ich habe sogar etwas konkretes damit vor! Näheres am Montag
ich hoffe, du hast dir auch vvvv runtergeladen ;)
Moin ampop Ich hab mich endlich mal angemeldet
:D ---v
Hi elektromeier. Sorry, my mistake. After reading that U7angel said "who is doing them", and you answered "me", I thought that he was talking about George Michael visuals. (english is not my native language)
dxdiag didn't find problems
but 9.2 and 9.10 work!!
directX reinstalling didn't help
system restore didn't help
110 can't help
call 110?
vvvvdevs! need urgent help!
but i has nothing to do with the george michal stuf?!?
Thats great!
nice vvvv installation, Bild:Muell by takiscope: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCBchh7p2Ok
congrat on the George Michael visuals, elektromeier =)
so i f you like to try out i would be happy to see if the right managment works. there allready some patches up!
u7angel: i finally managed to set up my hamachiserver right. got a new 400gb hd to fill up :)
Wish you'd done that before I bought a new ATI card, Lost texture mirrors got depth buffer!
i just patched the Writer (EX9.Screenshot NRT).v4p module. find it under patching ques -> nrt writer depthbuffer problem. now it's possible to render with depthbuffer and antialiasing on all grafic cards !!!
Sorry wrong upload section. Its to illustrate my problem in vorum
sweet libelle..who is doing them ?
i've been watching some of the George Michael stuff on youtube, and will def. go to see in London..
thanks sebastian! it was only up for 3 days but worked out very nicely.. I'm really loving VVVV.
hi dominic, looks very cool. i moved your images to the users gallery http://vvvv.org/tiki-browse_gallery.php?galleryId=7
i've lost them now. Which gallery were they in and i'll delete them. Sorry.
could you please move them?
hey dommeruk you upoaded your pics to the wrong gallery
good job Meso on the GM stuff!
wicked job i guess, i'm jelious ;)
and it looks really BRIGHT!
nice rainbow colors for georgie ;)
we were just consulted to do the audio reactive stuff
I like the doorway! Are you touing with him?
some youtube videos of saturday's george michael concert featuring vvvv on giant led wall: http://del.icio.us/opampop/George
i like these boys: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWtaGn9kg2U&mode=related&search=
Boygroup Reloaded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhDH5LvoGxM
or simply delete your cockies.
nope. log out, login agian without checking the "remember me" option, logout and then login again with "remember me" enabled. this should shorten the list
116 post since your last visit and the list is getting longer and longer...is this meant to be like that ?
@Florito, I also have an Arduino (for 2 weeks now) interested in sharing info!! :)
yeah its really well done...
cool link elektromeier!
yeah Zepi, winroll rules!
(rolls patch-windows in its title-bar on rightlick. handy in combination with Ctrl+T)
this tool works great with patch-windows: http://www.palma.com.au/winroll/
Waiting to hook up Arduino to VVVV...
Thanks for fixing the search I missed it!
you will now get a notice if you have unread messages when you are logged in.
site search fixed. sorry for the inconvenience!
insane :)
@elektromeier . 4 screens playing one seemless video, no surround ;)
hey natale what kind of surround projection are you working on?
both from underneath
kewl progress bar ! IR cam underneath and IR light from above ?
klar... aber für nen artikel über interfaces hättense ruhig nen schöneren nehmen können
also da hab ich shcon unordentlicheres gesehn- bei weitem =)
zugegeben: der gezeigte patch ist sehr unordentlich.
"Es muss ja nicht so hässlich sein wie bei vvvv, aber hier geht man wenigstens den Weg einer konsequenten Abstraktion von Vorgängen und Zuständen."
what a compliment... ;)
the x-ray effect looks even better in amovie... can you send me over your modifications? and cool remixes too!
psp anyone? http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=UserPagejoreg here is how to control your patches wirelessly via the psp.
who's going to solve the Midi Scratch riddle? See forum post MidiController and FileStream
i did a remix too. I love elektromeier's patch!
couldnt resist...elektromeier's patch with the certain u7angel touch :) http://www.muthesius-dmi.de/generativ/synapse/synapse.html
ouch! a broken search engine is painful for a vvvvery addicted newbie like me ;) Please fix it soon thanks! thanks
nono. it is officially broken. see some shouts below.
Am I the only one experiencing the broken search function on this site? Please Help!
I more prefer this keyboard ;) http://kamelopedia.mormo.org/index.php/Kölsch-Taste
I like the idea behind this keyboard. http://www.computerbase.de/news/hardware/peripherie/eingabegeraete/2005/august/sieht_tastatur_zukunft/ http://www.artlebedev.ru/everything/optimus/
cool x-ray effect
the search is not working on this site!
midi scratch help needed on the forum
@elektromeier...ur cellknot thingi is looking very kewl
filestream>videotexture> quad>renderer(ex9)
what is the most simple video file playback patch out there ? I can't figger out how to playback video
i see... thought i can do this without a loopback device... thx.
you'll need a midi loopback device. filestream->midiout (to the loopbackdevice). then use the ordinary midiinput nodes to receive data on the loopback-device. see?
ok sorry i am a noob. how to convert the midi data in an DirectShow stream so that i can use them as control data (finally goes out via DMX)? dont wanna use midisequencer btw.
oh just have seen that filestreams midiout is a direct show stream... so thats a bit ccomplictaed but possible
or stream via your favorite midisequencer into vvvv.
yes try the filestream node!
vvvvorum not working, so i am shouting: is it posible to get midi data out of a midi file in vvvv?
You made even flowers look scary, compliments!! (also on that BeatStreet) achh.. need to upload some usefull stuff too someday..
please stop the flowers. otherwise a i cant sleep tonight!
BeatStreet (Animation).zip (32.24 Kb)
check out my beatcounter
more nice work Elektromeier!
im currently working on some subpatches to make stuff like this but moe variable...
if you replace the textures with some flowers for example it looks less scary :)
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