@badur: did you try another zip prog? http://vvvv.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=6828
I am a first time VVVV user, and tried to download the zip of Beta 11, but it is corrupt. I have tried many times, even with other versions, and it won't work. Has anyone else experienced this?
this is all going to make sense: http://www.boingboing.net/2006/10/17/linux_announced_for_.html
rainbow fractal sucks... :)
"mathematical imagery" : http://www.josleys.com/
@bjoern: da hast du wohl den gleichen gedanken gehabt... :)
@ gregsn: da warst du wohl schneller
Wow Kalle, that is some nice hot stuff.. build your own oscilator.
you know the Rubens Tube? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpovwbPGEoo&eurl=
online-sequencer http://www.splicemusic.com/
@oschatz cant wait for that to arrive! And a plugin would be amazing!
do we really wat to use software from these guys: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc4MzqBFxZE ?
finally http://store.artlebedev.com/catalog/computer_add-ons/optimus-mini-three/ but not http://www.artlebedev.com/everything/optimus/ yes, vvvv needs the upcoming plugin interface: http://optimus.artlebedev.com/download/OptimusMiniProtocol.doc
@sanch - yeah, but to l8 to watch your performance. we arrived at around 1 o`clock.
@math.random: you was there last saturday?
i guess he did not... nice guy...
@David. Haha - he hasn't spent much of his $$ on his website has he?
doings 3d stuff may result into sucess http://www.jawed.com/ have a look to his software section...
and the first part of it http://ccp.vo.llnwd.net/o2/video/fanfest/10-Reynir.wmv
yeah, i'm addicted to EVE for quite some while, mainly because of the excellent use of dx graphics...check out this 'educational' movie http://ccp.vo.llnwd.net/o2/video/fanfest/11-HalldorFannar.wmv
ok, @sanch guest list: gregsn, joreg, math.random, tonfilm +freind +girlfriend... ;)
hehe - you got it wrong - i have a sleeping place for one person in berlin mitte - but i don't have a place on the guest list for you. so, my offer: a bed for one or two persons until monday - just drop me a mail at 7eitl0atgmx.net. greetings andreas
yea ok, i know a bed there. you have to put us at the guest list!
hi leute, falls einer von euch auf das pixelfestival nach berlin will und noch keinen schlafplatz hat - ich bite einen an. schreibt kurz eine email: 7eitl0atgmx.net
i sleep at a friend place , i think you can ask gregor or joreg if you need a bed
@sanch, maybe i come, i am in hannover atm... where do you sleep in berlin?
soldering iron plotter: http://www.we-make-money-not-art.com/archives/009026.php
a will perform around 11h I hope to see the bestboy ;)
li will have a gig there tomorow . i´m not announced because i know it just right now http://www.pixelfestival.de/
Wicked game, dude, but it is just compensation for when I am clean...
http://mrjiggmin.com/the_game_of_disorientation.php the game of disorientation
marius watz has create a imagesticher code for proceesing , who works for v4 too with the writer grid module http://workshop.evolutionzone.com/2006/10/11/code-imagestitcherpde/
BTW, anyone used quest3d yet? http://www.quest3d.com/
nice. I like the adjustment principle:http://www.mersive.com/offerings/products/tabid/85/Default.aspx
I´d like to have this one: http://www.vis.uky.edu/HiResDisplay/
Hey ampop did you get my message?
really funny this line rider.. could be a cool interactive game for kids
@max: already seen it ;) it's funny
@ampop: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/40255643/ (via joreg)
I'd rather go for a pixelblaster: http://www.panoramtech.com/products/pixelblaster.html
@sanch: looks like this one: http://www.glassworks.co.uk/search_archive/jobs/alexander_mcqueen/index.shtml. trivial, but pretty
search works again...
god damn search grrr.
MIT physics engine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZNTgglPbUA&eurl=
oO the search function is broken..
i want the same : http://www.3dscreen.ramboll.com/
cool thing gregsn, exactly what i needed to deform my libelle in the flight
still... When i will see you mr milo?
ahhhh.. mr. sanch is still alive...
i will perform in turin for http://www.clubtoclub.it/ onoxo will be there to
wow that grid deformer is very very cool... i want one too!
Sweet work m8!! Posted some comments.
i fixed the final vb controller for vvvv its in the patches section, its the zip labelled "FIXED", let me know if you use it!
neee, icke war schon zu lang nich mehr da... @u7: bin beeindruckt!
klingt nach nem zu langen berlin urlaub...
gehts dir gut kalle ? ;)
»Hm, was machsten da?« »Na ja, ick weeß ooch nich jenau, wie det jeht! Du?« »Nö!« »Dann mach ick ma weiter.« »Na, dann mach ma weiter!«
did anybody see my visual basic vvvv controller patch? anybody want to help me improve it?
generative news: http://infolab.northwestern.edu/project.asp?id=40
"If the automobile had followed the same development cycle as the computer, a Rolls-Royce would today cost $100, get a million miles per gallon, and explode once a year, killing everyone inside."
in it's aesthetic very interesting structures deriving from dried water: www.wasserstelle.de/gal_emoA.htm
yes. No more dancing with the hands on the light switch likein those 1985 school parties.
thats true, wow!!
@ sagishi: vvvvery nice m (_ _) m
so you still can stay proud ,) ...just read your message for the integer problem, its true, you allways have to reload your patch if you connect to a new non-integer pin... but thats easy, ctrl+s and ctrl+r in your projects root patch will do this quickly
LOL, and I was so proud to have figured it out myself :(
@west there are allready two button modules with help file using the Intersect nodes in the current release...
i'v posted that to the tricks thread...
@tonfilm: OH! thx! i confirm gregsns method. didn't realize this. but you have to save and reload first.
@ Kalle, I know (got that one in Rico's ;) ) @ Tonfilm, connecting anything else to that spread makes the values become ehh.. non-integer again.
@West: "my" forceInteger-trick can also be filled with a spread and passes the spread through. but the range of the "white" I (Spread) has to fit. or what do you mean?
@west, a simple GetSlice connected to nowhere will do it..
nono, safe and relaod, you'll see..
@tonfilm: from my experience you have to connect the Integer-type node LAST; sadly this is NOT reliable after reloading :-(
And what ' integer' node passes the value so I can use it to fill a spread with? (so I can use the spread for some numbered presets)
to force an IOBox to integer, you just have to connect it to an integer pin before anything else, after reload the connection order will be reversed, so that it will be integer, gregsn told me that once..
@diki: i already wrote this: very good and clean patching for a newbie! one little hint for your module you find here: http://vvvv.org/tiki-download_forum_attachment.php?attId=673 keep up posting! nice to have you here!
Thank you electro, always wanted to try that, will post when I have some results.
made a little tutorial for blender export for those who want to try; http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=elektromeier+TutorialBlender
DRM antispot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryXDhXqR-SE
anyone knows how to export ,x files with SUBSETS with blender?
otherwise the wouldn't belong here...so the answer is a yes
are the two art+com projects made with vvvv?
Elektro and others, feel free to share some: http://vvvv.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=10623&topics_threshold=0&topics_offset=0&topics_sort_mode=lastPost_desc&topics_find=&foru...
universe = brain: http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/Pickover/pc/brain-universe.html
hey benno !!!
west, cool idea with that tricks!
funny, just yesterday i cooked a romanesco cauliflower with a cheese sauce (very tasty!) and told the children of my girlfriend something about the counts of fibonacci...
romanescu deformer http://www.fourmilab.ch/images/Romanesco/
he West, there is InputMorph (Color) to switch colors... ;)
your second ass http://latteier.com/prostheticass/
yep. & re.
milo @ work :)
Feel sad? http://ateaseweb.com/extra/creep/
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