tried to rotate a texture by the pitch, to achieve a behavior similar like rotating plane-mapping in an 3D app. but ... not.
will i get around frankfurt okay as an english speaker if i fly out to node17?
forget link to"of people and bsplines". deleted.lot of vrs.video_mix with vvvv. WOW I LOVE THIS
@metrowave there is a "making of"
@bjoern, I'm guessing: it's a 3D printed fibres, slit-lit, zootroop ;) very intriguing
of people and b_splines:
welcome @furek5
Related to rulr
hi, new here :)
C# 7.0 looking really sexy
@mrboni: also see here here
thanks Joreg
@mrboni should be this: transparency#the default blend mode
eg - final color = src color * src alpha + dest color * (1-src alpha)
what is the blending equation used in the basic dx11 blend node? I'm trying to recreate using the advanced one
there is a book about blockchain implementation with c# ... that would make a great node set ?
we have a new jobs category in the forum: (sorry for bringing up all those old offers)
@tmp bämm! good work.
dx11.particles released now. have fun :) dx11.particles
Grab a fucking beer, broh, sit your ass down and watch "evvvvil + OddJohn's Generative Show" Made in vvvv.
@milo I'm weird but not so weird - no - I only search coffee every morning
@ceeyaa: i heard of a guy once whos searching the whole internet about the term "spread" every morning - was that you?
@CeeYaa and it even runs at 60fps! hmmmmm SPREADABLE
@joreg excellent
@manuel there'll be an open call!
@joreg i have a live AV proposal for node... what should I do ?
@matka it's all in the works..
Has anyone used a 3rd sensor with Oculus to get 360 view? just wondering if worth the £79
node 17 please sell a poster that has the names of all nodes ,I would buy that :)
@tonfilm looks tasty!
don't want to panic but how about the tickets for NODE17?
@SFE_Engineering seems cool!
delicious @everyoneishappy
what's new in vvvv_50beta35.2 #vvvv #vl
whats going on under the hood when you sort..
need someone to test that pls
AIR OpenCall: Artists and researchers from DE, working with the issues connected with digital culture.
@mrboni check noodles pack
bezier match not doing it for you? Or do you need GPU specifically?
I meant a gpu version of B-Spline (3D Surface). I only found an approach using bicubic filtering on a texture (dx9 gpuparticles)
@mrboni that would be splinesgpu
@mrboni: ye olde GPU particles from DX9 times ;)
is there some kind of gpu spline surface shader around?
yay, thanks md!
mrboni: actually there is in mp.dx ;)
As if by magic :)
@StiX supa blog, thanks, keep'em coming!
@mediadog please elaborate in the forum..
@mrboni yes if you can wait one or two more weeks
did a dx11 buffer renderer ever appear that allows to render to multiple buffers?
So with 50beta*, did .csproj path define change from $(VVVV45)? Can there be just $(VVVV) that won't?
patchers, vl nerds, coders wanted. write us.. blog about my animation rendering workflow in vvvv! feat. emehshe, vaudio, noodles, ...
Encrypt 3D models to US government standards! bata here:
hello. maintenance reboot at 02:10h should be back at 02:11h.. for 10.944
domain just for €7644 :D
@all removed b35.1 downloads in preparation of a b35.2 fix release. sorry for the inconvenience!
@welovemedia: vvvvelcome!
@joreg, thanks! appreciate the fast help!
@welovemedia: yes, ignore
setup asks for c++ redistributable 2015, but newer version already installed (14.0.23918). anybody knows what to do? ignore?
play #doom on #porsche #911 by driving:
got something to share at #node17? propose a workshop #vvvv #vl
wanna learn something specific at #node17? request a workshop: #vvvv #vl
Zorionak Abrahamovitch!
@gregsn,great update devs, thank you¡.btw i realised today is my 10th anniversary as registered user. time pass by so quickly ;D
this is hot: vvvv50beta35.1
very cool!
vvvv being used to prototype the Haize navigator #motiongraphics
new superphong is out! VSM shadows, performance improvements, spreading fixes etc.
@andres4c. vl has been very naughty...
@beyon keep em comin..
Is it too late to propose workshops?
hap survey:
@andresc4 in the forum click 'all categories' and select tutorials (bottom of the list)
Im looking for the VL tutorial, but I afraid to search again for "vl" on vimeo ...
reminder: evvvveryone please use your likes in the forum to indicate #node17 workshops you'd like to see happen
@colorsound: super cool!
Full time vvvv role to fill in London. link
Converted with AVI Demux, the video plays encoded with x264. Mistery is why the original H264 video don't play !
Hi ! Any clue playing MP4/AVC in filestream ? tested both x86 & x64 ffdshow installed. VLC filestream is no way! Thx by advance
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