i don´t think, will be a cool feature for interface
any way to get continous mouse scrollwheel input into vvvv ?
psp2midi http://e-mu.org/ vvvvery interesting!
someone coming to the games convention ? i'm working at the microsoft booth, happy meet ppl from the vvvv community
ups, i'll fix that now
hey woei, cool idea that setrenderer module but it doesnt work. its all empty!
up to 15Ghz, open source & delphi: http://gpu.sourceforge.net
milky sory for the delay. we are quasi working on a reply...
That will ve very cool, and the low cost development license is very appealing. Does the Wii include distribution of games as well? joreg: i havent heard any responce to messaging you or emailing the vvvv team
definitely. and it seems nintendo is going a more interesting way http://games.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/08/15/162221 not sure though whether one can devel for their platform as well
well money aside, its still a cool idea no?
and you need to subscribe not only as developer - but also to use the stuff. very moft.
from the article: "The tools will be available in trial form from 20 August and there is a $99 (£55) annual subscription." hahahaha
this would be awesome for sharing vvvv works http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4789809.stm
INTEL / AMD some interesting 2Core Benchmaks: http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/cpu/display/core2duo-shootout.html
@tao, this faulhaber stepmotor stuff looks intersting. looking forward to read more about it
What kind of video-source would you use for making ambilight on a windows mediacenter?
try with UDP... ?
Is it possible to flush the tcp-ip buffer to be able to send a string through tcp-ip immediatly ?
nice video http://www.apple.com/pro/profiles/takagi/
@max - i hadnt even noticed myself - cheers for the heads up :)
popularity of programming languages by O'Reilly: http://radar.oreilly.com/archives/2006/07/state_of_the_computer_book_mar_4.html
hey, rand is in the news: http://dataisnature.com/?p=329 / http://svvvvn.blogspot.com/
"Time Manipulation Fountain" http://cre.ations.net/creation/44
@quest: i dont think so, but you can make vvvv start your patch on execute, also contact vvvvgroup about Player-Licensing
Does anyone know if its possible to compile a vvvv patch to windows exe?
how can i set the treshold of a value in animation modules output? thanks solanina
interesting: "all structures that exist mathematically exist also physically" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultimate_ensemble
one of the best foto portfolios ever: http://www.ohlsson.de/dimitri/advertising/DIMITRIDANILOFF.html
you're thirteen?! http://www.ifilm.com/ifilmdetail/2665474?htv=12
Tablescape Plus http://www.hc.ic.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp/project/tablescape/system.html
@bjoern: thats cool!
but again, was was the semantic difference between FIFO and Queue? if there isnt any, i´fd prefer the "advanced" tag
FiFo sounds good...
@tonfilm: the name is really badly chosen. I think FiFo (Value) would be better. I should rename it
fine here too, but i would prefere the name Queue (Value Advanced)
@kalle: I didn't use the I (Spreads Legacy). Maybe some messup. I'll check. Thanx for the info. Edit: I've downloaded the zip file and everything checks out fine... anybody else has a broken I (Spreads)?
@ampop: both queue modules have a broken link to the I (Spreads Legacy) module. in general its difficult to nest a module inside a module.
catweasel, check messages...
@mila - hahaha, thats hard thats hard ... fuking real life
@math. brilliant interface helper !
I wonder when there will be photoshop for real life :P
thank god.. there is photoshop... http://www.fluideffect.com/ just click on after / before
@math: this features in vvvv would be great. timesaver deluxe!
here you can download that addon if you are a max user too - http://nat.imeem.com/blogs/areO4MEW
cool shit - i would like to see that feature in vvvv ;) - http://www.studioimaginaire.com/nat/maxtoolbox/box2.mov
very useful: http://www.sendspace.com
magnets http://www.hfml.science.ru.nl/levitate.html strawberries http://www.hfml.ru.nl/pics/Movies/strawberry.mpg other science http://www.improb.com/ig/ig-pastwinners.html
are u a geek with cold hands? http://www.usbgeek.com/prod_detail.php?prod_id=0356
are u a geek and like coffee? http://www.usbgeek.com/prod_detail.php?prod_id=0195
oh i see :)
yep, cool stuff
Wow, some great ideas for patches here (and all done in Flash) http://levitated.net/daily/index.html
@david I think the same is happening to me, the site remebrs me, but the post since list is getting bigger!
@milkytreat: are you logged in with remeber function? that way your session is never destroyed
a propos real life: David Szafranski - http://www.davidszafranski.com/index.html
im using opera 9, the fan club page doesnt seem to change my last visit... the new posts is starting to pile up and ive read them
@oschatz WOW!
real life: John Powers: http://johnpowers.us/installation/roe_c.html
Eiger is not a general-purpose operating system. It can't run games,...designed for customers who want more security and manageabilit.. security sux!
Code-named 'Eiger' http://www.microsoft-watch.com/article2/0,2180,1815438,00.asp
sympathy for the developer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fV1kqthZf2g&search=vista%20windows
nice stuff: http://www.webblick.de/indexEN.html
beta11.1 so nice!!
kayokay. sorry again for my stupid hickup. fixed beta11.1 will be up in a minute. note to self: testtesttesttesttesttesttest
i love the new "feature" of the root patch. saves lots of time and confusion!
uh. seems all rendering with effects is broken in beta11. sorysory..
Thanks, really cool...for u7angel and milo
sorry...meant for xavi :/
for sure @ xavi.. its a normal way to track movements.. you can write your own in a pixelshader.. or try a little bit around with the trauntner node..
Ideas...i've got two similars images..i just want to know what pixels are differents betweeb them to render a new image with this pixels in one color. It's possible?
@bjoern: awesome
nice picture from 3d blender:http://www.blender3d.org/cms/typo3temp/pics/0dab032276.jpg
"print" on water surface http://www.pinktentacle.com/2006/07/device-uses-waves-to-print-on-water-surface/
milo: have u tried it? i've just downloaded it and i don't get it. i cannot do anything.
vvvv for kids: http://www.bloppwelt.de/
sodoku too easy? try euler's quads: http://www.wissenschaft-online.de/blatt/d_verlag_euler
How do you get the jpg errors? I love glitch ; )
you will need * (Transform), first input is your transform, second the inverse rotation of the cam
How to make grid to LookAt camera always (like orient to camera in AE)?
Thanks again! I missed the fact GetSlice accepts Spreads as Index
to build a texure Stallone you will need Cons (EX9.Texture) some GetSlice(Node) and I (Spreads)...
... and thanks kalle! :)
I need Stallone for Dx9.Texture. Or maybe there is some workaround?
@Nek: or go here: http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=kalle-Modules-Value and use Int (Value).v4p. but be cautious. under some circumstances its not reliable. The thing West mentioned only works till saving/reloading.
@Nek: to force an IO Output to Integer use Frac (Value) . to force an Input connect your IO to the spradecount of e.g. a LinearSpread and connect a Count (Value) to the spread's Output. works only for >0.
it works! thnks a lot
Nope, that is also on my Wishlist. Try and connect an IObox to a Switch first, that will for force integer.
Is there any way to make IOBox (Value Advanced) to show only integers?
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