_download
@elemeier: dwnld glovePIE http://carl.kenner.googlepages.com/ use bluetooth max 1.2, not 2.0 long threads about this in group: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/glovepie/
i think you can only connect it via BT. right?
just tested the wii remote with wii sports.. im wondering how to connect the wiicontroll to the pc. it hasnt astandart usb interface...
I have admin rights, DirextX 9c, etc etc... see the thread in Bugs for more info.
guest, do u have admin rights in windows xp ? this is required.
so... what do I do if vvvv.exe won't even run?
ok thx, so i'll leave it...
it doesn't make much sense. it reads like pseudo-arttheory. but it's no spam
hi italian people, ist that comment spam on my you tube video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G39bL31zXus
@woei: cool toggle one module... suggestion: when a sile is allready toggled on and you should be able to toggle it off again...
uh... i'll try if i have time :)
not my level , tonfilm?
http://graphics.cs.ucf.edu/caustics/ realtime caustics anyone? Needs some ttranslating for vvvv,ermm sanch?
where should i download the superformula 2.0 beta ???
hi guyz, these coloured shotz are my very first tryouts with the superformula vertex shaderthe huge one is made on a vvvvery huge screen :)
hai video-uploaders... does anybody else use vimeo? far better than youtube, i think. http://www.vimeo.com/clip:115917
My first youtube upload http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vLvSjkMyPg
some particles: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=tonfilm-Patches
mono-possibilities?!... http://monome.org/
I'm trying to modify a 2index IOBox with 2 random values...anyhelp?
hehe first accidents with the wii controller: http://www.swissonline.ch/information/nachrichtendetails.htm?MessageId=6659.000000&Channel=3.000000
Wii interface for all (http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/82158)
I also got the (cheaper) open version, but yes, the enttec pro should work with the RS232 node. I can't test it though..
I've tried and failed to make grass before, be intrugued if you've got it swaying !
jannis u old copycat :) http://portfolio.barbariangroup.com/nextfest/index.html
@superfly, it should work as a com port so the dmx4 all will, work, cant test only have the open, which doesnt work...
Anyone using Enttec DMX USB Pro with VVVV?
right. see the http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=FAQ+Codecs page for more info
directx video acceleration I believe...
in the changelog: "revealing weather DXVA is used for decoding or not." what means DXVA exactly?
it's a pity, because at the effective size u could see all the details
thats not your problem!
how could i solve the image cropping problem? anyway these are just a few of infinite different shapes i could obtain with this patch... cheers
tnx elektromeier, actually i'm attending the last year of the IED in Milan (they don't teach us vvvv, just "traditional" 3d)... but i'm gonna start my internship at meso in two days
Hi, same problem as defetto...I'll be carefull the next time...
nice stuff defetto, youre quite productive... what is your background?
images are cropped by the pagelayout when viewed fullsize: http://vvvv.org/tiki-browse_image.php?imageId=3137
hi guys, this is what i'm doing in these last days...please give me feedback peace
nanana..if in doubt the higher rank counts. fo reel.
on the other hand: http://www.alexa.com/data/details/traffic_details?url=vvvv.org 288.197th place. well, okay.
search for vvvv: http://waxy.org/mefi/toplinks/2006/
@kalle : amaziing, i'm gonna try this week end for shuure
new version of GlovePIE http://carl.kenner.googlepages.com/glovepie makes Wiimote and TrackIR headtrackers accessible for vvvv !
killer, DX10, shader 4.0, new processing architecture: http://www.guru3d.com/article/Videocards/391/1
thanks but it's just some very first shots...After a week of intensive vvvving
@des.. nice images..
sorry again, i found them but some hasn't upload coerrectly....how to remove and replace this files?
sorry, i tried to post some shots but i think the location isn't good.Where's the best location to choose in the upload image page?
@David, Thnx, that helped, fix it when there is time... some node links don't work anymore, like LFO
I will be off for holydays for a few weeks.. so please consider and make a clear list with vvviki improvements somewhere in the vvvvorums...
@west... go through the wiki code and replace upper case links with small caps... if that does not help. give the links and desctiption like description?
man, life could be so easy.. if you don´t forget anything http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZL5jOGUN_Ms
I like the shot that looks like a flatbed scanner!
Arggh.. what happened to my userspage??
ähem... ok mov's will play now.
does anybody know if vvvv works correctly on windows x64?
thanks oschatz for additional info...getting high res like tai-chi approach is tricky i bet
erm, the MOV tag is still broken... see http://www.vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=meso-Progress+Bar
@u7: for the amstel pulse drums we developed a little sensor circuit using accelerometers and an amplitude triangulation. resolution was not great but fully acceptable for the purpose of triggering different graphics
old ? i dunno http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YD1AW5fb2nA
@ampop, then plz reveal the concept behind amstel drums. did made position recog. possible through sound ?
not that different from our amstel pulse drums...
@joreg, thats amazing!
read at least up to the videolink: http://www.newscientisttech.com/article/dn10673-acoustic-sensors-make-surfaces-interactive.html
i like this comment: "Man, I clicked on this article from Google expecting to see three white lab mice with wires sticking out of their tiny little skulls. . . bummer!!"
Yes I saw thanks. Fame at last :-)
@alphabetter you are on engadget: http://www.engadget.com/2006/11/27/six-axis-controller-constructed-from-three-mice/
manual is back. even with errors.. grrr http://www.vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=manual
@david -thanks :)
@david what about the http://www.vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=manual manual page?
ok... the mess in some pages relies to links to userpages... if you link in small caps it works, if not it doesn't...
new chapter+node for all arduino users: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=arduino05
it always did... if you type a URL it will automatically make a link out of it. only works for urls with file extensions though
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