öhm.... does the shoutbox now automatically add ] and [ to links?
oh thanks!
@ele. it works now.
for example on thi ssite: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=elektromeier-Ornaments
@david: it says the following: picture not found img/wiki_up//ornamente.jpg Upload file: comment: Upload file: comment:
some sites are messed up... like the FAQ Codecs, but i cant find an error in the code in the wiki site editor...
the "users" page is broken
MidiSequencer looks interesting!
for me the shout's order makes sense because nobody needs to scroll to see the latest shout.
also this shoutbox still runs upside down making it's history hard to read
@david: vvvvorum entries are being cut on the right side in safari/mac, so they become unreadable...
where? what? is just the link different, or is the image not on the server?
some links to images on my userpages dont work anymore :(
hahahah...can't believe it, this man has no talent to such things whatsoever
lol you know this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvbWLfr-Z4s
another dome production from muthesius uni kiel http://www.alienaction.de/
its good to have this site back. it was a strange feeling looking at the yellow box with red text the last few days :)
or the problem is related to the database migration. we'll see. but i can say. nothing lis lost so far... we have to complete database backed up.
yes, there are some weird pages... there might be some changes in tikiwiki which are responsible for that...i'll check that tommorow
my browse shows that http://f.hatena.ne.jp/dot_dot/20061123031413 I also test Firefox,but it shows same results.
oh sorry. I say about this page http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=users
did you have any non latin charactern in there?
I think user page has bug yet
shoutbox has now a bigger textarea and is left aligned...
thanks. good help
oh sorry its called "Cons (Spreads)"
cons (value) does the job
?? Stallone doesn't do what I want when concatenating 2 spreads of unequal length. What should I use?
it streams perfectly...
please tell me if it streams well... im experimenting with the quality
some silly stuff im doing: http://www.elektromeier.net/pmwiki/index.php?n=Blog.News
Well, he isn't eating them..Frank said: a little (very straight) game "help the dancing girl"
hey what is the guy doing with the mushroom on that screenshot?
hehe - really some time ago that i had a blue screen. bud a few minutes ago v4 did the goal :)
probably known: http://www.fogscreen.com/
my new desktop: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GD4SR25OMLc
this looks familiar?: http://guides.macrumors.com/Gallery_of_Gesture_User_Interface_Patent grrr
gestaltet & generiert : DeinLieblingsgestalter website relaunch --- www.DeinLieblingsgestalter.de
something i currently working on: http://youtube.com/watch?v=3YJFA3xAVJs
make your fridge a goldberg machine: http://www.firebox.com/index.html?dir=firebox&action=product&pid=514
no sry@ ele - it was not my lemur...
255/17=15 65535/17=3855 (16^8-1)/17=252645135 (16^(2n)-1) mod 17 = 0
@david I'm a newbie. I'll use the vvvvorum btw, shouting's been helpful for me as a newbit. thx
shoutbox is a box to shout... ok, the input textarea is too small. i'll fix that. But if you want to discuss things, please use the vvvorums...
what about the sensiivty and latency? good?
yeah. i would buy one if it would be possible to do your own interfaces... and when its a bit more less expensive. then you goz one yourself?
favorite blogger of the day: Lucas Cueni http://linkingin.blogspot.com/ http://flashingin.blogspot.com/
mmmh.. sounds good thas was my first idea too.- but i think they don´t want it atm..
plugins can provide their own custom multiinput interface to the lemur. think of the license fees they could earn ;-)
i think lemur could make a lot of money by just a adding a standart vga input and provide a pcside multiinput touch gui library that can be used by software developers.
What's the best way to display outputted multiline ascii text in vvvv?
and yes, please better shoutbox!! thx
I solved the XSLT thing. Tidy patch comes up Doctype Mode=Auto. Adds bad line to the html (at least according to the XSLT patch). Use Doctype Mode="None'
ai. this shoutbox-thing is ugly. bigger, better, uncentered, and scalable, please.
hey headquarters, i had to do some nasty max/msp stuff the last weeks... the grass is greyer on this side. btw: did some doku on my upgraded "brickquencer" - see http://www.fleg.de/projects/brickquencer/ htt
When I try to select html in my XSLT node, I get an error. html not defined in DTD. Resolve externals complainsXML Error: -1072898018 on line 4:8 Use of default namespace declaration attribute in DTD not supported .
yeah, but maybe there is a possibiltiy to use only the hardware of the lemur (the touchscreen) - but i think there are no drivers available.. and the lemur is to much expensive to try such things ;)
@woei Thanks.
@ele: talked to a guy from jazzmutant. it's not possible to display own stuff, since the graphics are generated inside the lemur itself. but maybe someone finds a way to hack its mini-pc inside
@rphoenix help on these nodes is working. for further reading Link
Can someone point me to an example of XPATH or XSLT usage?
anybody ever opened a lemur? is it possible to display your own stuff on the display?
added a short tutorial how to connect a lemur device to vvvv: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=Lemur
parutiful: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-shZs2I4E4
known, but one of the best for anyone who is into computer graphics: http://miszalok.de/Lectures/Index_of_Lectures.htm
i'll end, where I'm always ending: black&white. gray is fine, too.
line rider james bond: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcu8ZdJ2dQo
vvvv on ircnet
not sure if the irc channel is still used... i had some troubles to get into the server some time ago i tried it,
some users have provided their emailadress on their userpage. if not just ask. i know also a few vvvv guys on skype
you can send your fan a message here. http://vvvv.org/messu-mailbox.php
eyeToy for PS3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwwbkzEACws
Is there a way to communicate directly with another fan?
ok i am convinced of using xslt to compute the checklist module. it is a bit faster and of course the same module works with strings as well. http://vvvv.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=964 http://vvvv.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=966
Thanks, will do
just hit the small grey square labeled with "E" on the right side of your post!
How can I edit posts in forums?
MidiNote patch doesn't read notes for me. I have the midi port free for vvvv use, I plugged the keyboard in before starting vvvv, Channel is 0-15, Note is 0-127, patch is enabled, and vvvv knows the correct port.
thx woei. finally somebody who take XSLT as a real alternative. :-) i thought about this approach too, but i reject it because string handling is usually a bitlame in vvvv. i have to test it.
thats where that fiducial tracker comes from... i really like the design part of that table with that transparent blocks! and circles...
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