only editors should now have access to the history function.
history works again for me!
You want something nice for your Garden? buy the Football Globe Germany but: Software not included!
hey guys - look at this:
When the string is longer, you need a second universe I think, or I could make switch, not sure yet. Will Rebuild it soon.
however it could turn out to be impossible to make a module outof it
Realswitch is the hammer
@West: btw.: what happens if the string is longer than 255 chars?
@West: Fine, your ArtNet Send/Rerceive Thingi. but i'd suggest you staying nearer to the naming conventions: e.g.: Text (Network Artnet Sender).v4p
i see...this is funky, just one need to make a real module out of this
@u7angel: look in the shoutbox history. eno doesn.t have tim for putting this on his userpage.
real switch ?
@eno: WOW! the real switch is great! and very useful for big patches.
that is quite hiden. i liked the old sollution much better.
hi joreg - just look on the left top of the fan club page ...... ### Although we encourage you to register, you can post to the forum by loging in as "guest" with password "guest".###
I love the new design, congrats
are we missing the guest login button or can i just not find it?
good job, david
joa servus... thanks to everybody who contribute to the new vvvviki... heppa!
Niiiiiiice site update!
great looking redesign, great work again!
ever experienced, that parts of your patch consume a lot of computational power, although you are not using them? this switch actually disconnects the node connections.
this is on purpose. resize your window and it will apprear on the rightplace again.
shoutbox now on the left below everything else...need to scroll down to find it (IE)
very nice design. classy.
Lots off other user don't have pictures as well, it is just a tag fopr centre, but I will try.
hi west, there seems to b e strange formatting in your image tags. Check other images for comparison.
Site Looks great, congrats :) All Pictures on userpage are gone (??)
quicktime plugin now installed!
just looking that fine new thing on someone elses pc with IE 6.0 - looks pretty strange ?!? btw.: congrats!!!
Trop beau le nouveau site !!! C'est une tuerie. Bravo!!
design fucks up when resizing firefox smaller---
@gregsn probably from gallery scrrenshots of the day. screenhots are that big for this gallery....
hoppa! quicktime plugin comes tomorrow!
if you like vvvv go and digg it:
thumb=1 doesn't work as expected on Wave Simulation
what about quicktimes?
and probably fan club.. gonna fix that tommorow. dont have access here...
all pages work, expect the startpage...
ok it is the screenshots plugin. does not break the line after 3 images. this causes the layout to be damaged. can you try a different page like
xp pro sp2, all updates btw.
its not only the borders. everything is "verwurschtelt"
IE 6 and previous version does not support dotted borders. looks dashed instead.
With IE 7 everything except the screenshot plugin works just fine
layout probs:which IE version are u (u7agle) using?
download section logon probelem is fixed now. was a permission problem
ie really seems less then optimal. and why do i have to logon to enter the download section? (always with ie)
by the way: have a look at
the banner picture is pixelated...looks like resized somehow
yeah looks brilliant..unfortunatelly the page layout is fucked in microsoft explorer
cool header too!
great!! so cool!!
i really like the black logo
ho ho
hey hey
hey hey ;o)
congrat david, clap clap, clap
vvvvelcome to the new page guys!
this looks so good, good job
there is a bug
wooww it´s cool
emergency, paging dr david!
fan club ! woww
freepp? #vvvv?
ya. your font for the subline is better
skype? anybody?
the box or the line that noone can see?
if you want the text then the thin line like now
can we try my suggestion from the vorum?
with text it is the best one
not bad but i don't need the additional text
next one is gonna be my favorite
what do you think?
next one?
hmm i like the white box more
there it is
can you also try my new one (from the forum)?
we are trying with the logos. no set solution yet. i will call you guys soon.
on the website the logo doesn't need an explanation line inside...
Downloads seems to be corrputed
shoutbox emties it containin string only once now! Before it lost its value by loosing focus
die FAQ sind total schön geschrieben und die extra seiten für screenshots of the day mit passendem titel sind auch super
hast du durchgemacht? oh mann...
ich muss jetzt ungeding schlafen. rufe morgen an sobald ich im büro bin (morgens) ich hoffe wir könenn online gehen. hehe
sevus joreg
heh. schöne shotsoftheday lösung. ohne flash gehts auch. danke.
search works now!
jo. sehr guat. paar details. vvvv bitte immer klein, oder immer gross schreiben. bitte keine fallunterscheidungen.
@joreg schau mal auf die Executive FAQ?
search does not work
hey ho let´s go
joreg: Nice... Der lauf der dinge - im wald? :) (Hope that made sense, I'm not too good at german :)
@zecko: nice. although the generic HID node is still somehow only on the wishlist. sell stuff for similar things
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