glad you like looks like a mh german word is "darm" cheche ;)
Wow!! Even more scary!! Very awesome I am going to use it as a screensaver.
the new one should work and includes the subpatches
mhh yes download again
Wow, nice work, looks freaky!! :) (missing the ComputeLenght2 and SetRGB subppatches)
oops uploaded a non working version... if it doesnt work, download again!
my cellknot patch is finally up. have fun!
vj tool for game boy advanced!
sfyfex, thx for shaders. sobel doesnt seem to work for me
give me time until next week with the site search. this is weird! thanks anyways
simple slideshow module:
the site search doesnt work anymore.
kalle check your private message
looks like they just do the tracking in 4v, the rest in processing...
Build your Multi-Touch using VVVV (see software) who did this??
more multitouch stuff here:
Multitouch Interface, very cool demo, talks OSC:
kalle, just read your private message you sent me months ago...
just found: arduino mini:
yeah! currently reading the rules of guinnes world records about riding virtual rollercoasters :)
i love rollercosters!
you can also connect the "up" from the moving triad to the "up" of the lookat to get a more dynamic movement. however often this is too much? or you can use it together with parallelepiped. but it will be more chaotic...
but you can change that by putting something else at the lookat pin
thx. the camera is mounted on the rollercoaster car. it always looks in front.
its cool!!is it difficult to adpat so that the cameraangle follows the path... like a heading?
thx gregsn for that camerapath patch ill ceck it out now
and also in the galleries listview theres no upload icon for usermodules
@david: but this user module gallery doesnt apear on the upload image form. or is "User Project"?
thx for updating wavespread :) who did it?
cool modules too!
oops... where to upload images of modules?
Cool shots again elek!
milky check your inbox.
whats the purpose of fun ? ;)
thanks milky. this is a really simple patch with renderer clear=0 im not sure about the colors a little bit to funky maybee...
screenshots are amazing!
Triptychon ist wohl ein objekt das aus 3 teilen besteht..
thanks ampop! i just made a similar patch - the only way to learn aye?!
@dzark: the "PerfMeter" module that comes with vvvv
love the supanova! what FPS counter are you using?
seids ihr schon im FL? 10 lies told to naive designers
I posted in reply to you elektromeier.
damn, this wasnt the search box :)
i'm looking for a good online store selling faulhaber servos...anyone ?
btw, i looks that new postings in the module section of the forum dont apear under "last posts in vvvvorum"
Only seems to happen more often for me when I do a large cut and paste, then undo...
@Datafox I've had that too, didnt fid a good solution either!
VVVV won't shutdown when i press the powerbuttonof the pc...
maybe you like it: and get some ideas
another multi-touchscreen:
did a vbs writing to a file, and vvvv reading it by poll. but my GDI renderer is taking 100% for nothing :s
what about OSC ?
anyone knows an easy way to send a string to a vvvv patch ? (TCP server, text file polling ...)
hornmassive can't bend physics, so you'll only have fun when there's no wind. but looks nice for sure.
re;hormassive must be great if your sitting the other side of a valley from it! Looks ultra long throw!
does anybody have experience with the behringer bcr2000 midi device? please check forum. pretty unsatisfying results so far...
Newest waste of time…
that appeared on dvorak's blog :)
weird. My co-worker tonight told me about this as a photoshop gag his friend did.
another multipurpose toolkit:,20036,1145810_1304110,00.html
eesh, sorry that shot was almost as ugly as my screenshots ;>
just found a neat glitch technique: lfo->switch->ord2enum->blendmode and lfo->map->backbuff width. see screenshots.
Ahh cool! I think I may have been complicating matters somewhat! Cheers!
@cat: kringel3.v4p (23.96 Kb)
@EleK I've been looking at those tendrils in processing too, I feel they should be easy but.....
hi, there was a patch here, where a cam is tracking a square, moving on the flat plane and creating a cool texture on that plane. does any of you know where or which patch this was? thx
seen all that tendrils done with processing id like to try something similar with v4 :)
ampop: was me. kalle: what does that glove sense exactly?
i just ordered a P5 Dataglove for 119,-Euro which are supposed to send out MIDIdata with Rejoice i just can't await it and i couldn't wait to tell you all!
who did the nice kringels?
yeah. i want to invite everybody to contribute on the node reference pages.
@panopticon: i updated this page in the node reference.
bah, I need to understand ArbitraryPoint better to make that perlin thing work. any good tutes other than the helpfile? googling for Kelvin-Helmholtz images is nice
@leinwandler: what browser are you using? with firefox it works well.
@eno : this long exposure things is nice
is there a bug? in galeria the button "new post" doesn`t work...
of course. as sanch said its a grid with perlin noise. with "long exposure", i.e. the renderer is not cleared
i think it´s the grid with some perlin noise on differerrent transformation and a multiply blend mode , or maybe a vertex shader. But the autor can say it himself
agreed on the screenshots. I would love to know how those are done, I'm trying to do something just like that right now.
nice new screenshots of the day... looks a bit like ink dissolving in water
dell laptops:
Cool vids u7! I must get down to my local dome again Change the thread of vvvv, and even run 2 copies in separate threads....
really nice visual
combination of video and realtime..cinema/afx/vvvv
quite nice... is the background (the water scene) with the bubbles done in v4 or in AE?
ich² videos online..little excerpt:
indeed, ventuz has this feature and we are using it as an endless encoder for a big human treadmill
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